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Updated 3/22/2007

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Absent Friends
Across The Miles (Thank you, James Titus :-))
Aerith (absolutely beautiful! Contributed by SilverMinnow)
Afternoon Dream
After The Sunrise
Ahead Of Us
Air That I Breathe
Age Of Aquarius (For my Aquarian hubby)
All By Myself(Celine Dion)
All I Ask Of You
All This Night (Guitar)
Almost A Whisper (Yanni)
Alone On The Sea (A haunting tune)
Amazing Love* (Carson Hall)
American Hymn (In memory of 9/11/01)
Angels Dwell Among Us (composed by Haven C. Krueger for his wife, Ruby, whose angel watches over them)
Annie's Song (John Denver)
Aria (Yanni -Live at the Acropolis)
Autumn Leaves
Awakening (A "must hear")

Ayeka (A Japanese tune sent to me by Chris, (Sabor) (Thank you Driver70 for "unzipping it.)

Ballade pour Adeline
Beautiful (Thanks to Paul Johnson - HTML Social NG"
Beautiful Times
Because You Loved Me
Be Still (Simply serene)
Birds Of Morning (If you are interested in some marvelous poetry, please visit "My New Garden Of Poems" whose webmistress kindly allowed me to use this song.)
Bitter Sweet Symphony (Just beautiful)

Book Of Days (Enya)
Braveheart Theme (the best rendition I've heard)
Brian's Song(I always cry when I hear ths one.)
Bring Him Home
Butterfly ( Mariah Carey) (Again, Starman finds it)

Call the Man (For Margaret)
Canta Libre (Neil Diamond)
Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

Caribbean Blue ( Enya)
Caribbean Tune (makes you wanna boogie mon!)

Casper (Thank you Brenda)

(thanks to Mike from Nova Scotia)

Chariots Of Fire! (I used to listen to this sitting by a waterfall.)
A Child's Dream
China Blue
China Roses
Climb Every Mountain (We all climb small hills every day!)
Close To You (It's not THAT song)
Clouds (pretty & peppy)
Color Of The Summer Sky
Colors Of The Wind
Come Lord (Contributed ny James Titus)
Come Sail Away (Thanks to my "Son", HIWAYSTAR)
Conquest of Paradise (For my Brazilian friend, Guido)

Dances With Wolves Theme (I just love the music)
Dance of Tears (From Titanic)
Daybreak (From Roger's Midis )
Day Dream Believer(I know I am!)
Deep Forest (Close your eyes and just imagine.)
Deer Hunter Theme
Diana (That's my name!)
The Doe (Contributed by Silverminnow)
Dreams1 (I Found this one in a foreign language group & loved it!)
Dreams (by Margie Harrell of Llerrah Music and requested by Marsha in loving memory of her son Jeff.)
Dueling Banjos(Paul Johnson on banjo #1)
Dust In The Wind (an oldie but goodie)

Ebb Tide (I love the sound effects)
Enchantment (Enchanting, it is.)
Emmanuel (Positively serene)
Endless Love
End Of Night
Eres Tu (Translation makes no sense but it's a pretty tune)
Europa (Recommended by "The Blue Fox")
Evergreen (Barbra Streisand)
Evening Falls (Enya)
Evening Song (Watching the fireflies)
Everything I Do (I do for you)

Fairytale (by Enya)
Faithfully< /a> (Journey)
Fantasy (A happy little tune.)
Far Away Times
Fernando (Abba)
Fields Of Gold (Sting)
First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Roberta Flack)
Flower Duet
Fly (Requested by Lisa)
Following You
For the Beauty of the Earth (Composed by John Rutter)

For The First Time
Friends In Low Places (Garth Brooks)
From A Distance (truer words were never sung)
From Another Shore
From This Moment On (Shania Twain - requested by Judy.)
From Where I Am (Enya)

The Gift

Give Thanks (Thanks to those who corrected me. I had named it Joyful)

Going Home

Good Friends (How appropriate that this be listed under "Give Thanks")

(Guido's Request)
The Greatest Love Of All (Whitney Houston)

Haiku (Thank you "~BT~".)
Harps Of Angels
Here Comes The Sun

Hero(Mariah Carey)
Hold On To Your Dreams (I do.)
Hot, Hot, Hot (It reminds me of Antigua!)

