The Late Night With Conan O'Brien Newsletter #07 /19-031


Hellooooo everyone. What a sad week it has been. Every time I went online this week I was inundated with instant messages from people wanting to talk to me about Oldy. Everyone has had their favorite memories of him and he meant a lot to everyone.

For me, I was never too sure about him at first. I thought it was weird. But the character grew on me and when I discovered more about him I even found that I was watching those movies he was in, just because he was in them. One of my favorite memories was from Time Travel Week, the one where they went back to 1983 when 'Oldy' interpreted the dance scenes from films like Flashdance, and Funny Business. I was rolling when he was break-dancing; it's one of the funniest and most bizarre sights I've ever seen. We'll all miss Oldy and it's never going to feel the same again when I watch those old tapes of the show.

I've been experiencing a brand new Late Night phenomenon. Emails from people who just write "inappropriate". At first it's funny. Once, maybe twice, three times tops it's laughable. But not once it gets to the point where I lose count. Grrrrrr. Not funny. In fact bloody well "Inappropriate!!" No more puh-lease!!

Have a Conetastic week everyone and let's get it awn!

"Inappropriate Editor"



UPCOMING GUESTS - July 20 - 31 1998
WEEK IN REVIEW - July 13 - 18 1998







The actor William Preston who played one of Late Night's most popular and longest running characters Carl 'Oldy' Olsen died in New York on Friday after a brief illness. He was 76.

William played many roles in both theatre and on the big screen, but he will be forever immortalized as the strange old man with the maniacal laugh.

Conan led a moving tribute to him on Tuesday night's show. Talking briefly about his family, his acting career and his life. Then they showed a compilation of clips from his appearances on the show.


From July 21 you can watch an encore showing of an interview William Preston gave to the public-access show "Arts Insight" earlier this year.

Check out this website for your local program schedule:



Damone, has set up a memorial to William Preston at his website. Go pay your respects at: http://www.ios.com/~damone/oldy.html







Announced on Tuesday: NBC-Conan-Anniversary 'Late Night With Conan O'Brien' celebrates its fifth anniversary with a primetime special airing Tuesday, September 15 at 10 p.m.

Since its debut in 1993, "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" has become one of the hippest, hottest and funniest shows on television. Now, to celebrate his fifth anniversary on the air, NBC presents a special primetime broadcast, looking back on "Late Night's" five years of comedy and celebrities on Tuesday, September 15, 10 p.m. ET.

The special, "Late Night's" first foray into primetime, will feature many of the sketches and recurring characters that have made the show so popular: "If They Mated;" "In the Year 2000;"and, of course, Conan's "Clutch Cargo" interviews, where the show literally puts words in the mouths of the world's most famous and infamous celebrities. The special will also feature highlights from some of the thousands of celebrity interviews from the past five years. Sidekick Andy Richter will be on hand along with Max Weinberg and The Max Weinberg 7 to keep the celebrating to a maximum.

Originating from NBC's legendary Studio 8H, home of "Saturday Night Live," the "Late Night with Conan O'Brien Fifth Anniversary Special" promises to be a must-see event for the show's legion of fans and will serve to remind others why "Late Night" is, according to Entertainment Weekly, "the most cunning talk show around."







Conan, Andy, Max Weinberg and other NBC stars from shows like Friday Night, SNL, and The Tonight Show With Jay Leno will be at a press cocktail party in Pasadena on Sunday night (tonight) and will chat live online in the NBC Live Studio.

The chat is scheduled to start at 7pm PT/10pm ET (4am CET) and can be accessed through the NBC Live Studio at: http://www.nbc.com/live







Remember Conan's side burns? They were long red, sexy, the subject of much debate when he shaved them off in February and I personally thought they made his head look less big. Did you love them? Do you even care? Stephanie is asking all Conan devotees to send her e-mails on why Conando should grow them back.

