Gender, Sexuality,
and Feminist Theory
Adams, Kenneth M. , Silently
Seduced: When Parents Make Their Children Partners: Understanding Covert
Incest, Health Communications, 1991
Arthurs, Jane, and Jean Grimshaw,
Bodies: Cultural Representation and Identity, Cassell, 1998
Astbury, Jill, Crazy
for You: The Making of Women's Madness, Oxford Univ Press, 1996
Bayer, Ronald, Homosexuality
and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis, Princeton Univ
Press, 1987
Becker, Dana, Through
the Looking Glass: Women and Borderline Personality Disorder, Westview
Press, 1997
Bland, Lucy and Laura L. Doan
(Editors), Sexology
in Culture: Labelling Bodies and Desires, Polity Press, 1998
Review by Roy Porter, TLS Times
Literary Supplement, Jan 22, 1999 p7(2).
Blum, Deborah, Sex
on the Brain: The Biological Differences Between Men and Women, Penguin
USA, 1998
Bordo, Susan, Unbearable
Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body (California, 1993)
Review by Ellmann, Maud, The
New York Times Book Review Sept 26 1993, p14, col 1
Review by Counihan, Carole M.,
The Women's Review of Books Dec 1993, v11, n3, p19(2)
Review by Fisher, Sue, The American
Journal of Sociology July 1994, v100, n1, p309(3)
Review by Nichter, Mimi, Contemporary
Sociology Jan 1995, v24, n1, p42(2)
Review by Tong, Rosemarie, Ethics
July 1995, v.105, n4, 952-954
Review by Hekman, Susan, Hypatia
Fall 1995, v10, n4, p151(7)
Review by Zita, Jacquelyn, Signs
Spring 1996, v21, n3, p786(10)
Review by Rooney, Ellen, American
Literary History Winter 1996, v8, n4, p745(14)
Susan, Male
Body: A New Look at Men in Public and Private, Farrar Straus &
Giroux, 1999
Brown, Laura S., Subversive
Dialogues: Theory in Feminist Therapy, Basic Books, 1994
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, Body
Project: An Intimate History of American Girls, Vintage Books, 1997
Burman, Erica (Editor), Feminists
and Psychological Practice (Gender and Psychology), Sage Pubns, 1990
Burman, Erica (Editor), Challenging
Women: Psychology's Exclusions, Feminist Possibilities, Open Univ Press,
Busfield, Joan, Men,
Women, and Madness: Understanding Gender and Mental Disorder, New York
Univ Press, 1996
Caplan, Paula J. The
Myth of Women's Masochism E. P. Dutton, New York, 1985; Second edition,
Univ Toronto Press, 1993.
Casper, Regina C. (Editor),
Health: Hormones, Emotions, and Behavior (Psychiatry and Medicine),
Cambridge Univ Press, 1997
Chesler, Phyllis Women
and Madness Avon Books, New York, 1972; latest edition 1997.
