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Here is my collection of Howard Stern RealAudio files.  Use the image map to go to the category of your choice. Please feel free to provide a link to this site but do not put links to my individual files on your web page.
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Last updated November 24, 1999

There have been visitors since May 1998

Bits Bands Celebrities Jackie Gary Howard Other Stuff The Losers Fred Robin


(None of these will work if you don't have the G2 player)


Fred's wife in play (23:29)
(7-28-95) This is the first time on the show that it was mentioned that Fred's wife will be "acting" in a play were she makes out with another guy.

Grillo - "I'm Zo Zexy" (7:46)
(1994) A song parody to the tune of "I'm So Sexy" is written for intern Steve Grillo. Fred sings it first and then Grillo makes an attempt to sing it.

Ass-trology (3:41)
(11-18-99) Bill the farter has his butt read by Jackie Stallone's ass-trologist friend.

Politically Incoherent (28:42)
(11-18-99) Bill Maher and memebers of the Wack Pack do a special version of Politically Incorrect.

"He's Got Big Teeth" (2:05)
(10-6-99) The Go-Gos sing a song parody about Gary to the tune of "We've Got the Beat".

Mush mouth Jesse Jackson (1:53)
(11-15-99) Fred does a Funny impression of Jesse Jackson during the news.

Fred's copy machine accident (8:05)
(11-8-99) Howard explains how Fred broke the copy machine while the gang was trying to Xerox their butts.

Kevin Smith and Chris Rock (35:34)
(11-12-99) Director, Kevin Smith and Chris Rock come in to promote the movie, "Dogma".

Pimp Hand (1:23)
(11-11-99) Some Rap-O-Gram guys do a song written for Howard.

Chris Rock - Nigga Please Cereal (1:04)
(10-7-99) Howard plays a funny Chris Rock bit.

Jokeland Monopoly (2:17)
(10-7-99) A new board game based on Jackie's collection of decrepit beach shanties.

Howard rips Mancow (14:30)
(11-2-99) Howard plays a tape of Mancow talking about Howard's separation and then has a thing or two to say about Mancow.

Dave Grohl performs "My Hero" (3:37)

Howard's separation (15:25)
(10-25-99) Howard starts the show by telling everyone all about the big news.

Nicole Bass Show (19:02)
(9-17-99) The gang plans out what a Nicole Bass show based on the Munsters would be like.

The Regular Guys (15:46)
(10-12-99) Howard on the phone with the Regular Guys. All the Sternless in Altanta and all they get is these guys!

Fred's nephew (15:07)
(10-13-99) Fred's nephew visits the show. Fred doesn't speak to his brother so he never sees his nephew.

Roseanne and Tom Arnold (29:58)
(10-04-99) Howard gets Roseanne to call Tom during her recent visit to the show.

Backside Boys - "Every Homo" and "The Gay Way" (7:48)
(9-30-99) The second Backside Boys song, "Every Homo" and the final version of "The Gay Way".

Backside Boys rehearsal 1 (3:29)
(9-27-99) Howard, Jackie and Fred sing their Backside Boys song parody.

Backside Boys rehearsal 2 (3:50)
(9-27-99) This one is the second version of their song called "The Gay Way". This turned out to be the better of the two.

The Losers rehearse Rythm of the Night (10:09)
(9-22-99) Fred does vocals, Howard plays steel drums, Scott on drums, Jackie and John(?) on guitars and Gary on trumpet.

The Losers and Barry Williams play Rhythm of the Night (9:40)
(9-23-99) The final version performed with Barry Williams (Greg Brady). Dan the farter joins in along with Ramone, the gay dancer.

Gary's ebonics phone call (5:39)
(9-16-99) Gary makes a phone call to D.L. Hughley speaking in ebonics.

Beetle Juice barfing (7:33)
(7-27-99) Beetle Juice makes a lot of funny noises when he barfs.

promo for Jackie Jokeman Jeopardy (:25)

Even more cats for Robin (11:26)
(10-21-99) Robin is going cat crazy. She now owns nine cats but is actually taking care of 13.

Star Jones and The View (7:43)
(10-26-99) Howard rips into the cows on The View after hearing a tape of their comments about him.

News from 10-22-99 (17:54)
(10-22-99) News segment from 10-22-99. Highlights include a visit from the Naked Cowboy and goofing on Gary's smoking.

Stuttering John gets fired (20:49)
(10-14-99) Stuttering John gets yelled at for getting free Yankee tickets and then gets fired.

Don't forget to visit the archives!

[ Howard | Robin | Fred | Jackie | Gary ]
[ Bits | Bands | Celebrities | Losers | Other Stuff ]

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