Stephanie says: "I have decided to do a stupid thing, which is to petition Conan to bring back his sideburns. I want to get some comments via e-mail on why he should.....please feel free to mention the word "sexy" a million times.....send away, send away.......I will send them to Laurie Scollar as soon as I feel there are enough......"

Send your reasons to SAVE OUR SIDEBURNS to: Frk4 Conan@aol.com







THIS WEEK'S POLL QUESTION: What are your favorite memories of Carl 'Oldy' Olsen?

Send your response before Thursday to: LateNightPoll@hotmail.com


LAST WEEK'S POLL QUESTION: Was from Michael; What do you think of the new blue backdrop?


Michael -

I know I brought it up, but I have to put in my two cents, too. I think the background is just too much. I miss the skyline. I think they should add more buildings, or just darken the sky's color. The blue is just too blue. I don't know why they had to change what was already perfect anyway, but like Linzi said, the new furniture took some getting used to also. (But blue?!) I think the moon is pretty cool.


Stephanie -

Well, at first the new backdrop was quite annoying. I guess I had too much of the same thing too long. But as Conan suggested, it does bring out those gorgeous blue eyes...well, days later, I can't picture the old background. Go figure.


AbeScott -

Personally, I prefer it a lot more over the sort of Drab old one. It makes the set seem a lot more livley, and goshdarnit, it brings out Conan's eyes.


Stephanie -

The first couple of days, I didn't like it then the third day I got used to it... and now I like it as much as I liked the old one!!


Chantale -

I don't think I like it. When you see the whole thing it's cool, but when the camera is just on Conan the backdrop is way too blue. It looks like one of those blue screens or something, or like someone was redecorating and got too tired to finish the place. Plus I don't think it's the right hue of blue for our pale Irish friend ;) He looks silly against it unless he's wearing the same shade of blue. Whoa this is a loaded answer. I sound angry ;)


Mike -

The new backdrop sucks. The blue is really ugly and it distracts from the interview. I like the previous one the most out of all the backdrops they've had.


Rachel -

My god, the first time I saw the backdrop, I think I almost puked, then my eyes started adjusting to it, and now, its just part of the norm, for me anyhoo.


Allison -

I'm really split on the backdrop issue. I don't like for one because I LOVE Conan in blue shirts, and the blueness of the set and the shirt is just too much blue. But at the same time, it totally changes the feel of the show. The first set gave you sort of a "These guys are doing this out of a SoHo apt.".......which was kinda kool. The whole show felt so underground, like a little secret only a select few had the honor of enjoying. The second set was WAY too commercial. The backdrop really made it look like they were in midtown Manhattan, in such close proximity to all the other buildings. They appeared to be too commercially successful. Now this blue backdrop creates the illusion that their doing their show from some loft in Queens or Brooklyn. This gives them that whole chic, underground feel again which I dig so much. I also Think that the moon is pretty.


LuVeR2345 -

It will take a little getting used to , but I think that it is pretty, and yes it does bring out the color in Conan's eyes.


ACW623 -

I really don't like it- it's too bright! at 12.30 in the morning everything looks like a blur- I have a hard time concentrating!!! Haha, I guess I'll get

use to it eventually.


Jessica -

The color of the new background is pretty, but there is just TOO much of it. I think it needs higher buildings and more stars in the sky behind Conan's head, so that it doesn't look like it is going to swallow him up so much. Other than that, a change in the set is good!


Julie B -

I like the blueness of the set, but it will take a while to adjust. I'm still getting used to life with out the velvet-y curtains and the fan.


Nick W -

I like the old one more. They seem to just be copying all the other shows with it too.


Allan That -

The night they premiered it, I thought it would lead up to some kind of comedy bit involving a blue screen.... because the damn thing looks like a blue screen. I don't like it... it's too overwhelming.


Karen, your goddess of odd -

Oh ahh... hmm.. Well, it's er, different. I like the other one better, but I guess I could get used to the blue one. It's a little bright, though... although it *does* make Conan's hair look redder....


