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Beginning Harts--Part Two

The next morning, Jennifer barricaded herself in the microfiche room at Grayson Publishing. She read every article she could find about Jonathan Hart. She discovered she was the only one who believed he was rude and arrogant. All the articles discussed a ‘rags to riches’ story of a man whose generosity was the only thing bigger than his bank account. Of course he had quite a reputation with the women. Except for a few years when he dated heiress Nikki Stephanos, Jonathan had never been seen in public with the same woman twice. And while, he had been generous in interviews (except in London, Jennifer frowned); one never really got the sense of the real Jonathan Hart.

"Hey Jen, what are you working on?" Patricia asked.

"My trip to Africa."

"Really? You got the interview?"

"Tonight, on the plane back to L.A."

"You are kidding me? You are going to California with Jonathan Hart?"

"It was the only time he could schedule me in."

"You’ve got the gift girl," Patricia said in admiration.

"He owed me."

"Jen, look at this." Carla entered the room carrying a large manila envelope. "It’s for you. Delivered by a Hart Industries courier."

Carla and Pat eyed Jennifer with a ‘is there something you aren’t telling us’ look.

"Its probably just background material for the interview this evening," Jennifer said.

"Jennifer is going to fly to LA with Mr. Hart, on his private plane," Pat explained to Carla.

"NO! You’re kidding me." Carla threw her hands up in the air. "Why her? She doesn’t even like men."

"So what is it?" Pat asked as Jennifer pulled the contents out of the envelope.

"It’s the script." Jennifer stared at the document in disbelief. The gesture was beyond what she believed to be true about Jonathan Hart. Why would he give her a $10,000 dollar script? Manipulation. That had to be it. She had bruised his ego by brushing him off and he was trying butter her up. Well it wouldn’t work.

"Read the note," Carla begged.

Jennifer pulled the note from the front of the script and read to herself.

"Out loud would be nice," Carla whined.

Jennifer took a deep breath. "It says, ‘Here is your script. I hope now you will give me a chance to prove myself to you. I look forward to our interview this evening. Fondly, Jonathan.’" Jennifer sat back in her chair. Numbness permeated her body.

"Jennifer, are you alright?" Pat asked.

Snapping out of her trance, Jennifer replied, "Yes. Yes, I’m fine. Just a little surprised."

"You are attracted to him," Carla charged.

"No, I ..."

"Well of course she is. You’d have to be dead not to be attracted to Jonathan Hart," Pat interrupted.

"Really, I’m not. I’m just shocked that he would give this to me. He paid a lot of money for this." She still believed he was trying to manipulate her but, what an expensive manipulation it was.

"Honey, Jonathan Hart is loaded with money. That ten thousand probably wasn’t even noticed missing from his bank account," Carla said.

"Well, that makes me feel much better Carla, thank you."

"Jen, I didn’t mean that you weren’t worth the money. Its just when you have got the amount he does, he can afford more expensive gestures of kindness."

"He watched you last night Jen," Pat threw in.

"He was lamenting. I bruised his ego."

"I don’t think hurt was what I saw in his eyes."

"See Jen, he is the guy in the dream," Carla teased.

"Stop it. You’re making way too much out of nothing. Now please, I’ve got work to do before my interview this evening."

At four in the afternoon, Jonathan and Max pulled up in a limousine in front of Grayson Publishing. Jonathan got out of the car and entered the building.

"I’m here to see Ms. Jennifer Edwards," he said to the receptionist.

"Here I am," Jennifer said approaching Jonathan. She felt her stomach tighten at the sight of him. All of a sudden he looked different, seemed different, more handsome and gentle than she had remembered. She frowned at the thought she might be softening to him.

"Here, let me get those for you," he said taking her bags. "I worked on my manners last night." He flashed his best smile.

Jonathan’s heart leapt at the site of her, a fact that surprised him. He wasn’t a stranger to the warm feeling of attraction at the sight of a beautiful woman. But this was different. It wasn’t just a primal lust driving him to her. Just the sight of her filled his heart and made him forget his worries.

Jennifer licked her dry lips. "Thank you for the script. It really wasn’t necessary though. You bought it fair and square."

Jonathan stopped and turned to her. "I didn’t buy it for me. I bought it for you."

Jennifer’s eyes grew wide. "Really?" Her voice cracked.

