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Kitsune's Shrine to The Urameshi-senshu

Irashaimase, mina-san! Welcome to my lovely YuYu Hakusho page.

This page is dedicated to the hard working boys of the reikai tantei.

Ano..does everyone know the story? Well, I guess so or you wouldn't be here, ne? But, just incase, here's a quick run through of the main idea.

This anime is based on Japanese mythology and before looking around, you might want to check out the mythology section to learn a little more.

Anyway...Urameshi Yuusuke, a fourteen year old highschool deliquant, dies saving a little kid from being run over by a car. Since Yuusuke wasn't supposed to die when he did, he was given a chance to be resurrected (actually, he does that a lot). After being resurrected, he agrees to become a reikai tantei (spirit detective) for Koenma, the young son of the lord of the dead. He is joined later by Kuwabara Kazuma, a fellow deliquant from Sarayashiki Junior High with a strong spirit sense, Kurama, a Youko in the body of a fifteen year old model student, Minamino Shuichi and finally, a bad tempered outcast fire demon named Hiei.

Saaaa...I think that's everything, but this page is still under construction (perpetual construction, really) and more will eventually be added.

WAAHH!! I feel so bad! I haven't done any work on this page in sooo long! Anyway, the lyrics and image sections have been updated and I want to add more character descriptions and a villain section. I'm also planning a movie summary and, if anyone's interested fanfiction and fanart.

A little word on Japanese mythology


Image gallery

Lyrics and music


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