Yoda Hart -

I think the blue background is just fine. I don't think it can effect the show that much. All I think is Andy should wear more blue jewellery.







Generally this space is afforded a nice little outlet for some good-natured and nasty award-giving for either the crappiest or best guests of the week that was in "Late Night". This week is an exception, however. This column is to celebrate the life of someone we all think we knew; or at least, the character he portrayed that we all knew very well.

If you have seen the shows from this past week or if you've checked the Conan O'Brien newsgroup, you all know that one of our favorite sons, William Preston, passed away on Friday, July 10. To his family, William Preston was probably a good father, a favorite uncle, and perhaps someone's grandfather. To us, the Late Night faithful, William Preston was known by another name: Carl "Oldy" Olson, recurring character without peer.

I'm sure a lot of you out there came to become devoted Conanites like I did: you watched some of the first season's shows to see just who the hell the guy replacing Letterman was. That's how I did it, of course. A year or so later, fighting fits of insomnia, you stumbled across the show again because, for whatever reason, you just couldn't sleep. You were probably struck by the bizarre nature the show had taken--it was less stiff than you remembered. None of your friends watched and you felt like this new Late Night was a great present to keep to yourself. Why spoil it, right.

One of the reasons for the turnaround-save more comfort in the job from the host and what probably amounted to better writing-was the strange array of regular characters that had recurring roles on the show; the Grand Poobah of which was a sprightly and frighteningly-thin bearded old man who was so unintelligible that the producers actually had to ask the chyron operators to add a transcript of his lines to the bottom of your television screen in a space generally reserved for weather warnings and breaking news. What the heck was that about?

The first time I can recall seeing Carl "Oldy" Olson I thought "Who the hell is that?!" What's more, I didn't think he was funny; not even a little bit. I groaned when he was on. But you know what? I came to love the Oldy character. And I'm still not entirely sure as to why.

Linzi was the first to tell me that William had died. I made a point of staying up to check out what kind of send-off Conan, Andy, and crew would have for Oldy Olson-and I was not disappointed. Conan simply went on his television program and offered his condolences to William's family. He said a bit about the man and spoke reverentially about some of the other projects William had been featured in. Then he offered a few clips in tribute to William Preston as he had appeared on Late Night. The segment was respectful and very classy. What's more is that it was well-done and heart-felt. Conan and everyone involved with the show should be commended for the dignity they gave the man in passing with his words, while letting his work stand on it's own merits.

Why did we laugh at the character of Carl "Oldy" Olson? Because he was strange. He was underweight and frail-looking; something he allowed to be exploited for laughs. Whether he was singing classic rock songs from the seventies by Kansas and Mountain or he was picking up strippers and getting all the women, he was funny because the character was written to the exact opposite of someone who looked (and was as old) as William Preston did. It was shock value; a guy who appeared to be as old as he is heavy (somewhere in the hundreds, I assume) doing things like playing baseball or singing with Sting that just didn't fit the profile.

To me, the character of Carl "Oldy" Olson became funny because there was no rhyme or reason to it. It was "out there" and while I was slow to come to it, the man William Preston brought me to it. He was charming and strange and at times you wondered if he really knew he was setting himself up as the butt of jokes. But now that he has left us, let's tip one to the memory of William Preston-and let's go pick up prostitutes or become randy Puritans to the memory of Carl "Oldy" Olson. He'd've wanted it that way. Rest in peace.







Hi, my name is Dez. I'm a HUGE fan of LNWCOB and I've watched the show almost religiously since the very beginning. I think I know everything there is to know about the show and I'd like to help answer any questions you might have about it. If I can't answer your question myself, I'll do my best to find you someone who can. You'll see...

So if you've got an unanswered question about Conan O'Brien or Late Night write to me at: AgentLA@AOL.COM


From: Virginia

Does Conan still go out with LN talent booker Lynn Kaplan? I read in People magazine a while back that they shared an apartment...but that was in 1996. Conan looks good

Dez Sez: Yes he still dates her. To the best of my knowledge they have been together since late 1993. They met when he was hiring an assistant, Lynn no longer works for late night though, she left several months ago to pursue her own career in charity film work.