"Yes. I wanted to give it to you last night but I sort of bumbled everything." Jonathan studied her for a moment thinking he might be breaking through her resistance.


"Why did I bumble everything or why did I buy the script for you?"

"The script."

"I wanted to do something nice for you."

Jennifer eyed Jonathan, not sure what to make of him.

"Shall we go?" he asked.


Once in the car Jonathan introduced Jennifer and Max. "Max takes care of me.

"Which isn’t easy," Max interrupted.

"I guess it isn’t." Jonathan laughed. "Although I imagine it is much easier to manage me now then when I was fifteen. Isn’t that right Max?"

"That’s right Mr. H. He would have had bigger ears if I didn’t have to box them so much!"

Jennifer smiled. While the jury was still out on Jonathan, Jennifer delighted in Max’s character.

They arrived at the airport and boarded the Hart Industry plane with little complication. Once airborne, Jennifer set to work. Seating herself on the couch, she opened her notebook and prepared for the interview.

"So, Mr. Hart, since you agreed to an in-depth interview and I have 6 hours, let’s start at the beginning."

"Would you like a drink first? I’ve got some great champagne."

"You do realize I am working?"

"I’m not," Jonathan said pulling the bottle of champagne out from behind the mini-bar. "There is no reason why we can’t enjoy ourselves. You know one reason why people like interviewing me is that I try to keep it relaxed, so it doesn’t feel like work."

"I wouldn’t know." Jennifer frowned at Jonathan.

"Ouch, right. Well, I’ll make it up to you now." Jonathan’s smile was devastating, sending currents of electricity through Jennifer. This is bad, Jennifer thought to herself. She didn’t need to be attracted to a man like Jonathan Hart who could have any woman at anytime.

"You seem to spread your charm around for everyone. There are women who could misread that. I guess that’s why you have a reputation with the ladies."

Jonathan thought of his words carefully. "I usually try to be cordial and engaging to women but I don’t ‘spread my charm around’ just to anyone." Jennifer watched him. What did he mean? He was doing it just for her?

"You know Mr. Hart, you don’t have to try so hard to make up for the all the terrible things you did to me yesterday." Jennifer hoped that if he didn’t feel the need to be nice to her, he’d turn off that damned boyish charm.

With a gleam in his eyes, Jonathan said, "Yes, I do. It is important to me that you don’t think I’m a rich, spoiled fat cat. And by the way, it’s Jonathan." He handed Jennifer a glass of champagne.


"So do you think you’ll forgive me?" A playful glint returned to Jonathan’s eyes.

"Let’s see how this interview goes."

Jonathan smiled devilishly. "By the time this trip is over, you will wish it would continue."

"Were you born with that arrogance or did they teach you that in charm school?"

Jonathan laughed. "That was bit much wasn’t it? But very ‘ladies man-like’ don’t you think, Ms. Edwards?"

"Jennifer." She couldn’t believe she was offering to let him call her by her first name! Well, after all, he asked to be called by his first name. I am sure he won’t think anything of it.


Something stirred in Jennifer at the sound of Jonathan saying her name. It sounded so personal, intimate. He took a seat across from her.

Shrugging of the warmth spreading through her body, she started. "Going back to the beginning. I don’t need dates and stuff. I know when you were born, where you grew up, and etceteras. What I would like to know is how this factual data effected you and who you have become."

Jonathan sat back in his chair pondering Jennifer’s question. "I have no memory of my parents. Because I don’t know any different, I don’t realize how sad that is to other people who hear me say that. The only thing I remember is that I was called Charlie up until the point I went to the orphanage and once there they called me Jonathan. I remember one day, I don’t know how long I had been there, I told the nuns off and told them to call me Charlie." Jonathan smiled as he pictured himself as a young child yelling at the nuns. "And they did. I do understand though that growing up in an orphanage is much different than a family. The nuns were good but it wasn’t a mom or dad, just caregivers to lots of kids. So it was a lonely way to grow up, not really feeling connected to anyone. It wasn’t until I was 15 and met Max did I really come to understand the meaning of ‘family’."

Jennifer didn’t say anything. She always felt she got more information if her subjects just talked off the tops of their heads instead of following a rigid set of questions.

"I finally started using ‘Jonathan’ at Max’s suggestion," Jonathan said looking towards Max who looked up from his Mickey Spillane novel. "He thought it commanded more respect."

