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Words of Encouragement

Sometimes, the best way to make it throught a difficult time is to know that others have also gone through difficult times. I am deeply saddened to know that other people have lost their children, but at the same time, it's comforting to know that I am not alone. Even with saying that, there are many times where I feel completely alone. We usually don't think of ourselves burying our children. In fact, it seems unnatural. Unfortunately, though, it happens. It's one of those cruel twists in life that we've been assigned.

I'm grateful that I was able to hold our baby. I know that years ago it wasn't allowed. Also, I'm grateful that I have pictures and momentoes of him. Having those doesn't satisfy the wmptiness of not having him here with me, but they're all I have, besides memories.

For me, it has been a constant struggle (as it probably always will be). I know that if I've made it this far, I can make it through anything. I've definitely become a stronger person.

I hope this website provided you with some comfort. Please, visit again, as I will probably be adding more.

Warmest wishes


"It's In His Name"

"Together Again" by Janet Jackson