From Alice:

My friends have been talking all about Conan doing some skit where he learns how to do all these different dances. I must have missed the show and I'm dying to see it. Can you like, tell me when it will be on again or if not can you tell me who the guests were so I can watch out for it again?

Dez Sez: Ahhhhh the night of April 16th. Everyone is still talking about that show. It was such a good show, chances are it'll be a rerun within the next two months. NBC would be dumb to not show such a conetastic episode. The guests were animal dude Thayne Maynard, the guy who plays Chef on South Park Issac Hayes, and comedian Bobby Slayton.


From Louise:

I would like to know if there was ever a In the Year 2000 quote about an angel. I'm sure I heard it before but I just can't remember it.

Dez Sez: Here's one that was read pretty recently by Andy: "A real-life angel will be born in Louisiana. Unfortunately, his parents will sell him to the carnival where he'll be billed as 'Ringhead, the Hideous Bird Boy.'"


From Karen G:

Whatever happened to PimpBot 5000? I love him.

Dez Sez: At a speaking engagement in Pennsylvania a few months back Conan said that PimpBot 5000 had been phased out since the writers no longer could think of any funny ways to say the same old things over and over again.





UPCOMING GUESTS - July 20 - 24 1998


MONDAY, July 20 (Rerun of 3/13/98):
Denis Leary,
Holly Robinson Peete,
Mary Lou Lord

TUESDAY, July 21:
Joy Behar,

Jay Mohr,

THURSDAY, July 23:
Paul Tompkins

FRIDAY, July 24:
Edward Burns,
Bob McCoy


HIATUS - July 27 - 31 1998

MONDAY, July 27 (Rrerun of 4/15/98):
Gwyneth Paltrow,
Tom Snyder,

TUESDAY, July 28 (Rerun of 4/28/98):
John Lithgow,
Marc Maron,
Pete Seeger and Dar Williams

WEDNESDAY, July 29 (Rerun of 4/30/98):
Marc Wahlberg,
Chris Kattan,
Jeff Stilson

THURSDAY, July 30 (Rerun of 5/7/98):
David Hasselhoff,
Molly Shannon,

FRIDAY, July 31 (Rerun of 5/1/98):
Patrick Swayze,
Daniela Pestova






On Monday July 21 last year Late Night was showing a repeat of a show from November 13th 1996. The hilarious Rob Schneider sang, Mimi Rogers, Carl Perkins were the guests. Conan talked about the Holyfield-Tyson fight and that now infamous ear biting incident. Andy did a remote with the 'shaky' guy from Michael Jackson's "Beat It" video. Public Service Announcements were also shown.

Tuesday July 22 a brilliant show, maybe even The Perfect Hour Of Entertaiment ™. Conan's campaign to have Dirty Dancing re-released for it's 10th Anniversary continued with a threat to fire La Bamba if the studio bosses didn't relent. Conan flipped through his Celebrity Autograph book and the wonderful Loser was mauled by a bear at the beach. Guests were The Smothers Brothers, MLS star Alexi Lalas and music from The Fun Lovin' Criminals.

On Wednesday July 23 guests were actress Isabella Rossellini, (say it with me "Is-a-bell-a Ro-sse-lli-ni"), Thomas Haden Church, and commedian Jeffrey Ross. Conan and Andy played with the Ouija Board and our old pal Bathtime Bob visited with another cleanliness song in a sketch that featured Andy's wife Sarah Thyre.

Conan's campaign to have "Dirty Dancing" re-released for its 10th anniversary or there would be no more La Bamba continued on Thursday July 24th. Clinton gave Conan the news on his latest shenanigans live via satellite and Triumph the Insult Comic dog did what he does best. Guests were David Alan Grier, original Batman star Adam West, and music from Sugar Ray.





