You want to stay in touch with the world wide
Christian Gay community?
You can now join our Christian Gay Email group.
You will be receiving emails from all over the world. Christian gays,
out or in the closet, catholic and protestant, church leaders and people
outside the church... Anyone who wants to, can join and send emails. It is
exciting to hear from Christian Gays at home and on other continents, who go
through similar things as you. You can relate to stories that you hear, find
an open ear and support others.
Main policies
1. Privacy! No one will ever see your email address, if you don't want to.
2. Freedom of speech. You can voice your opinion whatever it is. The only restriction
is: respect. If your email posting does not show respect for either conservative
or liberal gays, your message will not be approved. Please be aware of the
fact that this is not a gay political agenda group, but a group designed for
Christian Gay fellowship.
You can increase your sense of privacy by submitting a "private" email
address, as available from