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Missing Hart--Part Three

"Mrs. Hart? Wake up Mrs. Hart." Jennifer could hear Deann’s voice. Opening her eyes, Jennifer realized she was lying on the couch in Jonathan’s office. Deann was sitting with her, while Stanley and Nick watched on.

"What happened?"

"You fainted, I think. Good thing for Stanley’s quick action or you would have hurt yourself in the fall." Jennifer laughed at the thought of a graceful rescue from bumbling Stanley. The others laughed with her.

"I called your doctor. She should be here any minute," Deann said.

"Oh, you didn’t need to do that," Jennifer said slowly sitting up.

"Oh, yes she did," a woman’s voice came from the door.

"Really Catherine, I am feeling better."

Dr. Catherine Dalton approached Jennifer, sitting on the couch next to her. "I heard on the news about Jonathan. I imagine you’re under a lot of stress… and not taking care of yourself."

"You’re right. I need a little rest that’s all."

"Let’s make sure shall we?" Catherine asked. "Would you mind leaving us alone?" Stanley, Nick and Deann left the office.

"So, what happened?"

"I just felt dizzy, that’s all."

"Is this the first time?"

"It’s the first time I have fainted."

"So you have felt dizzy before?" Catherine asked reaching over to take Jennifer’s pulse.

"Just a little head rush every now and then," Jennifer explained.

"For how long?"

"I don’t know a few days."

"Are you sleeping?" Catherine shot the questions off with little affect.

"I’ll admit I am exhausted. Its been worse lately. I just can’t sleep." Jennifer looked down at her hands. "Jonathan and I have never been apart this long." The burn in her eyes from tears she couldn’t stop grew. She felt Catherine’s arm around her.

"I know honey." She let Jennifer sit a minute in silence. "Have you been eating?"

"Not very well," Jennifer admitted.

"Is your stomach upset or you just aren’t hungry?"

"My stomach is fine. I guess I’m just not hungry or too busy."

Catherine sat for a moment trying to determine which diagnosis to pursue.

"You know though," Jennifer started. "My food has tasted kind of funny. I get a strange after taste."

"Is it kind of metallic like?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Is it strong enough that you don’t want to eat?"

"No. A stick of gum seems to help."

"Jennifer, when was the last time we talked?"

Jennifer shrugged, "I don’t know a month or so." Catherine pulled out a calendar and then looked Jennifer straight in the eye. "When was your last period?"

Jennifer’s eyes widened. "Whenever it was supposed to be."

"Are you sure? You called me about 6 weeks ago," Catherine said referring to her calendar. "That was right about the time you started your period. Have you had one since? About two weeks ago."

Jennifer sat in thought. Time had gotten away from her. It felt like Jonathan had been gone for years when it was just two weeks. If Catherine were right, she would have started her menses when Jonathan disappeared… but she didn’t.

"No," Jennifer answered softly. Catherine watched her for a minute and then reached into her bag pulling out a pregnancy test.

"You don’t think I am pregnant?"

"I don’t know but why not? You were trying to get pregnant before. That’s why you called me."

"Could it just be stress or something?" Jennifer asked. She wanted to be thrilled at the prospect of being pregnant with Jonathan’s baby but wasn’t. She didn’t want to raise a child without him.

"Yes. That’s why we need the test. If it is negative, then we need to look at another culprit." Catherine watched Jennifer sensing her unease. "I know this adds to the stress Jennifer but it is really important that we know and start taking care of you."

Jennifer took the box and headed to the restroom. She looked in the mirror for several minutes. She didn’t want to use the test, not with Jonathan gone. He should be here to share this moment. She had fantasized about telling him she was pregnant. She could picture his face, the love in his eyes. But now, now she may never get to tell him. Reluctantly, Jennifer used the test and took it to Catherine.

"Well?" Catherine said.

"I don’t know."

"You didn’t check?"


Catherine looked at the test and back to Jennifer. "You can do this Jennifer." Jennifer sucked in air as Catherine’s words hit her. "You and Jonathan." Jennifer sat down, trying to prevent the tears from coming.

"Don’t tell anyone," Jennifer told Catherine.

"Okay," Catherine was hesitant. "Why?"

"Jonathan should be the next to know."

Catherine smiled. "Yes, you’re right. For now, you must rest and eat. Here is a prescription for vitamins. And drink lots of water and orange juice. If you start to feel a little queasy in the morning, keep some crackers and ginger ale near your bed and take some before getting up. And let’s make an appointment for you and Jonathan to come see me in two weeks."

Jonathan sat on the edge of the bed trying to ignore the pain in his stomach. He didn’t think he could bear to eat another cracker with peanut butter for as long as he lived. He knew by the date on his watch that he had been held captive for two weeks. He wondered how much longer he would be able to be completely alone before starting to hallucinate or go mad as he heard men did when isolated for long periods of time. To pass the time he thought of Jennifer and the wonderful life they had built and the fantastic adventures they had gone on. He closed his eyes picturing her chocolate brown eyes, luscious lips and illuminating smile. He rubbed his eyes and forehead of the fatigue and frustration of his situation. He wondered how much longer he would be trapped. But more than anything, he hoped that Jennifer was safe and not a victim of whatever strange scheme was unfolding.

"Mrs. Hart?" Deann said knocking on the door. "Ms. Anderson is here to see you."

Jennifer slowly got up to greet her visitor. "Hello. It’s been a long time."

"Yes it has."

Jennifer looked to Catherine and then Deann. "Did we have an appointment?"

"Oh, no Mrs. Hart. I am here to take you home."

"Home? I don’t understand. I can drive myself home."

"Mrs. Hart." Deann started. "I am sorry but Max made me promise." Deann held up a letter. "He knew that you would never hire anybody else after him. He wanted to be sure that if ever you and Mr. Hart needed help that someone would be available. He told me to call Ms. Anderson."

"You can call me Ruthie," Ms. Anderson said.

Jennifer thought for a moment. "Well, if this is what Max wanted, who am I to argue. But I’ll be back here first thing tomorrow."

"After a hearty meal and good nights rest," Catherine said.

"I’ll see to it," Ruthie said.

"Deann, tell Nick and Stanley I want them here ..... what time is that board meeting?"

"It’s at ten."

"Tell them I want to see them here at 8 to go over strategies before the meeting."

"I will."

Jennifer put on a pair of flannel pajamas and climbed into bed. Rolling over on to Jonathan’s’ side of the bed, she inhaled trying to take in his scent. After so much time, there was no trace of him. Tears sprang to Jennifer’s eyes. Getting up she went to his closet. Taking a coat from its hanger, she pressed it to her face. She could smell the faint scent of his after-shave. Clutching the coat to her, she went to bed.

Jennifer finally succumbed to sleep. In her dream, she was pushing a small boy on the swing.

"Higher Mommy! Higher Mommy," he called. Jennifer was smiling as she indulged her beautiful boy. His shimmering blue eyes twinkled with delight. He looked just like his father.

Then all of a sudden the boy was standing in front of her, looking up at her. "Where is my daddy? Where is my daddy? Where...."

Jennifer bolted up. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she got her barings straight. She was home alone still. Her husband, love of her life, her heart and soul, was still missing. She put her hand on her stomach. "I don’t know sweetie," she answered the dream child. The tears started slowly but quickly built until she was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Mrs. Hart?" Jennifer heard Ruth outside her door. Jennifer tried to stop crying, to answer but couldn’t.

The door slowly opened. "Mrs. Hart? Are you okay?" Ruthie could see that Jennifer was distraught. She went to sit on the edge of bed putting her arms around Jennifer. "That’s right Mrs. Hart. You just let it all out." Ruthie said nothing more after that knowing there was nothing that could be said.


Jennifer arrived at Hart Industries early the next morning not quite refreshed but she felt a strength she hadn’t felt in a while.

"Deann, can you please arrange to have some coffee, orange juice and bagels brought up for my meeting with Stanley and Nick?"

"Yes, Mrs. Hart." Deann’s voice was timid.

"Oh, and Deann?"

"Yes, Mrs. Hart?"

"Thank you for calling Dr. Dalton and Ms. Anderson. I don’t know what I would have done without them yesterday. Or you."

"Thank you Mrs. Hart."

Jennifer sat at Jonathan’s desk. A new feeling of determination swept over her. She would not give up. She would save this company and her husband no matter what.

"Good morning Mrs. Hart," Nick said as he entered the office.

"Good morning Nick."

"You are looking much better today."

