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A Hart Full of Christmas Love--Part One

Christmas seem to be right around the corner for Jennifer, and Thanksgiving hadn’t even arrived yet. At the time Jennifer had a miscarriage Jonathan made a commitment to her that they would get a few children from the Mission Street Orphanage to spend the Christmas holidays with them. Christmas would be here soon and Jennifer was hoping that Jonathan had not changed his mind about getting the children and come up with something else for them to do.

Jennifer was out shopping, buying childrens presents, clothes, toys, video games, and the exciting things children enjoy getting at Christmas time. Upon her return home, she thought to herself, ah good, Jonathan is not home yet, and she can hide the presents so that he doesn’t know what she is doing, she hates to hide things from him. Jennifer came in and called out, " Freeway," but he was nowhere around, which seemed unusual, he is never out this time of the day. Jennifer proceeded to look for Freeway, only to find out that Jonathan was out in the garden with him.

"Oh hello darling, " Jonathan said, "I didn’t hear your car come in. Where have you been all day." He kissed her lovingly, and she returned his kiss willingly.

"Jonathan, what are you doing home? I was out shopping, and getting ready for Christmas," said Jennifer.

"For Christmas?" he said, "aren’t you a bit early."

"No," she said, "I want everything to be perfect."

"Perfect, for what?" Jonathan asked.

"You will see," she said.

"Oh, a surprise for me," he said. "I love your surprises…especially the unexpected ones. Like the ones in the middle of the night"

"Jonathan, where are we having dinner?" she asked.

Jonathan said "at La Scala’s, we are meeting the Hyatts there. They have something to tell us."

As the Harts entered the house, Maria asked if they were staying in for dinner. "No," Jonathan responded.

He proceeded to go into the living room from the kitchen with Jennifer trailing behind and Freeway following. Then it hit him. "you are shopping for Christmas……oh no you don’t," Jonathan said, "I know exactly what you are doing." Jennifer said "what am I doing?" "You are thinking of the Mission Street Orphanage children aren’t you?" Jonathan said. "Well you did promise," Jennifer said. "Darling he said, I think we should talk about this before we make any plans right now." Jennifer felt terrible, she knew she should have talked to him about it first, but, she was so sure he was going to change his mind, and she figured if she went ahead with it, he would never say no to her.

Jonathan went up to her, and took her in his arms, and kissed her, and said that he was sorry if he sounded like it was not a good idea. "But, we have to talk this over, getting children for the holidays is wonderful, but, we have to be sure that we want to do this. I hate to share you with anyone", he said. "Oh, your sweet" she said, "your such a romantic."….and she hugged and kissed him back. "We will discuss this another time" he said, "right now I have other ideas". "Like what?" she said. "Never mind," Jonathan said.

They left the house and met the Hyatts at La Scala’s as planned. They greeted each other, and Monica said to Jennifer, "where have you been these days, I’ve been trying to get you, and Maria always tells me that you are out. Haven’t you gotten any of my messages?" "Yes, I have," said Jennifer, "it’s just that I never seem to have enough hours in the day. I am sorry for not returning your calls." Jonathan, interrupted, "she is rushing in the holidays," looked at Jennifer and winked at her.

They ordered a bottle of wine, toasted each other, and talked about what is going on in their lives. Jonathan said, "okay, what is so exciting?" "Well, we have bought a new yacht," said Jack, "and we would like the two of you to go on a cruise with us from December 15 through January 15. Stopping over in Tokyo for the new calendar year celebration, and spend about a week there. I have company business there, which should take up only 2 days of my time, and then we can enjoy the rest of the week. Then on to Australia; I have tickets for the Sydney Opera House, 5th row center, and after that head for home." Jonathan was thrilled, Jennifer went into shock, and said, "Oh No"…..everyone said "Oh No?…Why not?" She looked at Jonathan, and said, "can we put this conversation on hold for a while?" Jack, interrupted, "for how long?" Jonathan said "Jack, we will talk about this at another time, okay?" "Sure", said Jack, disappointed like.

Jennifer was very uneasy and upset the rest of the evening, and when they arrived home, Jonathan said, "what was that all about". Darling she said, Christmas, remember what we said about Christmas, Jonathan then reminded her, that they would think about it…it was nothing definite. He went up to her and took her in his arms, kissed her, I’m sorry darling, he said, I completely forgot. Okay, she said, we will go with the Hyatts. I will return all of the gifts that I had purchased for the children tomorrow. "You did what?" Jonathan said. She could see that he was very upset. She then kissed him and told him that she was sorry that she did all of this on her own and not having him go shopping with her. "Okay he said, let’s put it behind us, because right now it is time for bed and you are all mine." "Jonathan", she said, "your crazy." "Yes, I am," he said "about you."

