So, it's after midnight, I have a class at 9:30am, I still haven't finished all the work that needs to be done by tomorrow morning... and what am I doing? I'm updating.

arg. I've been having one of those days where everything I do even remotely social seems to turn out badly. The morning is gone, I don't even remember what happened in class. Since 4:30 I've been alternating between Plato and Chemistry (with an hour break for Buffy, of course.) and people keep coming in my room saying "You're still studying???" and I feel like a total freak for actually doing work. And then I try and take a 10 minute break to eat a can of corn (I was hungry!) and everything I tried to say came out sounding awful.

And how is it that I sat there eating a can of corn (microwaved, no butter.) and the one of them sat there eating a pretzal with cheese and the other one deep-fried mozzerella sticks and half a ham sub, and I'm twice the size of both of them? Really, I don't think I've eaten mozzeralla sticks in well over a year and I know I haven't eaten a ham sub in over five years and I can't even think of the last time I ate a pretzal with cheese. All I ever eat are fruits and vegetables and pasta and salad with nonfat dressing, how is it I'm bigger than them? Really, I haven't had pizza since I've been here, and for the past few days I've mostly been living off of lowfat yogurt and cheerios (with skim milk)since I have too much work to do to take time off and go to the dining hall. And this is normal for me. I don't eat like that because I'm on a diet, I'm not. I eat like that because that's what I want to eat. And still, I'm the size 16 and the one eating mozzeralla sticks and a ham sub is a size one. ....yes, I'm bitter.

I hate genes.

okay, next topic:

who was the genius that decided to have our first Chemistry quiz on the same day as our first Chem lab quiz? I have two chemistry quizzes tomorrow, not to mention the other class in the morning where I'm supposed to talk intelligently about book one of Plato's republic. And forget about trying to study for the quiz two days before hand- I have another class that requires 140-160 pages of reading a week that I just can't not do. I'm only taking four classes this semester- and I've never even opened a book for one of them. I'm taking three classes that take up every minute of my time and really what motivated me to be a political science major and why didn't anyone ever tell me how much work was involved? I mean, I'm surrounded by education and nursing majors who never study and get GPA's fairly close to mine, if not higher. I must be doing something wrong.

one of my professors last semester told us that students are the only consumers who want less for their money. And we all laughed because it is entirely true.

I'm taking health psychology... it basically involves sitting in a class room for an hour and a half listening to some guy who hasn't been a student in way too long tell us everything we're doing to screw up our health. His big thing is that college students don't sleep enough. Apparently, we are supposed to sleep eight hours a night. And that isn't even enough- they are supposed to be the same eight hours. From midnight to 8am every day (or something like that). I really would like to know what universe he's living in that he thinks that could be even remotely possible. I've been awake since 10:30am today (my first class wasn't until 11:30) and I've been awake for fourteen hours and so far I've spent about three hours doing things that are nonacademic. I watched buffy, I ate, I took a shower, and now I'm doing this. (oh, and I took a couple three and a half minute breaks to scream along to "Not a Pretty Girl" keeps me sane.) ...And I haven't done anywhere near everything that needs to be done. I suppose I could understand the people with slightly easier courseloads getting that much sleep... if they don't have a job. But then this professor starts telling us how we should exercise for an hour a day and eat balanced meals and meditate for forty minutes a day. (that last one's actually required for the course.) and really, it's okay, I'm just going crazy.

ugh. two and a half weeks down, twelve and a half more to go.
