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Average Jane's Webpage

Average Jane's Page - Last Updated 12/21/11 -


1L - Torts Outline

1L - Contracts Outline

1L - Criminal Law Outline

UCR Ext. Workers' Compensation Overview Class Notes April 8, 2002, April 15, 2002, April 22, 2002, April 29, 2002, May 6, 2002, May 13, 2002, May 20, 2002, June 3, 2002

UCR Ext. Vocational Rehabilitation Class Notes April 10, 2002, April 17, 2002, April 24, 2002, May 1, 2002, May 8, 2002, May 15, 2002, May 22, 2002

Coffee Shop Shorts -- This is a developing collection of short stories for general amusement. This one is mildly sappy... Enjoy!
More Coffee?

Weekend Father
Stars Fell...
I Waited For A Crow
The Blue House
Caffeine Fuel
I Saw a Bug Die

This Tibetan timeline is a compilation of materials collected over many years. Hope you find it interesting...
Tibetan Timeline Project
Tibetan Bibliography - in progress

Yes, I am still around. This is a new, updated site. Feel free to e-mail me anytime. I look forward to hearing from you... THANKS!

Probate Notes 1.00
Corporation Notes 1.00
Legal Research Notes 1.00

Bankruptcy Notes 2.00
Corporation Notes 2.00
Probate Notes 2.00

Some Working Definitions
These notes are the original work of Denise Johnson. Feel free to print them to study, but please e-mail me for further use permission. Thanks...

Sites for legal research...
California Courts
California Laws
Lectric Law Library
Find Law
Internet Law Library
Jacob Burns Law Library
LA County Bar Assoc.

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