The next morning Christmas was not mentioned, Jennifer said she had to go out, and Jonathan said "I want to talk about last night." "Last night was wonderful" she said, kissed him and was on her way. Jonathan felt all alone without her, and just went about his business until she came in, which was a few hours later, she kissed Jonathan and said "hello darling." "Where were you?" he said. "I returned all the gifts to the stores, and when I am ready for the children, we will go shopping together." Oh he loved to hear her say that. "Your something", he said. "I know, I know," she said.

Jennifer and Jonathan went to talk to the Hyatt’s about the trip. They had an itinerary, and Jack explained to Jonathan about the yacht and where their state room would be. Jennifer and Jonathan’s state room was perfect for them as they like to have lots of privacy. "Sounds terrific," said Jonathan," we will be ready, won’t we darling" he said to Jennifer and all she did was give him a nod, yes.

Thanksgiving was that next weekend and that meant the trip was close coming. Jonathan gave Maria and James the Thanksgiving weekend off to be with family, and he took Jennifer up to the ranch to see Roxie, who was getting on in years, and Cochise. They, along with Freeway, flew to the ranch Thanksgiving morning and took Roxie out for Thanksgiving dinner. Freeway had turkey dinner also. They stayed the full weekend just riding horses, and hanging around. But, the disappointment of Christmas was still with Jennifer. Jonathan could see it in her expression, and he really felt bad.

Jonathan said, "darling how can I make you feel better?" Jennifer replied, "need you ask?" They both looked at each other and nodded with a yes. "Goodnight Roxie." they both said, "see you in the morning." Roxie said good night, shook her head and grinned, and said to herself, "Young Love."

They had to leave for home the next morning, as Jonathan had to get back to the office to get things in order for his month long absence, and Jennifer wanted to do some shopping. They said their good byes to Roxie and Jennifer had to hug Cochise, and Freeway said his good bye also to Cochise with a bark, and off they went. Roxie hated to see them go. She thought, "I may never see them again."

Upon their arrival home, Maria and James were not in yet. James called and said they would be a little late. "That’s quite alright, take your time, we are okay," said Jonathan, "in fact stay until tomorrow." James said, thank you Mr. Hart. Aha, Jonathan said, home alone. That evening their love for each other was expressed to its fullest.

The next morning, Jonathan asked Jennifer why she was so quiet. Oh, I don’t know, I just have ill feelings about us going on this trip. Oh come on he said, it will be good for you in fact for both of us. Jennifer said, I thought the children from the orphanage would be good for us. We will do that, I promise, Jonathan said, but, right now the time is ours. Okay? Jennifer replied, well okay, I promise to enjoy myself.

The 15th of December had arrived sooner than Jennifer wanted it to. They were ready and so were the Hyatts. It was a beautiful day for them to set sail. Their Jeep was packed, Jennifer said good bye to Freeway, hugged him, and kissed him, and they said their good byes to Maria and James, have fun James said. Off to Santa Maria Yacht Club they were. The yacht was ready and so was the crew. Jonathan was thrilled, he was like a baby with a new toy. They went to their state room, which was absolutely beautiful, and close to the top deck. Jack and Monica’s state room was one lower. Jonathan and Jennifer had all the privacy in the world…they could also have dinner in their room if they wanted to. They had set sail just before noon, and lunch was ready on top deck. They really enjoyed the ocean breeze, and talked about the yacht, and what their plans were for the trip. It sounded very exciting. Jennifer began to mellow, and enjoy herself. She read her books, and swam in the pool which was on the upper deck.

After a week on the water, they were all well adjusted, and Jennifer had freckles from her head to her toes…Jonathan made a joke and said tonight he was going to count them. Jennifer laughed and said he always does.

