I had a major crisis yesterday, discovering my mom had visited this webpage. (You'd already know this if you were on the notify list)

I think I'm better now, though.

Today was a semi-normal day. I got up for my 9:30 class (no, Plato is not growing on me.) ate a bagel in the union at 10:30... and then I went back to my room for an hour. Chem class was from noon to one... I ran back here at one, inhaled some yogurt, put my hair in a ponytail, and ran back across campus to chem lab (1:45) as usual, it took me twice as long to do the same experiment as the other people at my bench. I don't think they believed me that I'd never used a bunsen burner before. I also don't think they believed the "I don't have any depth perception!" excuse when I attempted to put drops of hydrochloric acid in a test tube, and discovered I was putting drops outside the test tube. They laughed and were all like "I don't either!" ...nobody ever used that excuse but me until that Seinfeld episode. It really is true, though. I had no idea it wasn't in the test tube. At the eye doctor's, he has a thing you look at and if you have depth perception little balls are supposed to pop off the page. When I was little I could see three or four and they were always amazed. I was down to one the last time I went, and I think it's getting worse because I walked into a wall the other day. (It's called Amblyopia. It's hereditary, and I've never met a non-eye medical person (GP, nurse, pediatrician) who understood it. It just means one of my eyes doesn't work if the other one is open. And because it doesn't get practice at seeing, it gets really bad at it. Last time someone bothered to check, that eye was at 20/200 ...but nobody really bothers to check because that eye could be completely blind and I'd see the same. You know you wanted to know this.)

Anyway, after chem lab I came back here with high intentions of studying health psychology all afternoon for the test tomorrow. I read all the handouts... and I was starting to read the book when I heard someone yelling down the hall- "Sarah! Is this Ani!? If Ani's on my tape I'm gonna kill you!!!" ...so I had to run down and see. They were watching last night's Buffy and there was a folk singer in the club they thought was Ani. (It was K's Choice, I think. That's what the sign said.) But since I was in there, of course I had to watch the rest of it with them. I love that show. It is the most hilarious show on television. And besides, once in a while, they hit something dead on. During the season finale last year, Buffy's mom found out she was a slayer and they did a dead-on coming out scene. With her mom acting just the way a mom generally acts and Buffy screaming "Do you think I would choose this? I can't help it, this is who I am!" ...or something to that effect.

After we watched Buffy we went to dinner... I was excited they were having red beans and rice, which are normally good... someone screwed up the recipe or something, though, so I ended up eating the usual. Yucky pasta and some salad, and lots of skim milk. (I've never ever liked 2%. I wouldn't drink it when I was little, either. And then one time my aunt left skim milk in our fridge and I tried it and I loved it. I've never had 2% since.)

After dinner, I tried to study again... but I expected ani's grammy category (best female rock vocal) to be announced at 7:30 and it wasn't announced until 8:30. (Alanis won, I knew she would... I just wanted to see if Ani was there, and if she was what she wore. She wasn't there and I was glad.)

So then I tried to study some more... and I'm not quite sure what happened, but it's 1:17am now, and I know I'm not any further along in that book.

Did I mention I really hate that class?

I'm not terribly worried about it, though. It's all multiple choice. My theory is that I've been to all the classes, I've read the chapter summaries, I can't possibly fail a multiple choice test. (It helps that so far in the four and a half weeks of school he hasn't yet said something I didn't already know.)

Earlier today, around eight or so, I was sitting in Sarah C's room chatting, she was waiting for Shania Twain to come on the Grammys, I was waiting for them to announce Best female rock vocal... and I mentioned something about having just ordered a book from Amazon. (She's the only other person on the floor who reads non-school stuff. Magazines don't count.) ....she asked what, so I started to explain that it's the book that won the Newberry Medal this year, and it's written by the guy who wrote the book that was my favorite when I was little, Someday Angeline, and I kept talking, but she sat up and looked at me and (just under a scream) said "Don't even tell me it's Louis Sachar!!!" (you've gotta understand, this is the girl who lives across the hall, two and a half doors down, and I can hear her talking on the phone when she's using her normal voice. When she gets excited...)

I said yes.

She screamed. "Oh my god!!! I love him!!!! What book is it??? What's it about??? Did you read Sideways Stories from Wayside school? One two and three?? I love those books! Did you read Johnny's in the Basement??

She went on and on and on. I took her in my room and showed her the book description. She has second dibs on the book when it gets here. It was the funniest thing. We had very different attractions to the guy, she loved the funny stories and I loved Someday Angeline. But still. It was funny. It'd be semi-normal to find someone else who loved Laura Ingalls Wilder or L.M. Montgomery ...I didn't expect to find someone else who even knew who Louis Sachar was, let alone someone who could tell me the author of "Someday Angeline"

I realize that this whole entry is very jumbled and makes very little sense.

It's 1:30 and I have a test at 11:30 that I haven't studied for and I should probably get some sleep somewhere in there. And breakfast wouldn't hurt, since I didn't eat much for dinner. Oh, and I have debate notes due at 3pm that I'm not even going to try to start until after the test. He told us the test should only take an hour, so I say add a half hour for lunch and and that gives me from two hours to write the debate notes. (You have no idea how glad I am the test in the three o'clock class got moved to tuesday. Of course now I have a test tuesday, a test and a quiz wednesday, and a chem quiz Friday. But I'm going to study this weekend. Really.)

okay, can we just chalk this whole entry up to exhaustion? Go read the archives I'm sure there's something better in there.