"Thank you. I feel much better."

"Mrs. Hart before we get started, I was wondering if we could talk a minute."

"Sure but please, call me Jennifer."

"Ya well all right, Jennifer." Nick took a seat across from Jennifer. "I wanted to explain why I didn’t go with you when you and Stanley broke into the brokerage."

"You don’t need to explain. I was asking you to do something unethical, which I shouldn’t have done. Besides, that was weeks ago..."

"I want to. You see. Before I came here, I got into some trouble with the law. Mr. Hart knows all about it and he hired me anyway."

Jennifer smiled. It warmed her heart to hear about the kindness and compassion of her husband.

"Anyway, if I went with you and we got caught, there is little you or Mr. Hart could do to help I’m sure."

"Nick, thank you for sharing that with me. I know it wasn’t easy." Nick nodded as the door opened. Stanley came in followed by Deann with the morning food.

"Well Gentlemen, let’s say we get started. I understand the board has some concerns about the running of the company."

"Yes but Stanley and I have taken care of everything, right Stanley."

"Right. The fact is Mrs. Hart, you have been running this company. Nick and I placed a few key calls last night and I think you should have most of the board’s support in maintaining control until Mr. Hart comes home."

Jennifer smiled. She felt grateful to have Nick and Stanley on her side. "I appreciate that. I really do." She got up and got some orange juice. "Please have some breakfast."

The two men got some coffee and a bagel.

"I am glad you have confidence in me but I can’t do it without you two." Jennifer sat back down in Jonathan’s chair. "What I was thinking is maybe this meeting is the next step in this take over."

"Who on the board would want to take over Hart Industries. Jonathan doesn’t necessarily see eye to eye with all the members but he respects them and they respect him," Nick said taking a sip of coffee.

Jennifer pulled out her list of board members. "Lets see, Michael Adams, George Fisk, Thomas Laslo, Paul Richards, Charles...... wait Paul Richards...."

"What about him?" Nick asked.

"He doesn’t go by Paul... he goes by Pete doesn’t he?"

"I think so. I guess he used be called P.T. to differentiate between him and his father who is also named Paul. P.T. eventually became Pete."

"All the names on the list at the brokerage where a variation of Richard and Pete," Jennifer said, her adrenaline rising.

"Not Pete?" Nick said in shock.

"She’s right. But wouldn’t that be too much of a coincidence. I mean who ever it is has gone out of his way to not be discovered." Stanley argued.

Jennifer nodded. It was a long shot but she couldn’t help but shake the feeling that it was him. "I guess we just need to wait and see what happens at the meeting," she finally said.

Jennifer, in a bold move, took a seat at the head of the board table. Board members took notice but didn’t say a word. Nick and Stanley were amused by the whole thing and knew Jonathan would be sorry to have not seen it.

The meeting got underway, headed by Joe Myers. Jennifer listened attentively to his arguments.

"Stanley?" Jennifer called when Joe was finished speaking. "What has been the recent stock movements?"

"Stocks continue to be up. They are selling regularly. In fact, this morning, it’s up $1.20 a share."

"Mr. Meyers, Jonathan has been missing for two weeks. It has been in every newspaper and news show in the country and yet the stock remains strong. I don’t see what the problem is?"

"Mrs. Hart, with all due respect, people know that Hart Industries is a finely tuned operation. Mr. Hart surrounds himself with the best. But how long will the company be able to run on autopilot? We need someone to take the helm. Let the world know there is someone steering the ship."

"And who do you have in mind for the job?" Jennifer asked ignoring the plethora of mixed metaphors.

"Well, that’s what we are hear to decide."

Jack Kincaid cleared his throat. "I don’t believe this company has been autopilot. In fact, I know that Mrs. Hart along with Mr. Friezen and Mr. Sims has been working hard running this company. I say let them continue. The stocks show that people aren’t worried. I am sure Mr. Hart will be found soon."

"I agree," several other men said.

"There is no doubt that Mrs. Hart, Mr. Friezen and Mr. Sims are capable people. But Hart Industries is a conglomerate of over 20 companies. Experience in business is important." Mark Samuels jumped in.

