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Christian Goth

Well it's time for some revising of my webpage... I will be online more often now, I hope to stay... But no one knows the future... I am inviting my boyfriend to help me with this and the message board, because his input will be very helpfull... If you would like to e-mail me I'm sure to respond in a more timely fashion...
Angel Miette

Chat and Message Boards: A Listing of places to go and talk with like minded people...

Global Gothic Connection: A place where we can find others where we live to talk to...

Books: These are some of my favorites...

Music: These are bands... (if you're looking for a lot of different types of bands go to the Website page)

Poetry: Poetry by myself and other Christian Goths...

Websites: These are informational sites and Personal pages of Christian Goths...

E-Mail me at: