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The Engine Patch

This page is devoted to the stationary engine collection that we have.

I will be adding more pictures and links as soon as I can.

This is the one that started it all. This Gilson 1 3/4 hp was our first restoration over fifteen years ago. We got it from a friend of my fathers' who found it in his barn. It is a nice running engine unless it gets caught in the rain.
Unfortunately, my mother, who cannot control her spending made my dad sell this engine in the spring of 2011 to collector Brad McBride who slid under my radar to scoop this engine at an incredibly low price about a third of the engines value. The loss of this heirloom which my dad and I spent many hours of fun restoring and showing has left me with a sense of loss which I don't think I will ever recover from. Duncan

This was our second engine. Another "straight off the farm" engine which was located just over a mile from here. Of course, it is an International LB engine, 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hp. It was a nice, straight forward restoration and runs very well.

This is an Ontario Wind Engine and Pump Company that I bought from another collector and finished in the fall of 1997. At this time I still have to put a gas tank on it and it is ready to run. The former owner sold it to me because he thought it had no compression. All I had to do was tighten the mag bracket. The rest of the restoration was spent fixing parts that were simply worn out from a lot of use.

This is my favorite. It is a 1917 Fairbanks Morse Z 1 1/2 hp and is probably the best running engine that we have. I bought it from another collector in 1995 who had restored it twenty years ago and then got out of engines. I restored it again and hope to purchase more of his collection as he is going to be selling the rest of it very soon.

This is a 1 1/2 hp London engine that I aquired recently. I traded another engine that I had for it. This engine was built by the London Gas & Power Ltd. Co. of London Ont.

This engine was a bit of a sleeper. I was told it did not run and needed work so I got a good deal on it. Once I got it home and got curious, I threw some gas in the carb and it fired right up. All I had to do was clean out the fuel lines and it runs great once you get past the color scheme of black and yellow. It is a 1917 Fairbanks Morse Z 3 hp and I am going to show it this way for a while as it is certainly a conversation piece.

This was the other half of the above deal. It is a 1917 Fairbanks Morse Z 6 hp. It does not run but is complete and came with a clutch pully. It will need a little bit of work but should make a great engine when it is done.

This engine is a real prize to me. It is a Type 1 Massey Harris 2 hp. It was made in approximately 1918 and was found in the bush by the previous owner while hunting several years ago. He is getting out of gas engines and gave me a great deal on this engine because he wants it to stay in the country. He never ran it much so I practicaly had to restore it all over again. When I pulled out of his shed, it was covered in junk and ladders. I built the set of trucks for it and finished the restoration in June of 1999.

I was also going to put up a picture of our 1911 Canadian Beaver Marine engine but my mother made my dad sell it too.