"That is true but, Mark, do you want to tell Jonathan that you voted against his wife?" Al Tipton said joking in his usual manner. "We all know that Mrs. Hart is knowledgeable about Hart Industries. She sits on this board with us and is as experienced as the rest of us. Indeed, she sleeps with the head guy... I am sure that gives her way more experience on the inner workings of Hart Industries."

"I have to agree with Al," Pete Richards said. "The policy allows for us to review this later but I think for now, it would be better to continue to run things the way the have. Not only would Jonathan be mad but think of how the public would take it if they knew we threw Mrs. Hart out."

Jennifer wasn’t sure what to think. They seemed to want her there but mostly to save their skins. The vote was about 80% in Jennifer’s favor. She tried not to hold a grudge against the few who voted against her but she couldn’t help but wonder if any of them were involved with Jonathan’s disappearance.


Back in the office, Jennifer, Stanley and Nick sat down relieved.

"Well, we still have the company for now," Jennifer said. "Stanley, I want you to see what you can learn about Pete Richards and members who voted against me."

"Pete voted for you," Nick pointed out.

"I know. Indulge me."

"If he or any of the other board members wanted to take control, there are other, cheaper ways to become CEO," Nick said.

"You said yourself though that Jonathan would never let that happen. Many board members wouldn’t let that happen. No I think I am on the right track. It doesn’t matter who took over. Joe was right. Eventually people may begin to worry. All the culprit needs to do is to create worry about Hart Industries. Then stocks go down. He can buy more or have an easier time weaseling his way in…"

"I’ll get on it right away," Stanley said.

"Nick, I want to you to call Mr. Hamilton and tell him that I will be there in an hour and that I expect to meet with him."

Nick nodded. He didn’t know what Jennifer had in mind but he could see it would take an act of God to stop her now.


Jonathan finished washing himself in the cramped closet that served as a bathroom. While he had water and soap, he didn’t have any shaving supplies or a mirror. He could only imagine what he looked like with two weeks of beard growth. "Well, what are we going to do today?" he asked himself. He shook his head. He didn’t feel like he could take the isolation much longer. He walked out of the bathroom and looked around the room for the millionth time, looking for some chink in the armor that confined him. He already had tried bashing the door with a chair and a table. He tried to pry it open with a rung from the bottom of the cot he slept on. Looking around the room, he was out of ideas. Flopping back on the bed he resorted to the last tactic he could think of, prayer.


"Mr. Hamilton, thank you for seeing me on such short notice." Jennifer entered his office and took a seat before being invited to do so.

"It’s always a pleasure to see you Mrs. Hart. I am sorry to here about Mr. Hart’s disappearance. Is there any new developments?"

"I think we are on the verge of figuring this out. That’s why I am here to see you."

"Really? What can I do to help?"

"You know of course that we are aware that you are the broker in some unusual stock purchasing."

"Yes and as I told your people I would like to help with that but confidentiality prevents me from doing that. I would lose credibility and clients if I did that."

"Sure, I understand. I am sure Mr. Hart would too. He respects people who live up to their ideals. I think he’d understand that you put your business first despite the fact that when you were almost bankrupt and needed new office space, he leased you this office for ½ of its worth for over 5 years. And, I am sure you haven’t forgotten that most of those clients you are so protective of, Mr. Hart referred to you."

Mr. Hamilton shifted in his seat. He owed Jonathan Hart a great deal. But he would lose it all if he started giving away information about his clients.

"Don’t worry about it Mr. Hamilton. I didn’t come here to guilt trip you. I came here to warn you."

"Warn me?"

"You see, I have enough information to give to the police that leads to your business. They will get a warrant and search the premises, probably close you down for a day or two. But that isn’t the worst of it. I am afraid they may think you are a part of this scheme."

"You think that the stock buying and Mr. Hart’s disappearance are related?"

"I know it. And I know that you are the one person standing between the answers and me. The police Chief, being such a good friend of ours, might not be as understanding as I am."

Mr. Hamilton tugged on his tie. "I need to leave the room for a minute Mrs. Hart. I think if you wanted to sit over here for a minute you might find what you are looking for. Of course, I don’t know because I will be out of the room."

"Very well," Jennifer said. Mr. Hamilton left the room. Jennifer took his seat. She sifted through the papers until finding a list with the Richard Peter names. On this list she saw different addresses next to each name but that was it. Is this the key?

"Mrs. Hart, I have that information on Pete Richards you asked for," Stanley said putting the information on the desk as she took a seat.

