The Donshea Dunshea Dunshee Genealogy Page
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The Donshea Dunshea Dunshee
Genealogy Page


Willis Donshea, ca.1866

Rosetta Willis Donshea, 1866
New York City, New York

Welcome to The Donshea Dunshea Dunshee Genealogy Page. In the quest for my mysterious DONSHEA ancestors from Northern Ireland and County Cork, I have corresponded with other researchers of DUNSHEA, DUNSHEE, DUNSHIE, DUNSHEATH, DUNSEATH, DUNSEITH, and DUNSITH families. So I decided to create a surname web page to help all of us. Here on this page you will find queries, researcher links, and information about "strays" with the surnames we are researching. Be sure to look under the different spellings for your ancestors . . . and send in your query, too.

If you are a researcher of Donshea, Dunshea, Dunshee, Dunseath or variously spelled families, let me know and I will add your query, E-mail and genealogy page link. More families will be added as they are discovered.

In his book Supplement to Irish Families published in 1964, Edward MacLysaght states:

"DUNSEATH ~ Variant forms of this name are DUNSHEATH, DUNSHEA, DUNSHEE, and DUNSEITH. Older forms, as found for example in the Tyrone and Antrim hearth money rolls (1664 and 1669) were DUNSITH and DUNSHEETHE. Since it first appears in our records in the 17th century, it has been found principally in Ulster, particularly in the Ballymena area, though a few appear in the 18th century Cork marriage license bonds. One James DUNSAYER acquired property at Mount Stewart, Co. Tyrone, under the Plantation of Ulster, but as he also appears in the Ulster Inquisitions with the name so spelt, DUNSAYER may not in fact be synonymous with DUNSAY."

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Donshea / Donshee Queries
Dunshea Queries
Dunsheath / Dunseath / Dunseith Queries
Dunshee Queries
Dunshie Queries
Connecting Lines
Burials at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY
Strays, Obits & Wills
Some Helpful Links

Donshea / Donshee Queries

DONSHEA, CONWAY. At last I found my ggg-grandfather Robert Donshea, a British merchant seaman b 9 May 1780 in Carrickfergus, Co Antrim, Ireland, and his wife Margaret Conway. They arrived in New York City in 1832 with three sons: Isaac, James and Robert. If you could share any info or advice on finding more about this family, I would be most grateful. I am also interested in comparing DNA results with any other Dunshea / Dunshee / Donshee researchers. The Donshea name has also been spelled DUNSHAY on a census record, so perhaps it was pronounced that way. Thank you. I hope to hear from you. Karen Mohr,
DONSHEE, DUNSHEE, McMURRICH, McMURRAY. I am descended from the John DUNSHEE & Margaret McMURRICH/McMURRAY line, through Robert DUNSHEE & Eliza GITTINS, Margaret McMURRAY DUNSHEE & Edward PARKES. My Gt. Grandfather (the latter couple's son) was Job PARKES from Oldbury, who moved to Cheshire and married into a local farming family. Thanks for any info or advice. Norma McGee,
DONSHEE, DUNSHEE, McMURRICH, McMURRAY, McMURRICK. Seek info on family of John DONSHEE and Margaret McMURRICH, McMURRAY, or MURRICK, of Dunbarton, Dumbarton, Scotland. Their children are: Jane, bap 17 Jun 1811; Robert, bap 23 May 1813; Jean, bap 15 Jun 1817; Helen, bap 21 Feb 1819; James, bap 3 Apr 1821; Margaret, bap 24 Aug 1823; Alexander, bap 25 Mar 1827; and Grace Spencer DONSHEE, 20 Aug 1830 - all baptized at Dunbarton. Thanks for any info. Michael Treadwell,
DONSHEA, WILLIS, PERRIN, DEANS. James Harvey Donshea, b 25 Nov 1823 Ireland, arrived New York City w/family 1830's, d 13 Dec 1876 NYC, bur Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY. James m/1 Mary ____, ch Sarah DONSHEA. Mary and Sarah bur Green-Wood Cemetery. James m/2 Rosetta WILLIS of Westchester Co., NY, dau/of James Harvey WILLIS and Margaret PERRIN. Ch of James and Rosetta: Effie Deans DONSHEA, Jeanie Deans DONSHEA and James Harvey DONSHEA, Jr. After James died 1876, Rose, her mother Margaret, Effie and Jeanie moved to Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. James, Jr. died 1875 NYC. Please contact me if you know anything about this family. Thanks. Karen Mohr,

