August 23, 1998

5 days and counting. Until I'm in the dorms, that is. My stomach is rebelling. It does that when I get really nervous...

I never did tell you about the Lilith Fair or my graduation party or Niagara Falls... and I don't think I'm going to. I just don't feel like it right now... too much other stuff going on.

I'm watching "Gypsy" on FLIX... I never saw it before, it's kinda neat. It's about a couple of girls whose mother is a stage mom and pushes them into doing all kinds of stuff they don't want to. It's got Natalie Wood in it, and I like her. :-)

Okay, so I don't know that I have any thing to say.

I started packing today... my dad and I went to wal-mart and bought a nice green little footlocker thingy, and then put all my towels in it... and I picked out which nail polishes I can't live without and put them in a shoe box, and a few books I know I'm taking and I put them in some of my stacking crates. I know it's not much, but I don't have that much packing to do, really... I just have to pack up clothes, which I can't do yet cuz I still have to wear them, and my CDs, which I'm still listening to. And that's about it... Well, and I have to pack up this computer. But I'm putting that off as long as possible. Although I can access my e-mail account on the old computer, so that at least I can keep up on when this one gets packed away.

Different topic: I know this journal entry isn't the most insteresting thing you've ever read, but hopefully at least some of you have read other entries and liked them, in which case I would love it if you'd join my notification list, so I can send you an e-mail whenever this thing is updated. ...I don't know how often it'll be updated once I'm at school, because I have no idea how much will change. But I'm at least planning on keeping it updated.

this must be extremely boring to you, I know it is to me, so I guess I'll try again tomorrow.

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