"I can tell that you and Max have a special friendship and yet, I have never heard or read any interview in which you talk about that."

Jonathan thought for a moment, "No one really asked. I first met Max when I was selling newspapers. I think I was always a good kid deep down but I started making some trouble ..."

Max laughed in the background. Jonathan turned to him and smiled. "I think Max thinks I am candy-coating it." Turning back to Jennifer, Jonathan continued, "I wanted to borrow Max’s car. This was without his knowledge..."

"You stole Max’s car?" Jennifer asked in surprise.

"Well, you could put it that way."

"That’s exactly right, Ms. Edwards," Max called.

Jonathan laughed. "I had no future in car theft because I was caught by Max. He took me straight to the police and I spent the night in jail..."

"And you were how old?"

"I was 15?" Jonathan said looking to Max for confirmation. Max nodded.

"Anyway, the next day, Max showed up at court, paid my fine and signed on as my guardian as part of my sentence." Jonathan looked over at Max again. Jennifer noticed the love and devotion toward Max in Jonathan’s eyes. "I still don’t quite know why he did that, but he saved my life that day." Jennifer was touched by Jonathan and Max’s closeness. Maybe he is not that bad after all, she thought to herself.

"Don’t think he turned himself around so fast," Max added. "It took some work to turn him into the upstanding citizen he is today."

"So why did you do it, Max? Why did you take Jonathan in?" Jennifer asked.

"He had winner written all over him. He just needed someone to help point him in the right direction."

Jonathan smiled. "Thanks Max."

"Aw, don’t mention it."

The interview continued on for another 90 minutes when Jonathan announced he was hungry. "Do you mind stopping for a bite to eat?"

"We can talk while we eat."

"Well, I was thinking we could have more of a conversation than interview. Perhaps we could learn a little more about our interviewer."

"I guess that would be alright," Jennifer agreed.

Max put together a tray of cheeses, meats, fruits and vegetables. They all sat together at the dining table to eat and drink more champagne.

"I really shouldn’t drink any more of this," Jennifer confessed. "Champagne really gets me tipsy."

Jonathan smiled. "I’d like to see that."

"Another time," Jennifer said flirtatiously which she found disconcerting.

Jonathan laughed. "Well, it’s your turn Ms. Edwards. Tell Max and I a little about yourself."

"There really isn’t much to tell."

"You are an award winning writer. You have even published a book," Jonathan started.

"Yes. How do you know that?"

"I did some research too."

"Really," Jennifer asked furrowing her brows. "Do you always investigate your interviewers?"

"No, never have." Jonathan gazed at Jennifer wondering how she would interpret his actions. Jennifer felt the heat rise in her cheeks. Damn champagne.

"Well, since you know about me already why are you asking?"

"I could ask the same of you," Jonathan responded.

"Oh alright. I was born and raised on a horse farm in Maryland. I was an only child. My mom died when I was a teenager. I went to Vasser and have taken a variety of courses at other universities. I love animals, horseback riding, and travel."

"Where do you travel?"

"After this story I am going to Africa." Jennifer’s eyes drifted away as she went deep in thought about Africa.

"Africa? By yourself?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes, by myself. You should be careful Mr. Hart that you don’t start sounding sexist."

"Africa is not the usual place one hears about. Paris, Rome.... but not Africa."

"I love it there. It is so ... real. It’s not that it is primitive. It’s that you get a sense of life’s beginnings and wholeness there. It’s hard to explain. You have to experience it yourself. Anyway, there is a wildlife refuge there. I like to go visit and write articles to keep the world informed of the importance of conservation, and hopefully generate financial support for it." Jonathan watched Jennifer closely. Her eyes were sparkling, her voice full of affection. He wanted badly to experience what ever it was that made her glow with such fondness. "I’m sorry." Jennifer said when she realized she had lost herself in thoughts of Africa.

"Don’t be. It’s clear it’s a place your are passionate about and committed to."

Jennifer smiled. "Yes. Do you have something like that in your life?"

Jonathan’s eyes met Jennifer’s and held them. "Not yet. But I’m working on it." His gaze made Jennifer’s stomach flutter. His words seemed to mean more that what they said. Or maybe she was hoping they did. Oh, Jennifer. This is bad. Very dangerous.



After the meal, Jennifer returned to her seat on the couch and switched to water. Jonathan took his seat across from her and enjoyed a brandy.

