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Urban Dictionary is a slang dictionary with your definitions. Define your world.

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1. A stomach pump.

2. Anything that is so sickening that it makes you lose your lunch.
What a deluncher that play was. It was so sickening that everybody booed it and demanded their money back after a few people threw up. The curtain had to be wrung down. If that play even deserves to be called a turkey, I'll never eat turkey again.
Source: Kwickream, Shamballah

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Stewy, the he baby of the family in the "Family Guy" cartoons with the football shaped head.
Footballhead has more brains than the rest of that dysfunctional family all put together.
Source: Thoth, Tithonia City, Mars

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That which you include in an envelope along with a bill you mail back to some fraudulent operation like Active Periodicals, whether you intend to pay it or not.
After being billed time and time again for something that was worthless, he finally mailed that company a peement. Rather than get something for nothing he got the bill in the envelope ready and then peed on it before he taped it shut and mailed it. He finally peed for what he got.
Source: Macquey, Bagtown

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To pee in a jar and sell it for lemonade.
He was piajasifling for some extra money until someone got lockjaw from drinking
the pee which he thought was lemonade.
Source: A. Tabone, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

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A rotten sentence.
You don't have the question once you have a suitable answer. Questions, kwestions, cwestions, kweschuns, cweschuns
Source: Leonardo Lyon, Bongo Congo, MA

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A small frail man with microscopic nads or an undetectable scratch crop of male sperm that somehow finds its target and causes a pregnancy.
Hit in the right spot by an almost undetectable scropdit from a squirt gun, she got pregnant without a clue as to how it happened.
Source: Mabus Alien DNA, Winnetka, IL

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Anything or anyone that's utterly intolerable even for those who
are the most tolerant.
The situation in the Middle East is really a toletful and the shit is
going to hit the fan.
Source: Wolver, Moon

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