August 28, 1998

written August 28, 1998, 10:30pm

Hi. I’m at school. I was informed earlier today that I would be contacted by telecommunications within two weeks and that my computer would be hooked up to the internet then. Two weeks without the internet in my room!!! ...and I can’t see myself writing these at 2pm in the computer hall, so I’m writing it on my word processor to upload later.

Anyway. What you really want to know. I guess, is that I’m fine. My stomach was going crazy on the way up here, and then it just stopped once I actually got here. And I was fine. I figured out the reason I’m not in the transfer dorm... somebody somewhere in residential placements saw my age. I am instead in an all freshman dorm, which isn’t terrible but they all assume that I’m a freshman too, and that won’t last long once classes start, and I’m gonna have to explain, which I think I could have avoided if I’d been in with people who were taking the same classes as me. But maybe it’s just as well. I mean, maybe I should tell people. I don’t know.

I can’t do this for very long... I don’t have a keyboard drawer, my mom’s sending me up one, because the Walmart here didn’t have the stick on kind. So instead my dad got a cutting board and a clamp and hooked the cutting board onto my desk. It’s great, except it’s not wide enough to put my wrist rest on and already my thumbs are starting to go funny.

So I guess I’d better tell you the important stuff...

I don’t have a roommate. At least, not yet. That room mate who never wrote me back just isn’t here. She’s the only one on our hall who hasn’t showed yet. But my RA said that she hasn’t called saying she’s not coming, and my dad had a point when he said that maybe some people had trouble getting Friday off of work to come bring her. So for now I’m feeling kinda left out, cuz everybody else on my dorm is hanging out with their roommate. I could still hang out with them, though, and I did for quite a while, we went room hopping to see what everybody else’s rooms looked like. My room looks very bare. Because only half of it is full, and I haven’t bought an area rug yet, so it’s pretty bad. They’re selling rugs right on campus relatively cheap- $30 or $40, so I’m gonna buy one tomorrow. Also, I didn’t rearrange the furniture like everybody else did... for two reasons, one because it didn’t occur to me until I looked at other people’s rooms, and two, even after that when I thought of it I decided I was gonna hold off because I like the way it’s set up now and I don’t know what my room mate will want to do.

I discovered something today, though. I was kinda worried about leaving my bed, because I am so comfy in it, but I realized today, after everything was set up and I was hot and miserable and laid down on the bed for a minute... I realized that I have the power to turn any bed into one just like at home. And all I need to do it is a comforter from Gramma, either flannel backed or all flannel, and teddy. And a fan, because I can’t feel at home when it’s hot. Also books help, and so do my own pillow cases, but all I really need is a good temperature, teddy, and a soft comforter. I feel better now, knowing that. :-)

y’know, I’m gonna stop now. Tomorrow I have to be over in the union at 8:30am for some new students presentation and it’s mandatory and I don’t do well on no sleep.... So anyway, remember that my e-mail address is for now and if I decide eventually that the brockport one will be my primary e-mail I’ll let ya know. But I can access that account just fine from the computer hall, and I probably will tomorrow when I load this up on angelfire, assuming I can tomorrow.

Things I can’t believe I forgot: pictures, flip-flops, a fan (we bought one at wal-mart), my telephone PIN# (I had to call my parents from the hottest pay phone booth I’ve ever been in because I can’t even make a collect call from the room phones without my pin.)

And that’s all for now.