"Perhaps you can talk about why the world’s most eligible bachelor isn’t married."

Jonathan took a sip of brandy to help him shift gears. "I haven’t found the world’s most eligible bachelorette yet."

"What about Ms. Stephanos?. There was much speculation...."

"You have done your research. Nikki and I are not together... as a couple."

"Is there someone else?" Jennifer asked.

"I don’t know. Maybe," he responded looking directly into her eyes.

Jennifer felt her nerves come unhinged. He was looking right into her soul. Her heart beat so hard and fast she was sure he could see it through her shirt. Jennifer was relieved when Jonathan broke the silence as not a single word came to her mind.

"I care about Nikki a lot but she and I both agreed that marriage to each other was not in the cards."

"So you are not against marriage?" she managed.

"Oh no. I can’t wait to get married... when I find the right woman."

"Millions of women, I’m told, would love to apply for the job of Mrs. Jonathan Hart. What kind of woman would win?"

"Millions eh?" Jonathan sat back in his chair basking in the thought of hordes of women wanting him. But which would want him for him and not his money or prestige? "And what about you, Jennifer? Would you be one of those women?"

A prickling sensation ran up Jennifer’s spine. Jennifer snapped her jaw shut and cleared her throat. "I am not the corporate wife type," she managed to say.

"Too bad." Jonathan’s disappointment was real. A dull ache crept into his heart as he considered that maybe Jennifer’s commitments precluded a life of marriage and family. He could see that she was as much affected by him as he was to her. In fact, even a blind man would be able see the fireworks that were exploding between them. But instead of giving in, she held back. He wondered if her resistance to him was because her life was so different and not conducive to joining with his.

"In answer to my question..." Jennifer continued hoping he didn’t notice the quiver in her voice.

"What kind of woman will become Mrs. Jonathan Hart? I don’t know. Who ever she is, she will take my breath away."

"So you don’t have any criteria?"

"I figure cupid works in mysterious ways. My heart will let me know when I have found her."

"Do you expect to be increasing your public appearances, charitable events and so forth?" Jennifer said quickly moving the conversation away from romance.

"You know I hadn’t realized what a recluse I had become until you mentioned it. I would like to start getting out more. I am a social guy at heart."

"Can you tell me why you have been away from public life?"

"I wasn’t paying attention."

"And you are now?"

"Let’s just say I got a wake up call recently on a cab ride."


"Jonathan, I am going to ask a series of questions that may seem odd but I find the answers reveal a lot about a person."


"What is your favorite color?"


"Who is your favorite actor?"

"Cary Grant."

"Who is your favorite actress?"

"Kathryn Hepburn."

"Let me guess, Philadelphia Story is your favorite movie?" Jennifer guessed.

"Close, I like Holiday better."

"What is your favorite animal?"


"Gorilla?" Jennifer responded in surprise.

"They are very socialized. They are beastly when they need to be but they have a strong sense of family. I would have thought you’d know that."

"I do. I just never heard that one before. If you had three wishes what would they be."

"Health, happiness and family."

Jennifer cocked her head, "Hmm."


"No mention of success, wealth..."

"Those aren’t the most important things in life. Admittedly they are nice but if I had to choose, I would choose health, happiness and family."

"What is your favorite food."

"All of it except health food."

"Do you have one favorite."

"Milk and graham crackers."

"What is your favorite emotion?"

"Passion." Jennifer’s eyebrows raised. He raised his in response.

"Last one, if you could have dinner and conversation with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?"

"Jennifer Edwards."

Jennifer felt her heart jump. "Me?"

"Yes. You are fascinating." Jonathan sat forward in his seat.

Jennifer messed with her papers trying to keep him from noticing his affect on her. "I mean like would you like to talk to John Paul Getty or Thomas Edison..."

"I know what you mean and my answer is the same."

Jennifer didn’t know how to respond. She had never before been so affected by a man. She prided herself in not being a giddy love struck person. So how is it that Jonathan Hart so effectively ridded her of her rational being? Well, she would have to get over it. She was not interested in affairs or flings and that is all Jonathan Hart would be able to offer her.

"So what do all my answers say about me?" Jonathan asked.

That you are perfect for me.

"Well, you are a romantic and have a zest for life. You seem to have your priorities straight..."

"Good." Jonathan smiled his sexiest smile. Jennifer began to worry.

Continue on to Part Three

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