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Natasha's Unnoficial I Mother Earth Page!

The Band

Official IME Page!

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Last Updated: January 14, 1998

This Page Is Always Under Construction!!! :o)


~IME have found a new singer, all i can tell you is that his name is Brian!!! Keep checking The Official IME Page for more info on him! :o)

~MM will be replaying IME @ Snowjob on January 31st!!!

~I met EDWIN a few months ago!!! Eeeee! Full story coming!

~Join Ryanne's IME mailing list!

~If you don't know already, what I'm going to tell you, then I guess you've been hiding's official. Edwin has left I Mother Earth. :o( He left so that he can pursue other things. As much as it saddens me, I wish him the BEST of luck, and I wish Bruce, Jag, Chris & Daniel the BEST of luck too. I will always be a fan no matter what. Edwin's music (if he stays in the music industry, I hope he will) will find a comfy spot in my cd player too. Believe me I wish he wasn't going, and I cried about it. For more full details go to Jam For those of you mad at Edwin, please DON'T be...just think of what a hard decision it must have been for him to make.


I Mother Earth are by far THE BEST BAND. Their music just takes you away. It's amazing. I've seen them play live twice. They are awesome to see. They have so much energy they make the crowd so hyper. They are just the greatest. I was extremely, extremely fortunate to meet them at a signing at Tower Records here in TO. I was in shock then, (and probably made a fool of myself in front of them), and still in shock now. It's been 3 months since the signing (Feb.1/'97) I can't believe it has been so long. They are THE NICEST guys. They are so down to earth, I can't express that enough. I can't tell you how brilliant they are. I have to admit that I listen to both S&F, and Dig at least 10 times a day. I could never get sick of them. Their new vid Raspberry came earlier this year. It's amazing! I taped it twelve times (no, I'm not nuts).

Unfortunately IME didn't take home any JUNOs on March 9...eventhough they DESERVED them more than the Hip...but I won't get into my opinions on that. Their performance was great! I just wished I could've been there to see them play live again. IME recently played at SnowJob '97, I watched it on tv and taped it of course...I won't tell you how many times I have watched it might scare you hee, hee.

IME have 2 (amazing) albums. Dig & Scenery & Fish. Dig was released in 1993, and S&F in 1996. S&F has this funky multi-media on it. It's pretty cool. Go check it out!



The Mothers


Rain Will Fall

So Gently We Go

Not Quite Sonic


Lost My America

No One



And The Experience

The Universe In You

Cover of S&F


Hello Dave

Like A Girl

One More Astronaut

Another Sunday

Three Days Old

Used To Be Alight

Shortcut To Moncton



Songburst & Delirium

Sense Of Henry

Earth, Sky & C.

I Mother Earth have 8 videos at the moment. From DIG; Levitate, Rain Will Fall, So Gently We Go, Not Quite Sonic. From S&F; One More Astronaut, Another Sunday, Used To Be Alright, Raspberry.

All Pictures taken from The Official IME site






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