DONSHEA, BUCKLEY, FISHER, HEWITT. William "Isaac" DONSHEA & Katherine Ida BUCKLEY (she d 27 Aug 1906), lived in New York City, had these known ch: (1) Ida K. DONSHEA b 1853 NYC, NY, d 1857 NYC, bur 1857 Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY; (2) Isaac DONSHEA b abt 1855, d 1857 NYC, bur 1857, Green-Wood Cemetery; (3) William Isaac DONSHEA, Jr. b 1858, d 1931 NYC, bur 1931 Green-Wood Cemetery, m HEWITT; & (4)James Edward DONSHEA m FISHER. Karen Mohr,

DONSHEA, HEWITT, DALE, LOVETT, CALLAGHAN. William Isaac DONSHEA m 17 July 1888 Jennie "Jane" Maud HEWITT, dau/of Horatio Jones HEWITT & Margaret Irene LOVETT. Ch of William and Jennie:
(1) Clement Horatio DONSHEA - artist, b 24 Dec 1891 Brooklyn, NY, d 8 Jan 1970 Copake, Columbia Co., NY, bur 12 Jan 1970 Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY, m & div Marion Gertrude CALLAGHAN; (2) Jane E. DONSHEA m Cyril R. DALE; and (3) Frank Hewitt DONSHEA b abt 1894, d 3 June 1954 White Plains Hospital, Scarsdale, NY, m May Dorothy _______, lived in Scarsdale, ch Dorothy M. DONSHEA. Karen Mohr,

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Dunshea Queries

DUNSHEA, FLEMING. All Dunshea families in Australia and New Zealand are related, and are descended from William DUNSHEA and Jane FLEMING. William was deported to Australia aboard the Martha in 1818, after being convicted in County Antrim of the crime of stealing two pigs. His wife and eldest son joined him in Sydney in 1825, and five more children were born to the couple.

A so-called New Zealand branch of the family was founded by Samuel DUNSHEA, youngest son of the couple, who married Clementina ALLEN in Dunedin in 1863. Almost all New Zealand Dunsheas are descended from them.

John William DUNSHEA of Queensland, a descendant of the eldest son of William and Jane, left Australia and established a second New Zealand group of Dunsheas, both descended from William DUNSHEA and Jane FLEMING. Contact: Alison Dunshea, (NEW ADDRESS 6/99).

NOTE: Alison DUNSHEA published a book about the DUNSHEA clan in Australia & New Zealand: DUNSHEA ~ The Descendants of William Dunshea and Jane Fleming. Please contact her directly for more information.

DUNSHEA, FLEMING - same as above. My great-grandmother was Elizabeth Jane Dunshea, a descendant of Andrew, the first child of William and Jane. Andrew and his mother arrived in the colony from Cork, Ireland on 1 October 1828.

Initially the family was mainly settled in the Braidwood/Majors Creek area (near Canberra) and engaged in mining. With the exception of Samuel (see above query) the Dunsheas remained predominately in NSW. A small group of the Dunshea clan are established in Victoria and Queensland.

I have been researching the family since c1984 and have accumulated a great deal of information, including copies of many letters written in the late 1890's.

I have had a professional researcher look for William and Jane's marriage and origins in Ireland without success. There is a family legend that William came from Scotland, but so far there is no evidence to support this theory. I am presently having further research done in Ireland, following up on some new leads.