Humming Chorus (From Madam Butterfly)

I'll Stand By You (Pretenders)
Imagine (Donated by Richard, Cal's Gallery Plus - a truly magical art collection.) Immortality (Simply pretty)
Impossible Dream (As long as you can dream, nothing is impossible!)
In Dreams (Roy Oribson)
In The Air Tonight (Phil Collins)
In This Life (Requested by Leah)
In Your Eyes (That's how hubby makes me feel)
Island Drums (contributed by Nels, "Netcitizen")
Island Of Life (Kitaro - My son played this for me at his wedding and handed me a flower for each year of his life)
Island Of Mystery

Jackie's Strength (A really pretty tune.)
Jewelz Theme (Given to me by my good friend, Jeweleelyn -"hugs")
Just For You (Contributed by Rogers Midis (I will be adding more of Roger's original compositions shortly. Thank you Roger, for allowing me to use them.)

Keeper Of The Stars (Added with permission & thanks to Margi Harrell of LLERRAH Music)
Keys To Imagination (Yanni)
Key Largo
Kiss From A Rose

The Last Song (Certainly not my last!)
Last Spring's Snow
Leaves on the Seine
Let The River Run
Light Of The Heart
Light Of The Spirit (Kitaro)
Listen To Your Heart (If we all did, we'd always do the right thing.)
Longfellow's Serenade(NeilDiamond)
Lord's Prayer
Loss Of Me (Beautiful piano piece)

Magic Travels (great piece of music.)
Majesty (Composed by Carson's Christian Midis* and added with permission. If you use any of his songs, of which I will be adding more, please provide a link back to his site. Another link is provided below.)
Make It Real
Marble Halls
Matsuri ( by Kitaro)
Mayuka (This just makes me feel happy.)
Meadow Morn
Meakon River (Sequenced by Sujin Wonglakorn)
Meditation (Definitely a far eastern sound)
Meet Me Halfway (Thank you Sberry!)
Memories (from Cats)
Miami Vice Theme (Special thanks to Starman for this one)
Mid East Tune (Sorry, I do not know the name.)

Montego Bay (Forgive my straying here but hubby & I will be leaving on 5/07/02 for 15 glorious days in Negril and I couldn't resist.)

Moonswept Shores (Oh, how this reminds me of the sunsets in Negril!)
Moorea ( A favorite of the Professor's aka Ready Teddy) To visit his marvelous help site, "Click Here"
Morning Has Broken
Mummer's Dance (Loreena McKennitt) This was a special request tune.
Music Box Dancer (I've always liked this one)
Music Of My Heart
Music Of The Night
My Child (A Beautiful tune.)
My Heart Will Go On
My Little Girl
"Mystery Midi" (Simply means I don't know the name.

Nature's Lament
Nearly Tomorrow
Needing A Friend (Don't we all?)
New York, New York

Nights InWhite Satin (A favorite of hubby's and mine)

Nocturne - ( Classical & Peaceful)

Nostalgia (Another by Yanni)

Once Upon A Time (Yanni)

One Man's Dream (by Yanni)

One Moment In Time
Only A Shadow (Contributed by Shirley)
Only Time (I've received numerous requests for this one.)

Open Arms (Journey)
Ordinary World ("Duran Duran" - Donated by Shawn)
Oriel's Window (by Enya)
Oriental Rain (A charming oriental tune)
Orinoco Flow (Enya)
Out Of The Mist

Pan's Flute (Another original from "Roger's Midis)
Peaceful Morning
People (Found by my friend Maria)

People (rendition #2)

Piano Man (Billy Joel)

Please Forgive Me (Special request by Debbie)
Power Of Love (I really relate to this one.)
Power Of The Dream
The Prayer (Contributed by "SBerry")
Promise, The

Questa O Quella (Andrea Bocelli)
Quiet(Simply Beautiful Music)
Quiet Man (Yanni)
Quiet Wishes (Aren't they the best kind?)

Rain Forest (by Sujin Wonglakorn)

Rain Song (Thanks to all who corrected me on the name of this song)

Reason (An original sequence sent to me by Ling, a lovely lady from Singapore.)
Red Red Wine (another "Island Mood")
Reflections Of Passion (Another great Yanni Tune)
Reminisce (Oh, how I do!)
Reverie (Day dreaming music)
Rhapsody (Deeply Moving)
Romance Guitar
Romanza (Andrea Bocelli)
The Rose (A special request for Lisa)

