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Nico's Riot Grrrl Stuff

Why Riot Grrrls Rool

(11-17-98)Guess what grrlies, there's some riotous stuff for the gender of u in inmy riot swamp in the making so go look. back to the old intro.
Riot Grrrls of the Wrrrld Unite! Why are riot grrrls the best kind? Cuz we know what we want and we know how to get it. Kinda like feminists with a twist. A common thread of grrrl liberty is woven through our minds, and it is expressed in our zines, our music, and our own personal styles. This page doesn't have to much of that stuff on it right now, I'm still in the middle of putting it up, but pleez bookmark it cuz I'm working on it all the time. And while you are here,
Sign My Guestbook or view my guestbook If you have any linx, e-zines, or writings and ramblings you would like to add to this page, feel free to e-mail me. Also, pleez consider adding this page to your list of links.
Tina the
     Troubled Teen

Riot Linx

Punk Rock Girl Paper Doll
Sonic 1979X's Riot Grrrl's Heaven
What is a riot grrrl?
10 things men can do to end sexism and male violence against women
Corinna's Page
Royal Goddess
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