I am really too tired to be writing this.

and it is really way too early in the semester to be this tired.

I have been off antidepressants for four months now, I haven't been seriously depressed in three years.

I guess I always thought it would go away. It did go away, in and of itself. But the temptation is still there. On a daily basis I think how much easier it would be to just not get out of bed. To curl up under the covers and fall down. I think I'm holding on by my fingertips as it is, I think probably most people can see right through me and see that. Would it even surprise anyone if I shut down?

She says, I've got a darkness
That I have to feed
I've got a sadness
that grows up around me
like a weed
and I'm not hurting anyone
I'm just spiraling in
she closes her eyes
and hears the song begin again
jukebox, ani difranco

It would just be so much easier.