Their first stop was Manila in the Philippines. They were there for 2 days waiting for the yacht to get cleaned up and re-stocked. Jonathan said that he was not feeling too well, and within hours, he became very ill and had to go to a doctor. He had flu like symptoms, a high fever, and was put in the hospital and in quarantine. They had no idea what he had. Jennifer was frantic, she sat in the hospital outside his room and had no contact with him at all. She begged the doctor to just let her touch him…no, no, no…not until we know what it is he has. By the third day he became paralyzed from the high fever, and was also unable to speak. Jennifer could only look at him from the glass window, of his room, and just sat and cried. He can see her and could read her face just at a glance and he cried with her. Monica was at Jennifer’s side constantly, and would not leave Jennifer alone in a strange place, therefore Jack went off to Tokyo alone. The doctor managed to get Jennifer a suite at the hospital, and then had Jonathan moved to a room adjacent to the suite. She was able to at least look at him whenever she felt the need…which was all day and all night. Jennifer was beginning to get worn, therefore, Monica made a phone call to Maria and told her of the situation, and suggested that Maria fly to Manila to be with Jennifer and assist her. When Maria would arrive, Monica was able to fly to Tokyo to be with Jack. Maria said she would be there as soon as she can.


Maria contacted Frank and the Hart jet left LAX that day. They arrived in Manila in the wee hours of the morning and upon their arrival a limo was waiting to take them to the hospital. Frank talked to Jennifer only to know that Jonathan’s condition had worsened. Jennifer told Frank they do not know what it is he has…I am about ready to take him back to Los Angeles and get Dr. Colby to check him out, this is absolutely ridiculous. I should know something. Yes you should, said Frank. Frank would not leave her, he told Jennifer that she should call Dr. Colby and have him speak with the doctor. If at all possible, perhaps we can take him home, and have him admitted in a hospital in Los Angeles. Jennifer thought that was a very good idea, but, told Frank that she didn’t think they would let him go. Frank called Dr. Colby himself, and Dr. Colby called the attending physician and spoke with him. The doctor told Dr. Colby that Jonathan had a very bad case of the Asian Flu which is very serious, he can even die. That, Dr. Colby would not pass on to Jennifer, but did say, that the doctors were sure he would be out of quarantine soon and she would be able to visit in his room. Dr. Colby talked to Jennifer a long time and said once he is out of quarantine, he would get a neurologist to contact the doctors in Manila and would hope to have some good news.

This was good news for Jennifer, and within a few days Jonathan’s fever broke, and she was able to visit in his room. Jonathan can only look at her, he was unable to raise his arm to touch her, but, she touched his face and wiped away his tears. She bent down to kiss him and told him that she loved him so very much, and he blinked his eyes in response. She sat there all day and all night just holding his hand. Maria tried to get her to eat and get some rest, but, once she was in his room, she would not leave. Frank stayed with Jennifer until the word came that Jonathan could be flown to California.

After 3 more weeks of waiting, the doctor told Jennifer that Jonathan can go back to California but, the jet had to have space large enough for a hospital bed. Frank had to get this done soon as Jennifer kept pushing him, she wanted so much to get Jonathan home. Not home the doctor said, to a rehabilitation hospital. Jennifer said no way, he is going home. The doctor said then he needs a hospital bed. Jennifer said, oh no, no hospital bed he sleeps with me. The doctor said "you are a tough one Jennifer"….I know she said, but, he needs me next to him, and I need him next to me.

The jet was ready and Jonathan was put on board. A male nurse was ordered to travel home with the Harts. The trip home was very rough on Jonathan, but he was happy to know that he was going home. On the plane Jennifer sat as close to him as she could so that she could hold his hand, she kissed him tenderly, and rubbed his back. The nurse said I will give him a rub down, Jennifer insisted that she do it. The nurse could understand her feelings and he just assisted her. When they arrived in Los Angeles, an ambulance was waiting for him as well as Stanley Freison. Stanley told Jonathan, that all was well at Hart Industries, and he would stop by the house in a few days, Jonathan blinked.

Being home was very hard on Jonathan, he was unable to tell how he feels. He did not want to put Jennifer through any more heartache. She sat with him constantly, she read to him, and all he could do was look at her with saddened eyes. He wanted so much to touch her and kiss her. Every time he thought of this he had tears in his eyes.

One day Jennifer thought…I am going to use my own therapy. She lay close to him, made him know that her body was right there. He began to smile. She was thrilled to know that he knew she was there. She talked to him, blink darling if you understand she said….I Love You, and he blinked. Thank God you can hear me. She rubbed his chest, he blinked…oh you like that she said….he blinked twice. Oh well, we are making progress…she was just so thrilled to have him home. She held him close and lay her head on his chest.

Continue on to Part Two

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