Review of second edition by
Landrine, Hope, Psychology of Women Quarterly March 1991, v15, n1, p177(2)
Chesler, Phyllis and Esther
Rothblum (Editors), Feminist
Foremothers in Women's Studies, Psychology, and Mental Health, Haworth
Press, 1995
Cowan, Lyn, Masochism,
Continuum Pub Group, 1998
Crowley, M. Sue, Sexual
Abuse and Young Women's Adolescent Identity Development (Adolescent Cultures,
School, and Society, Vol 7), Peter Lang Pub, 1998
Davis, Kathy, Reshaping
the Female Body: The Dilemma of Cosmetic Surgery Routledge, 1995
Gartner, Richard B., Betrayed
as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men, Guilford Publications,
Gartrell, Nanette K., MD (Editor)
Ethics Alive: Feminist Ethics in Psychotherapy Practice Harrington
Park Press, 1994
Gil, Eliana, and Toni Cavanagh
Johnson, Sexualized
Children: Assessment and Treatment of Sexualized Children and Children
Who Molest, Launch Press 1992
Gray, Francine Du Plessix, At
Home With the Marquis De Sade: A Life, Simon & Schuster, 1998
Review by George de Man, The
care and feeding of the Marquis de Sade, Chicago
Tribune, December 12, 1998
Review by Pia Nordlinger, Marquis
de Sade in modern context, Baltimore
Sun, December 14, 1998
Review by Robert Darnton,
The Real Marquis, New
York Review of Books, January 14, 1999
Haraway, Donna Jeanne, Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium.FemaleMan_Meets_OncoMouse:
Feminism and Technoscience, Routledge, 1996
Haraway, Donna Jeanne, Simians,
Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, Routledge, 1991
Haraway, Donna Jeanne, Primate
Visions: Gender, Race and Nature in the World of Modern Science, Routledge,
Hardy, Simon, The
Reader, the Author, His Woman, and Her Lover: Soft-Core Pornography and
Heterosexual Men, Cassell, 1998
Harris, Maxine, Trauma
Recovery and Empowerment: A Clinician's Guide for Working With Women in
Groups, Free Press, 1998
Hastings, Anne Stirling, From
Generation to Generation: Understanding Sexual Attraction to Children,
The Printed Voice, 1994
Hays, Sharon, The
Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood, Yale Univ Press, 1996
Herman, Judith Lewis, Father-Daughter
Incest, Harvard Univ Press, 1982
Kandall, Stephen R., Substance
and Shadow: Women and Addiction in the United States, Harvard Univ
Press, 1996
Kincaid, James R., Erotic
Innocence: The Culture of Child Molesting, Duke Univ Press, 1998
Kitzinger, Celia and Rachel
Perkins, Changing
Our Minds: Lesbian Feminism and Psychology (The Cutting Edge: Lesbian Life
and Literature), New York Univ Press, 1994
Landrine, Hope (Editor), Bringing
Cultural Diversity to Feminist Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice,
Amer Psychological Assn, 1995
Le Vay, Simon Queer
Science: The Use & Abuse of Research on Homosexuality, MIT Press,
Review by Richard E. Cytowic
All in the Genes in Washington
Post, Sept 1, 1996
Review by Kitcher, Philip, Perverse
logic (research into roots of homosexuality may lead to more prejudice),
The Sciences, Nov-Dec 1996, v36, n6, p34(5)
Review by Keena D. Lykins, HMS
Beagle, Issue 6 ยท posted April 18, 1997
Levin, Jerome David, The
Clinton Syndrome: The President and the Self-Destructive Nature of Sexual
Addiction, Prima Publishing, 1998
Lips, Hilary M.. A
New Psychology of Women: Gender, Culture, and Ethnicity, Mayfield Publishing
Company, 1999
MacCoby, Eleanor E., The
Two Sexes: Growing Up Apart, Coming Together (Family and Public Policy),
Belknap Press, 1998
Mageo, Jeannette Marie, Theorizing
Self in Samoa: Emotions, Genders and Sexualities, Univ of Michigan
Press, 1998
Martin, Karin A., Puberty,
Sexuality, and the Self: Boys and Girls at Adolescence, Routledge,
Martinson, Floyd M., The
Sexual Life of Children, Bergin & Garvey, 1994
Mazzarella, Sharon R. and Norma
Odom Pecora, Growing
Up Girls: Popular Culture and the Construction of Identity (Adolescent
Cultures, School, and Society, V. 9.), Peter Lang Publishing, 1998
McLellan, Betty, Beyond