Note that ALL the Dunsheas in Australia and New Zealand ARE related. All descend from William and his six children. Their only daughter, Elizabeth Jane, married a DENHAM. I would appreciate hearing from anyone interested in the name DUNSHEA, DUNSHEE, DUNSHEATH or other variants, and the name DENHAM. Colin Cunningham, . See Colin's Dunsheas at Sharing Family History Information

DUNSHEA, FLEMING, McKENZIE. My line is through John Charles DUNSHEA, the second son and third child of William DUNSHEA and Jane FLEMING. John Charles' daughter, Jane DUNSHEA, was my great-grandmother. Jane married John Robert McKENZIE as his second wife. They were married and their first child was born in Goulburn, they settled in Sydney. My Grandmother Brenda was the fifth of 8 children. John Robert died in 1914; Jane lived for another 31 years, we think supported by her children as her occupation is only ever described as being "domestic duties." Jennifer Stitt,

DUNSHEA, GARDNER?. Seeking info on fam of William and Clara DUNSHEA and their three children: Mary C., Sophia and Mary Ann DUNSHEA, who were included in 1850 Census of New York City, New York. Rebecca GARDNER, age 10, of Ireland, also lived with them. Thanks. Karen Mohr,

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Dunsheath / Dunseath / Dunseith Queries

DUNSEATH, DUNSHEATH, McCOOL. I am searching for any information about Samuel DUNSHEATH / DUNSEATH and Katie McCOOL who immigrated to Markham Township, Ontario, Canada about 1830. Samuel was born in 1783. We are not sure of the location of his birth possibly near Randalstown, Co. Antrim, Ireland. He was my great-grandfather. Thanks for any info or advice. Ken Key,

DUNSEITH, LEWIS, MCINTYRE. I am doing research on the DUNSEITH and LEWIS families of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and would be glad to hear from fellow researchers. I believe Thomas DUNSEITH, Sr. and Alexander LEWIS, Sr. built the Lewis and Clark boat that left Pittsburgh on 30 Aug 1803. Jane DUNSEITH, the granddaughter of Thomas DUNSEITH, married my gggrandfather Robert S. McINTYRE. His granddaughter married my grandfather John MYERS of Pittsburgh. All were riverboat people in Pittsburgh from 1780 to 1861. Thanks for any info or contacts. Larry Myers,

DUNSEATH, LACHER, MANNING, SCHMECKENBASHAPS (?). Looking for anyone who may know anything about Robert A. DUNSEATH who m Caroline SCHMECKENBASHAPS in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York on 10 Apr 1912. I think Robert's parents were Samuel DUNSEATH and Anna MANNING, and that he was born in Allegheny, PA. We are trying to find out if Robert DUNSEATH was the birth father of my husband's father, George V. LACHER. George, born 15 Feb 1914, was placed in a New York orphanage when he was about 5 years old. He was adopted by Frank and Julia LACHER when he was about 11-years-old. We have found out that George's real surname was DUNSEATH. If anyone knows of either Robert A. DUNSEATH or Caroline, please let us know. Thank you Mrs. L. L. Lacher,

DUNSHAETH, DUNSHEATH, SCHEIDECKER. An ancestor of mine, Albert Gustave SCHEIDECKER married a Marta Jeanne DUNSHAETH in 1873 in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY. Any information on this would be appreciated. Constance Ross,

Margaret DUNSEITH. My great-grandmother was Margaret Dunseith born in Antrim around 1803. I have been unable to trace her birth or parents.....I have later history, but anxious to go back. Help would be appreciated. Thank you. John McKellen,

DUNSEITH, RAMSAY. My husband's grandparents, David RAMSAY (1865-1950) and Frances DUNSEITH (1861-1949), came from Stratford, Ontario to the Arden, Manitoba area in Canada probably in the late 1800's. I would be interested in any info on the Ontario connection and/or how that goes back to Ireland. David and Frances had three children: William, Ethel and James Cecil DUNSEITH (1897-1974). Marg Dunseith,

