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Where Angels Dwell

This page is dedicated to my son, Gerald Joseph Mesmer, born still on July 22, 1997 and to my Second Angel, taken at approximately 7 weeks gestational age in July, 1998.

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My Pages:

"Our Story"

"Our Brightest Star"

"That Summer Day"

"Words of Encouragement"

"It's in His Name"

"A Letter Written to J.J."

"Where Do I Go From Here?"

"A Mother's Day Like No Other"

"A Letter Written to J.J."(about Mother's Day)

"Offering of Support"

"My Awards"

"Letter written to J.J." (written May 16, 1998)

"My Top Ten List" (a list of 10 of the worst things a person could say to a person who has lost a child)

"Awards for You"

"Letter Written to J.J." (Written on May 23, 1998 -- the 1 year anniversary of when I found out I was pregnant -- in my 7th month)

"Personalized Awards for You"

NEW"Another Summer Day"

NEW"Once Again"

NEW"My Second Angel"

NEW"To Risk"

NEW"A Letter To My Second Angel"

NEW"My Pregnancy Journal"

NEW"I Tried Again"

"Letter written to J.J. on his birthday" (written July 22, 1998)


NEW "Letter to God"

NEW "Letter to Both of My Angels"

NEW "Memorial Page"

NEW "How to Be Included on My Memorial Page"

If you have a website, and would like me to include a link on my site, please e-mail me. Be sure to include your URL and the title of your site. In the subject line, type "LINK" (all capital letters without the quotes). All I ask is that you include a link to my site, and to e-mail me when it's on your site. A good way to link to my site is to apply for an award. Click here to apply for an award or click hereto apply for a personalized award. Please note that in order to include a link on my site or to receive an award, your site must not contain anything that could be considered distasteful or offensive.

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"Faithfully" by Journey
