Anorexic Friend
Well I'm 15 almost 16 and my best friend is 15. I moved to another state last year. So I am very far away from her but I'm visiting her right now. But before I got here I found out that she was anorexic, and she is not geting professional help. Because her mom is not admiting that she needs help. I think it's because her mom is doing one of those, "It will get better" things. But my best friend wants to get help and she is afraid that her mom will get mad. So she asked me to help her. I told her that she should tell her mom but she beged me not to go to her mom. So I didn't, I know that I'm a really bad friend for not telling her mom. But I made a deal with her. That she will start a food journal and she has to write down what she eats and when she does eat. Even if it is a mint! But I'm going back home the 28th of this month and I can't be here for her. Should I tell her mom or have all of us talk to her mom? I really don't know what to do. I want her to get better but there is only so much that I can do. Also I know what it is like to have her problem because I'm recovering from being anorexic. Please I don't want to have to see her in the hospital or me puting flowers on her grave.
First of all, you need to tell your parents. Have your parents talk to her mother about it and have your parents tell her mother why you didn't talk to her, first. Be there when your parents and her mother have this discussion so you can give her mother a firsthand idea of what her daughter is actually going through and how not getting her help can give her hell or, even worse, kill her. I hope everything works out for you.
Modern Teen Advisor,-
I can be very short with my answer to your problem. You've been there
yourself. so you know exactly what to do. If you want to be a good
friend tell her to do the same. You might lose her as a friend but you
might have saved her life.
Modern Teen Advisor - Wim.
Email: sweet_sk8er@yahoo.com