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Dunshee Queries

DUNSHEE, PATTERSON. I am looking to find information on Betsey or Betsy Dunshee, presumably born around 1760 of Scotland. She married John Patterson also presumably of Scotland. They moved to the Lough Larne in County Antrim, Ireland possibly 15 Sept 1776 where they had at least three sons; John, Robert, and James. All three sons ended up going to America. Robert took his mother, Betsey, with him to New York, where his brother James resided. Betsey stayed with James. On last account, Betsey was over 90 years old, but sometime prior to 1853, all trace of James and his mother were lost. It is believed that Betsey's husband John Patterson died in Ireland at the age of 52, which explains why she went to America without him. I do not have a location or birthdates for either Betsey Dunshee or John Patterson. I have found only 9 Dunshees that were born or baptised in Scotland between the years of 1720-1780. Every one was from the county Ayr. Thank you. Matt Patterson,

DUNSHEE Family of England. Researching the DUNSHEE families of England, especially in the Sutton-Coldfield area. If you have DUNSHEE families in England, contact me for help. Keith Dunshee,

DUNSHEE. Does anyone have information on a Thomas or Hugh Dunshee who may have immigrated from No. Ireland around 1740? If so, please let me know. Clint Dunshee,

DUNSHEE, ARMSTRONG, FERGUSON, STEELE. John DUNSHEE and Sarah ARMSTRONG m 1765 Co. Armagh, Ireland. They had two daughters: Nancy DUNSHEE m Robert STEELE 15 Oct 1802 Kortright, Delaware Co., NY; and Jane DUNSHEE m James FERGUSON abt 1795 in NY. Patti Schuknecht,

DUNSHEE, PATTEN, OSBORN, RIDDLE, SMITH. John DUNSHEE b 1 Feb 1751 poss Northern Ireland, "arrived in this country 13 Aug. 1792" (New York Genealogy Quarterly, 1949; p. 165, Bible record) m Elizabeth PATTEN 2 Nov 1775. Daughter Jane DUNSHEE b 3 Jan 1777, m William RIDDLE. Daughter Elizabeth DUNSHEE m Ezkiel SMITH. Son Samuel DUNSHEE m/1 Eunice OSBORN; m/2 Sophia V. KING. There were several other children. Patti Schuknecht,

DUNSHEE, McLONEY, FIFE, SNODGRASS. Seek info on ancestors and family of Thomas DUNSHEE, b abt 1796, m Mary McLONEY d/o John McLONEY and Nancy FIFE and granddaughter of William and Jane FIFE of Fifeshire, Scotland. Ch of Thomas DUNSHEE and Mary McLONEY: (1) Rebecca DUNSHEE b 26 May 1797; (2) Nancy DUNSHEE b 14 Apr 1801; (3) William DUNSHEE b 12 Apr 1803; (4) John DUNSHEE b 26 Jul 1805; (5) Luke DUNSHEE b 16 Nov 1807 Orange Co., NY or Washington Co., OH or Washington Co., PA, m/1 Rebecca, m/2 Abigail MITCHEL(L), m/3 Mary A. SNODGRAS(S), d 31 Jul 1885 Keota, Keokuk Co., IA; (6) Margaret DUNSHEE b 26 Jul 1810, (7) James DUNSHEE b 26 Jul 1813; (8) Thomas DUNSHEE b 3 Aug 1817; and (9) John DUNSHEE b 10 Jul 1820. Gail Fairfield,

DUNSHEE, DUNSHA, MITCHELL. Would like to connect with other researchers of DUNSHEE-MITCHELL lines. I have data from a Mitchel Family Bible that says Abigail MITCHEL, b June 8 1815 (prob PA - poss Washington Co.) m Luke "DUNSHA" Knox Co., OH. A legal notice placed by Silas MITCHEL(L), Executor of will of Jacob MITCHEL(L) dec'd, on Jan 10th 1885, lists the following heirs among others: "Alfred DUNSHEE who resides at Denver, CO, Franklin DUNSHEE, Luke DUNSHEE, Reno B. DUNSHEE and Frank DUNSHEE who resides at Keota, Keokuk Co, IA." Betsey Howes,

