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Author’s Notes- This is sort of a Hart to Hart / West Wing Crossover. I’m going to manipulate on some stuff from both shows, though. I’ll set the story about a year after Bartlet’s second term, so that makes a few years in the future, but I’m going to make CJ & Toby in their forties and Jonathan & Jennifer in their fifties. I’m also going to fudge with some other details, so it’s kind of an alternate universe thing. For those who don’t watch The West Wing, CJ Cregg is the White House Press Secretary & Toby Ziegler is the White House Director of Communications. If you have anymore question feel free to e-mail me. Now, if I haven’t confused the heck out of you, On with the story!

Running Harts--Part One

Once again they were bombarded by the press. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence lately, and all of them had the same question. "Mr. Hart, are you going to run for governor?" It all started when someone, at some party, they couldn’t even remember who, had suggested it and the notion of Hart for governor had spread like a wild fire. Every where they went they were asked the same question, and they still didn’t have didn’t have an answer. Now it was walking out of a restaurant after dinner; yesterday it was leaving Hart Industries’ head office. Jennifer was asked while out shopping, and Deanne’s phones were ringing off the hook. Jennifer had finally had enough.

"We’re going straight home."

"Why? I thought you wanted to…"

"We are going home and we’re going to talk about this."

"I don’t see what there is to talk about."

"I can’t stand the constant stream of reporters that are following us around!"

" It’s because you’re so good looking."

"Thank you Darling, but stop trying to change the subject."

"Can’t we table the subject?"

"Yes, we can, but only for the thirty minuets it going to take for us to get home. "

"Darn, you know Sweetheart, there are a lot of better things we could do with our time once we got home," he said, smiling at her.

"If you’re good, after our discussion, we can do that too."




Upon arriving home, Jonathan sat on the couch, while Jennifer fixed them drinks.

"Ok, where do you want to start? Because as soon as this is over," he looked at her suggestively.

"Darling, get your mind out of the gutter."


"Do you plan on running for Governor of California?"

"Don’t you think you be the first person to know?"


"Do you think I should run?"

"Only if you want too."

"That’s not a good answer. This effects you too, you know."

"I know."

"If I won, we’d have to move."

"From what I’ve seen, the Governor’s mansion is a pretty nice house."

"You wouldn’t mind?"

"Darling, to tell you the truth this house has never felt like home. I don’t think anywhere will after willow pond."

"We’d be in the public eye a lot."

"Like we’re not now."

"You sound like you really want me to run."


"What if I told you that I could think of a million reasons why I don’t want to run?"

"What if I said I could think of a million more reasons why you should?"

"Name some."

"Ok, fine." She sat down next to him. "Just think of what you could accomplish. Tougher crime laws, lowering the poverty rate, stricter laws concerning wildlife and animal cruelty, helping underprivileged kids get a chance, and generally making California a better place to live."

"I have an idea."

"You do?"


"Well then, are you going to tell me?"

"I’ve made my decision."

"You have?"

"Yep, lets go up stairs, and I’ll tell you all about it, then we can celebrate."








"What CJ?"

"Sorry, were you sleeping?"

"That’s generally what people do at," he check the clock, "two in the morning."


"Don’t worry about it. What’s wrong?"

"Why do you think something’s wrong?"

"Because you woke me up at two in the morning, something is wrong." He turned on the light next to him.

"I can’t stop thinking about California." She turned in his arms so she could see his face.


"Gee Toby, I don’t know, maybe I don’t have a reason."

"Yes, you do."

"It’s our way back in."

"Back to politics? Why do you want to go back?"

"Because we’ve done nothing for almost a year now. Don’t you miss it? "

"No. We spent eight good years in the White House, we deserved this brake. Besides, we haven’t done nothing all year."

"Pretty close to nothing. Can you honestly tell me that you are prepared to just give up now? Fade away in to the sunset?"

He sighed. "No, I’m not, your right." He paused. "I’ve read the background information on the Hart’s, they’re good people, and it would be nice to be back in the game."

"Exactly, I think we can win this one. They are good people who stand for good causes."

"Your just not happy unless there is a room full of reporters at your attention, are you."

" I’m very happy when I’m with you."

"Well, err."

"I love it when you blush Toby Ziegler."

"Because you’re the only one who can make me Claudia Jean Cregg- Ziegler."

"God, I hate it when you use my full name."

"Can we try and get some sleep now?"

"Can we go to California?"


"You promise you won’t change your mind?"

"I promise. I love you."

"I love you too."




"I’m nervous Darling."

"About the press conference?"


"Don’t be."

"Jonathan, I’m serious."

"So I am I. Ms. Cregg said she had it all worked out."

"We’ve never even met her."

"She wanted to get this started as soon as possible. Besides, nothing will go wrong. Toby wrote out exactly what we have to say tomorrow."

"I don’t think I like him."

"He is a little gruff. Give him time. I spoke with Jed Bartlet and he says there is nobody better then the two of them."

"I hope he’s right. Why didn’t she come out here with him?"

"He said she had a few last minuet things to take care of in Washington. She’ll be here tomorrow. Don’t worry."

"I’m sorry, it’s just that I want everything to go perfect tomorrow."

"It will, I promise. I love you."

"I love you too."


"Hello everyone, please take your seats." CJ said as she took the podium the next morning at the press conference. Some reporters of some very important papers were there, and everyone in the room recognized CJ. She flashed a quick smile at Toby, who was on the left wing of the stage she was standing on. This felt good. She was back in her element now. "Here’s how it’s going to run today folks. Both of the Hart’s are going to speak to you, and then I’ll take time to answer your questions."

"CJ, why won’t Mr. Hart be taking any questions?" That had come from Mark Craft, a LA Times correspondent who had once been a member of the White House press corp.

"Mark, it’s great to see you again, and to answer your question, the Harts will take questions at a later date in time, but for now, you’re stuck with me."



Just behind Toby, Jonathan and Jennifer waited to be called to the stage.

"She’s very good with the reporters," Jennifer commented, " and as a reporter I should know."

"She’s the best," Toby said.

"You wouldn’t be a little biased on the count of she’s your wife, would you?" Jonathan joked.

"No," Toby said seriously and then turned back to watching CJ. Jonathan and Jennifer both glanced at each other. Toby was not easy to get along with. "Ok Mr. Hart you’re on, just remember to stick with what I wrote."

"No problem Toby." He kissed his wife for luck before taking the stage. As he met CJ half way he shook her hand, and she mouthed "good luck".

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to thank you for coming. I think we all know what I want to talk about today."

"Thank God, someone who sticks to what I wrote," Toby mumbled. CJ smiled

"It’s only been one sentence".

"I know, he’s already doing better then Bartlet." They turned their focus back on Jonathan.

"First I want to thank everyone who showed support in me as a potential candidate. I hope you will support me in what I have to say next. Which is, that I am not the person to run for the job of your governor. I’m happy with running Hart Industries, it’s a very time consuming job and the head of this state should have ample time to devote to the constituents. That being said, I’d like to now introduce you to the person I think would make the best choice for the democratic candidate, a person who not only has the time for, but a dedication to the California citizens and the improvement of the overall standard of living in this great state, my wife, Jennifer Hart.


Continue on to Part Two

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