Samba Pa Ti (Santana - also requested by Judy.)
Secret Vow(Simply Romantic!)
Seduces Me
Send In The Clowns
Serenity (Just a beautiful tune.)
Shenandoah< /a> (Special request from Jim Lahey)
Silk Road (Kitaro - guess you can tell I love his music)
Silver Springs (also contributed by Silverminnow)
Somebody (very pretty)
Somewhere Out There
Somewhere In Time (Found by my dear friend, Herb) Visit his great midi site!"click here"
Song For The Day (good way to start the day.)
Sound Of Silence (A medley by Simon & Garfunkle. Thanks Rosie :-))
Spinning Wheel
Spirit (a song for the soul)
Starman' s Theme (Actually, we haven't a clue)
Starry Night (Thanks again Starman)
Stars (From Les Miserables)
St. Elmo's Fire Theme
Storms In Africa (Enya)
Sun & Moon (Another one taken from Starman's e-mail! guess he'll never learn) "L" (honest, I had permission)!
Sunlit Garden
Swan Lake(How could I not include this on a site with this background?)
Swept Away (Another beautiful tune by Yanni.)

Tell Him (Celine Dion & Barbra Streisand duet)
Time To Say Goodbye(I saw this performed by Andrea Bocelli & fell in love! Thanks to all who helped me find it!)
Too Much Love (Never enough love!)

Theme from the Little Mermaid

This Is The Moment (This is how I felt when I won Draac's award!)

Those Were The Days

Through The Years (Kenny Rogers)

To Go Beyond (Yet another by "Enya")

Tormento d' Amore (Tormented by love?)
Tranquility (hehe! Starman again!)

Tropical Rain (Don't you just love the sound of gently falling rain?)

Turn Around (Reminds me of my children.)

Unanswered Prayers (I believe that all prayers are answered - we simply may not understand the answer.)
Unchained Melody (A hauntingly beautiful rendition)
Unexpected Song (Sarah Brightman)
Unicorn Dance (Imagine two unicorns frolicking in the moonlight.)
"Un Petite Mixage" (Another piece by Kitaro)

Veil Dance (This unique piece of music was contributed AND composed by Christopher Burke. Thank you, Christopher.)

Waterfall(Simply serene)
Watermark (by Enya)

We Are Family (Aren't we all? Think about it!)

We Are The World
What's New Pussycat?(my cat, Karma's theme song for her page.)

A Whole New World (Wouldn't it be great?)
Winter's Snow
Winter Sonata (Thank you Nixtan)
Will Of The Wind
Wind Beneath My Wings

Yanni (I call it "Thanks For The Memories")
You and I
You Light Up My Life (Sent to me by BK's Midi Moods. For a great midi site, click the award, below.)
You'll Be In My Heart (Tarzan)
You Must Love Me (From Evita)
You Raise Me Up (Sequenced by"Redsal" My sincere thanks for permission to add this song.
Your Song (Elton John)

Special acknowledgments to the people who have helped me create this site; My hubby, Deep Diver (who helped me with spell checking & html codes)

Starman, (who had the patience of Job, in finding the "finest" renditions of what I was searching for!) He didn't want to be recognized, but I could not have done this page without his help!

Actually a lot of these midis came from his personal collection. I think he is beginning to think twice about e-mailing me because I want every tune he has. He has however, most graciously allowed me to have them! To you, Starman goes "Huge Hugs"and gratitude!

Paul129 - what can I possibly say about my very dear and trusted friend, Paul? Let's just say that in an ocean of hungry sharks, he is the dolphin who is always there to guide me through troubled waters to a safe haven! I can think of no greater compliment!

He also just happens to have a terrific help site named "for Webtv beginners" Please do not let the name fool you - it is loaded with useful information for all of us! To visit his site, just "click" You'll be glad you did!

Carson's Christian Midis* My heartfelf thanks to Carson Hall, the webmaster of this great site not only for for his beautiful music but for his permission to add them to my site.

Frequent visitors to my "Midi Ocean" know that I only add the type of sounds that I feel are "music for the spirit". Carson's beautiful music certainly is in that category.

I have created a separate awards site to allow for faster loading of this midi site. Any newer awards I am fortunate to receive, will be displayed here until (and) if I should be lucky enough to earn another. To see the awards that I have previously won, click the link below this award.

This award was received on 4/21/03 from "Hopper's Mania" a site filled with 200 pages of gifs, short stories, tutorials, native American pages, and so much more.

Thank you so much for this lovely award, Hopper :-)

While this is not an award in the true sense of the word, it means as much to me, if not more because it was given in friendship & love by my very dear friend, Sherry, who has, in reality, become my "soul sister"! While we all make very dear friends on this medium called the internet, it is rare to be able to bond so closely to another human being as Sherry and I have done. I love you Sis.

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