Kenneth Holcomb DUNSHEE Seeking info on the family and ancestors of Kenneth Holcomb DUNSHEE, b 19 Oct 1900, d Sep 1964. He was a writer who lived in New York City, New York. If you have any info, please contact Jennifer Dunshee-Campbell,

DUNSHEE, PRIME. Looking for the parents of John DUNSHEE who was born in New Hampshire about 1790 and lived in Bristol, Addison County, Vermont. Married Alma PRIME in Vermont. Possible father: Robert DUNSHEE. Any help appreciated. Thanks. Gordon Burney,

DUNSHEE, TIBBETS, HAYES, HOBBS, WENTWORTH. I am researching Alson O. DUNSHEE (b 1833, d 1891) and Margaret J. TIBBETS (b 1835, d 1891) in New Hampshire. Their children:
    i. William A. DUNSHEE (b 9 Feb 1853) Charlestown, MA;
    ii. Joseph Marion DUNSHEE (b 22 Apr 1854, d Jan-Apr 1882) Charlestown, m Nettie;
    iii. Harry Walter DUNSHEE (b 3 May 1857) Charlestown, MA m Pauline M. BOLZ
      (b 1863, Germany, d abt 1924);
    iv. Albert Edward DUNSHEE (b 20 Oct 1860, d 1860);
    v. Unknown DUNSHEE (b 27 Dec 1864).

Children of Harry and Pauline DUNSHEE:
1. Gustavius DUNSHEE (b 1885) S Boston, MA; m/1 Bessie Lois BORDEN (b 1888
   Canada) on 25 Oct 1911, divorced 11 Oct 1923.
   M/2 Jessie H. (WENTWORTH) HOBBS, on 6 Sept 1924, Derry, NH.
   Children of Gus and Bessie:
       i. Harry A. DUNSHEE
       ii. Pauline DUNSHEE
       iii. Doris Mae DUNSHEE married Charles HAYES.

Any links to these people, especially relatives of Harry A. DUNSHEE, please contact me, Susan Shaw, at .

DUNSHEE, HOLMES. I am researching Ebenezer DUNSHEE, who was in Saratoga Co., New York in the early 1800's. He married Eleanor HOLMES, daughter of John Mores (Mores) HOLMES. They moved to Mendon in Western New York sometime before 1838. They joined the Baptist church in Castile, Wyoming County, in 1838. I am also seeking info on Eleanor's family, HOLMES. Please contact Lewis Holmes, .

DUNSHEE, DUNSHE, SMITH, TURNER. Looking for anyone researching the line of Thomas DUNSHE(E) and Hannah SMITH, who supposedly married in Bristol, Vermont and had the following children: Mary, Smith, John, Edward, William, Jesse, Nancy, and Eliza. Is the child William the same William DUNSHEE who married Almeda TURNER 20 November 1815 at Bristol, Addison County, Vermont? Please contact Rolene Eichman Kiesling, , P.O. Box 215, Groveland, CA 95321-0215.

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Dunshie Queries

DUNSHIE, HODGE. Do any of your Dunshie's connect to this family? My John DUNSHIE was b 11 Oct 1794 and d 22 Apr 1872, places unknown. He had a son John DUNSHIE who was married to Prudence HODGE. They lived in Potter Co., Pennsylvania. Thanks for any info. Sherry Campbell,

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Connecting Lines

The James Harvey DONSHEA and Rosetta WILLIS Line

Dorothy Donshea
Karen Mohr


Michael Treadwell
Norma McGee
see Researchers below


Ken Key
see Researchers below

The Thomas DUNSEITH Line, Pittsburgh, PA

Larry Myers
see Researchers

The William DUNSHEA and Jane FLEMING Line

Alison Dunshea
Michelle Woltman
Colin Cunningham
Jennifer Stitt
Kay Barnett
see Researchers

