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247 W 35th Street
New York, NY 10001
(212) 239-8619

Welcome to New York City's most awesome kick boxing class. You'll be amazed at how fast your can burn fat and tone muscle with kickboxing classes! New York men and women are dropping pounds quicker than they ever thought possible with our one-of-a-kind program.

At New York San Da Kickboxing we offer classes perfect for getting you into shape while teaching you to defend yourself. Our San Da / Muay Thai kickboxing classes are appropriate for both men and women, of any physical condition. A central idea of the gym is that training is for EVERYONE!

Promises don’t mean much these days, but I am a little bit “old school”
so they still mean a lot to me. And when it comes to my school, New York San Da Kickboxing,
I take things really personally. I’ve spent most of my life developing the program
and getting every detail correct. had a vision that everyone told me was crazy, in fact some still do,
but if you’ve been in our school you will know that what I am about to say is 100% true.

First, I promise you that we’ve worked for years to develop the best teaching program
and collect the best available knowledge base there is, PERIOD. Come to class at least
2 days a week and we WILL teach you how to kick and punch correctly.
We aren’t going to give you watered down mush and we’re going to correct your form.
We’re going to explain to you the little details, we are going to make sure you are technically correct
so that even if you are 90 lbs you are going to learn punch and kick the HECK out of those heavybags!

Second, no matter what your goals are, we are going to help you achieve them.
I’ve had THOUSANDS of people who just wanted to lose a few pounds, look a little better
and most importantly, FEEL A LITTLE BETTER. Our victories have been both inside and outside the ring!

Finally, we always offer you a friendly, relaxed and SAFE place to practice.
While we ARE a martial arts school, we have trained extensively on how to teach
you so that we minimize injuries and even the general wear on your body that some martial arts can take.
We also understand the mental and emotional strain that a beginner in the martial arts often faces.
If you’ve been in my classes, you have never heard me tell someone they have to kick higher or go faster.
If you did 3 push ups today, do 4 tomorrow!

My promise to you is that NY San Da is not only the martial arts school you want, it’s the one you need. And it may become another of your great friends in life. OSU!

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