Psychoppression: A Feminist Alternative Therapy, Spinifex Press, 1995
Meyers, Diana Tietjens (Editor),
Rethink the Self (Feminist Theory and Politics Series), Westview Press,
Mirkin, Marsha Pravder (Editor),
in Context: Toward a Feminist Reconstruction of Psychotherapy, Guilford
Press, 1994
Moir, Anne, Ph.D. and David
Jessel, Brain
Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women, Dell Books, 1993
Murphy, Timothy F., Gay
Science: The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Research (Between Men--Between
Women), Columbia Univ Press, 1997
Nadien, Margot B., and Florence
Denmark, Females
and Autonomy: A Life-Span Perspective, Allyn & Bacon, 1998
Pryor, Douglas W., Unspeakable
Acts: Why Men Sexually Abuse Children, New York University Press, 1996
Rapping, Elayne The
Culture of Recovery: Making Sense of the Self-Help Movement in Women's
Lives Beacon Press, 1997
Review by Irvine, Leslie, Contemporary
Sociology Nov 1996, v25, n6, p721(2)
Review by Parks, Cheryl A. Contemporary
Drug Problems Spring 1997, v.24, n1, 213-217
Rave, Elizabeth J. and Carolyn
C. Larsen (Editors), Ethical
Decision Making in Therapy: Feminist Perspectives, Guilford Press,
Rodman, Hymam, Susan H. Lewis,
Saralyn B. Griffith, The
Sexual Rights of Adolescents: Competence, Vulnerability and Parental Control,
Columbia Univ Press, 1988
Roth, Martha , Arousal:
Bodies and Pleasures, Milkweed Editions, 1998
Russell, Denise Women,
Madness & Medicine Polity Press, Cambridge, England, 1995; Blackwell,
Review by Kabatznick, R., CHOICE
Nov 1995, v33, n3, p546(1)
Review by Dyer, Wendy, History
of the Human Sciences Nov 1995, v8, n4, p135(4)
Review by McLellan, Betty, Women's
Studies International Forum July-August 1996, v19, n4, p472(2)
Review by Christian Perring,
A Mental Health Magazine, Vol 3, Issue 1, January - March, 1998
Shelley, Christopher, New
Perspectives on Psychotherapy and Homosexualities, Free Association
Books, 1998
Smith, Merril D., Sex
and Sexuality in Early America, New York Univ Press, 1998
Spurlock, John, Cynthia Magistro,
and Improved: The Transformation of American Women's Emotional Culture
(The History of Emotions Series), New York Univ Press, 1998
Thomas, Calvin, Male
Matters: Masculinity, Anxiety, and the Male Body on the Line, University
of Illinois Press, 1998
Thurer, Shari L., The
Myths of Motherhood: How Culture Reinvents the Good Mother, Penguin
USA, 1995
Tong, Rosemarie, Feminist
Approaches to Bioethics: Theoretical Reflection and Practical Applications,
Westview Press, 1997
Ullman, Sharon, Sex
Seen: The Emergence of Modern Sexuality in America, University of California
Press, 1998
Review by Roy Porter, TLS Times
Literary Supplement, Jan 22, 1999 p7(2).
Umansky, Lauri, Motherhood
Reconceived : Feminism and the Legacies of the Sixties, New York Univ
Press, 1996
Ussher, Jane M. and Paula Nicolson,
Issues in Clinical Psychology Routledge, London, 1992.
Ussher, Jane Women's
Madness: Misogyny or Mental Illness? University of Massachusetts Press,
Amherst, 1991.
Review by Meredith, Sheena,
New Scientist Feb 29 1992, v133, n1810, p52(1)
Review by Ayers-Nachamkin, B.,
CHOICE Oct 1992, v30, n2, p386(1)
Review by Bonifazi, Deanne Zotter,
Psychology of Women Quarterly Dec 1992, v16, n4, p537(2)
Review by Jenner, F.A., British
Journal of Psychology August 1994, v85, n3, p433(4)
Ussher, Jane M. (Editor), Body
Talk : The Material and Discursive Regulation of Sexuality, Madness, and
Reproduction, Routledge 1997
Weeks, Jeffrey, Sexuality
and Its Discontents: Meanings, Myths & Modern Sexualities Routledge
& Kegan Paul, London, 1985
Weitz, Rose, The
Politics of Women's Bodies: Sexuality, Appearance and Behavior, Oxford
Univ Press, 1998
Wilkinson, Sue and Celia Kitzinger
(Editors), Feminism
and Discourse: Psychological Perspectives (Gender and Psychology),
Sage Pubns, 1995
Wolf, Susan M., Feminism
and Bioethics: Beyond Reproduction, Oxford Univ Press, 1996
Yantzi, Mark, Sexual
Offending and Restoration, Herald Press, 1998