The Betsey DUNSHEE and John PATTERSON Line

Matthew Patterson
see Researchers

The John DUNSHEE and Elizabeth PATTON Line

Patti Schuknecht
Claude Steen, Jr.
see Researchers

The Thomas DUNSHEE and Mary McLONEY Line

Cheri Clark
Gail Fairfield
Betsey Howes
see Researchers

The Thomas DUNSHEE and Hannah SMITH Line

Rolene Eichman Kiesling
see Researchers

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Burials at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY

Strays, Burials, Obits & Wills


Gordon Burney DUNSHEE: NH & VT
Sherry Campbell DUNSHIE: PA
Cherie Clark DUNSHEE: Fifeshire, SCT > Co. Tyrone, IRL > PA & OH.
      Check out her online database at Cherie's Family Homepage.
Colin Cunningham DUNSHEA: Co. Antrim, IRL > AUS & NZ.
      See Colin's Dunsheas at Sharing Family History Information
Marg Dunseith DUNSEITH: Ontario & Manitoba, CAN
Alison Dunshea DUNSHEA: Co. Antrim, IRL > AUS & NZ
Karol Dunshee DUNSHEE: Co. Down, IRL >PA, OH, KS & IA.
       Visit Karol's wonderful surname site DUNSHEE (& Variations) Family History
Keith Dunshee DUNSHEE: Sutton-Coldfield area, ENG
Clint Dunshee DUNSHEE: Northern Ireland
Jennifer Dunshee-Campbell DUNSHEE: New York City, NY
Gail Fairfield DUNSHEE: Fifeshire, SCT > Co. Tyrone, IRL > NY, PA, OH & IA
Betsey Howes DUNSHEE: OH & IA
Ken Key DUNSHEATH /DUNSEATH: IRL > Ontario, Canada
Rolene Eichman Kiesling DUNSHEE: VT, NH & KS
Mrs. L. L. Lacher DUNSEATH: PA & NY
John McKellen DUNSEITH: Co. Antrim, IRL
Karen Mohr DONSHEA: NIRL & Cork > NY & LA.
      Please see My Mohr & Allied Lines page. (This site is moving/temporarily unavailable.)
Larry Myers DUNSEITH, MCINTYRE, LEWIS: Pittsburgh, PA.
Matthew Patterson DUNSHEE, PATTERSON: SCT > Co. Antrim, IRL > NY
Constance Ross DUNSHEATH: NYC, NY
Patti Schuknecht DUNSHEE & DUNSHA: Co. Armagh & NI > NY
Susan Shaw DUNSHEE: NH & MA
Jennifer Stitt DUNSHEA: AUS

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Some Helpful Links

Northern Ireland GenWeb Page
GENUKI-Ireland Page
Ireland GenWeb Page
Scotland GenWeb Page
Northern Irish References/Ulster Province
The Irish at Home and Abroad
Irish Genealogical Society International (IGSI)
County Antrim's Main Page
British Isles Family History Society - U.S.A
Online Scottish Names Research Directory
GenConnect Ireland Visitor Center
Repositories of Primary Sources
US GenWeb Project
World GenWeb Project
Norris Taylor Genealogy Page
See Donshea on My Mohr & Allied Lines page.
More links are on my Main Links page!
Top 50 Scottish Research Websites

My Other Genealogy Pages
Civil War Letter & Warren Genealogy
The Geyer Family : Germans from Russia
The Mohr Moore Maurer Melting Pot
The Warren Family Bible
The Ebenezer Warren Genealogy Club


Scottish Names research Genealogy Award

This page was created on August 30, 1997. Copyright © 1997-2024 by Karen Mohr. All rights reserved. Thanks to Angelfire for providing a free home page, the former Julianne's Textures for the background, Spectrum Virtual University and Marthe Arends for the page design class, and to Cande for her technical expertise and great assistance.

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