WEEK IN REVIEW - July 13 - 18 1998


MONDAY, July 13 (Rerun of 4/8/98):
Steven Wright
Cheech Maron
Johnathin Harris!
Good old Fashion staring Contest
What Do People From Other Countries Think Of Clinton's Scandals?

Kyla says: "The Comedy bit was a good old Fashion staring Contest, and guess who won ?? !! Conan of course.! Andy tried to keep his composure, but the rabbit that got chocolate all over itself started to rock out, Andy had no choice but to join it (you know what I'm talking about if you watched it), and there you go. That's how Conan won again! The other comedy sketch was where they were asking people from other countries what they think of the Clinton scandal, of course they gave outrageous answers, most were funny. Back to the issue at hand, Conan was looking mighty Fine that night with his earth tone shirt and his snazzy maroon tie, very sexy rrrroooowwwwwlll!!!!"


TUESDAY, July 14:
Alan Alda,
Ana Gastyer,
Chris Eigemen,
Cheer Up Brazil,

Tribute to William Preston (Carl "Oldy" Olsen)

Kyla says: "Conan gave a very touching speech remembering the movies and plays that William had been in. They also showed a hilarious tribute to his character Carl "Oldy' Olson. William was 76."


Ben Stiller,
Seth Green,
Brian Setzer Orchestra
Actual Items,
Appearance by Jerry Stiller,
Public Service Announcements

Kyla says: "The Band was the best I thought anyway. They were the Brian Setzer Orchestra, they did a great song called "Jump, Jive and Whale!"


THURSDAY, July 16:
Matt Dillon,
Jake Johannsen,
Ben Folds Five
Guests we'll never have back

Kyla says: "Matt Dillon , from In & Out, he was well the most boring guest on this week, I have to admit he is a hottie. But still come on get a life! Conan was the only thing that Saved the interview. Conan also had on the show Jake Johansen, who was actually normal, not like most comedians on his show, he was pretty funny, I just couldn't picture Conan washing some stripper!"


FRIDAY, July 17:
Chris Elliot,
Larry Holmes,
Joey Green.
Buried in the Back Pages
Dumb Ass Page.

Kyla says: "Joey Green, showed you other uses for house hold Items, this was my favorite guest becuase he got Conan all wet , and that has to be good!. The opening Comedy bit was especially hilarious and clever that night, the did "Buried In the Back Pages" lol. Can't stop thinking about it."






Due to changes on NBC Europe/Asia Late Night With Conan O'Brien is no longer available in Asia or certain areas of Europe (listed on the site below). NBC Europe are encouraging their viewers in these areas to retune to CNBC Europe (available on cable or Astra 1D).

However, CNBC Europe only show Late Night at weekends. As part of the ongoing "KEEP EUROPE CONETASTIC!!" campaign I would like to ask everyone who watches Late Night to support those of us who will lose out by emailing CNBC Europe and asking them to broadcast the shows just as NBC do (one day later than their US air date) instead of just at weekends as they intend. I thank you all in advance for your support!!

Please write to: feedback@cnbceurope.com

10 Fleet Place
London EC4M 7RB










"Incredibly, a priest, a rabbi and a Buddhist monk will find themselves on a crashing plane with only one parachute. Ironically, that parachute will have been packed by a polish guy and will contain only camping equipment."

- Andy, In The Year 2000...








Write to:

NBC Tickets
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112

Or call:

(212) 664 - 3056/3057


Vote for your favorite trio, Conan, Andy and Max to be in a MILK ad.

Go to: http://www.whymilk.com


Want to contribute to "NEE-HA!"? Drop me an email and ask for the "MOST WANTED" list.


"NEE-HA!" #31 is here with thanks to Micah Honees, Robin Banks, Quinn, Audrey, Kyla for the Week In Review, Laurie, and JK.


Comments & questions to moi: LACOB@AOL.COM

Poll Response to: LateNightPoll@hotmail.com