"Thank you Stanley. Anything interesting?"

"Well, he owned Biggs Construction for many years but recently sold it. Plus he owns vast amounts of real estate. The addresses are there on the list."

Jennifer looked at the list. Opening the folder she pulled out the list she got from Mr. Hamilton. "Stanley, I think this is it!" Jennifer exclaimed.


"Look. Here are the addresses associated with all the people buying Hart stock. And look here, Pete owns all of them."


"I wonder if Jonathan is at one of these properties. Stanley, is there any way we can quickly find out if any of these properties are vacant?"

"Here, these marks show whether it is a residential investment or commercial."

"What does this mean?" Jennifer said pointing to an ‘O’ next to the properties."

"I am not sure. I was thinking occupied."

Jennifer scanned the list. "There are three here with no ‘O’. Come on Stanley, let’s go."

"Go? Shouldn’t we call the police or at least wait for Nick?"

"I am not waiting a single minute if Jonathan is at one of these homes."



Jonathan was lost in thought when the first hallucination came. He could hear creaking and voices above him. His first thought was that perhaps someone had come to free him. However, not wanting to be too optimistic he wrote it off as his mind playing tricks on him.

"Stanley? Is this house on a slab?" Jennifer asked as they walked through the last house.


"Concrete. You know versus a basement?"

"Oh, I don’t know."

"The floor gives too much to be a slab," Jennifer said.

"Maybe it’s on a crawl. I didn’t see any signs of there being a basement from the outside."

Jennifer walked through the house once and then on her second trip began to open all cupboards and closets. In the back room, she went into the closet to investigate and felt the floor shift. "Stanley? Can you help me?"

Stanley came into the room.

"Help me pull the carpet up." Jennifer and Stanley ripped up the carpet to reveal a trap door. Jennifer felt giddy with anticipation.

"Jonathan?" She called as she opened the door. The only response was her echo. "Help me down."

Stanley helped Jennifer down through the door. She found herself in a narrow hallway with a metal wall on one side. It was dark. Reaching into her purse she pulled out the little flashlight she carried on her key ring. "This is spooky," she said to herself. Feeling along the wall she followed the hallway. She stopped when her hand hit a seam. Feeling around she discovered it was a door.

Stanley paced up in the room. He didn’t like the feel of this at all. He wished he had called the police. He hoped that Nick and found his note and called them. He heard a noise and turned to help Jennifer out from the basement. Instead, his head met a blunt object and he was knocked out cold.


"Jonathan?" Jennifer called as she tried to figure out how to open the door. "Jonathan? Are you in there?"

Jonathan lay on the bed willing his mind to stay sane. It was no use. The voice, her voice was so clear and so close… as if she was really here.

Jennifer found the last latch and pulled the door open. "Jonathan?" She stepped into the dimly lit room. "JONATHAN!" She ran to him as he sat up. Kneeling in front of him she took his face in her hands. "I found you, darling, oh I found you." Jennifer kissed his lips through her sobs.

"Jonathan?" Jennifer couldn’t understand why he wasn’t responding. Aside from the beard, he looked physically fine. "Jonathan? Are you okay?"

For the first time he looked into her eyes. "Jennifer?" his voice was soft, cracking.

"Yes, darling! It’s me." She smiled with complete joy. Jonathan reached out to touch her face. As if convinced she wasn’t a hallucination, he took her arms and pulled him to her.

"Thank God," he said under his breath as he held her close to him and wept.

"Enjoying your reunion?"

Jennifer turned. "Pete."

"Yes. Although, you knew it was me already didn’t you, Mrs. Hart."


"The same reason people climb Mt. Everest; the challenge was there."

"It’s been a game to you?" Jennifer’s voice couldn’t hide the horror at what this man had done for a challenge.

"I beat Jonathan Hart. That’s not an easy feat."

Jennifer instinctively stood in front of Jonathan to protect him. "Fine. You won. Now what?"

"Well." Pete said revealing the gun he was carrying. "Unfortunately I had to resort so some unlawful activities to win this game."

"I bet you cheated in Chutes and Ladders." Jennifer said under her breath.

"I’m sure I did. The point is, I need to protect my investment now." He held the gun up, pointing it at Jennifer.

Continue on to Part Four

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