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Lorie's Quiet Corner of the Web

Welcome to my transgender cafe and webside dressing room. If you are under 18 years old please leave by the Back button. My page has pictures and text relating to my transgendered journey and some of my daydreams. If you are underage and have questions about gender issues, talk to your parents or legal guardians....NOW, please. If I had done that, painful though it might have been, I might well be in far better shape emotionally.

I guess I should have been born as a girl. As far back as I can remember I've wanted to dress feminine and do girlish things. I have never really male-bonded, though heaven knows I tried. I have hated locker rooms since the first one I entered as a child taking swim lessons. After years of having family and trying to "be a man" I am dealing with my nature as best I can in a closet surrounded by unaccepting and intolerant but otherwise nice loving people. Closet is too soft a word. Its a cage. When I finally come out or am discovered more loneliness of a different kind surely awaits.

If I were just a crossdresser hobbyist or fetishist it might be easier. But this never goes away, it's a condition that has no "cure". I know what I feel and I know what I like. I've been told I may be TS, that I am certainly gender-dysphoric. Happy day. File insurance on that and see how long I stay employed.
Oh yes, and it has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with gender. And no, being transgender m to f doesn't make one gay. It makes one more feminine and less masculine. Sexual orientation is a very separate issue. And as a side note, most of the gay men I have spoken with like masculine men, not girls of any kind.
And you thought you were visiting a sex site! ROFL! Not that I don't feel sexy at times and I do crazy things with makeup trying to look at least lady like, but this page is not about "THAT."

Why do guys (and cd/tv gals) always ask about stats? "a/s/l" they call it. I usually just answer, "Yes." Here's what I can tell you; heart and soul count for more than physicals. So... I'm 49&holding, transgendered maybe transexual, most likely non-op for a laundry-list of medical, financial and familial reasons, short, size 8/10, brown wavy femme styled hair (and/or my choice of wigs LOL, dark eyes.
And to answer a common question; putting on lacy undies and nylons and painting nails and all doesn't give me a sexual thrill. It is not "arousing" (not to me anyway). It can be fun, enjoyable and I like watching my look soften with make up. I like my hair curly-wavy-crazy and wigs are just fun! After the 2 or 3 hours it can take to get all "put together" I feel ready to be creative, to be social, to dance. But I don't feel "horny." Being treated like a lady, like I feel, might certainly influence my mood, however.

Why am I Lorie instead of Jan or Randi or something? I really don't know. Years ago I tried on names like one would try on shoes and most didn't fit. This one kind of adopted me in the late 1980s and stayed.

About r/t (real-time)... If we meet in person, the girl (that's me, remember) makes the rules. They are simple. We meet in a public place dressed en-drabbe. That's girl-talk for boy clothes. That's for my protection. And yours. If we find common ground/interests, if we are kindred spirits, if there is incredible chemistry, hopefully the day will come when I'll be dressed my way for our time spent together. And if you are expecting a baby smooth 23 year old "she-male" like they post in the chatrooms, don't waste your time meeting me. Your fantasy won't stand the light of day.

About my webcam; It is on when I take a notion to turn it on. It provides a very intimate glimpse of my life as a lady. I'm not planning on pic galleries right now. Maybe I'll save a few if any turn out really special.

I will add more photos and thoughts as they happen. Until then, be safe and be yourself. You may email me at lori_dancer X@X (replace the X@X with @ and delete the empty spaces to make the addy work. If you have my other addy, please use it instead)

Web Links

A neat chat site
Great tg resources
Another interesting chat
A girl's home away from home
