July 10, 1998


I had such a busy day today! Last night my mom helped me dye my hair bright red, and the instructions said for best results to not wash it for 24 hours, and I decided I could hold out 12... so I got up even earlier than I thought I'd have to and was in the shower by 11:15. I babysat from around 12:30-7, and then as soon as I got home I was informed that Henry was going bowling for his birthday, did I want to come... I went. We bowled five games, my highest score was 52, but before you laugh too hard, you should know this was maybe the fifth time in my life I've been bowling, the last time was three years ago at camp where I spent more time at the arcade than bowling, and before that it was seven years ago at a birthday party for a friend. I wasn't any good any of those times either! But I had fun anyway- my uncle's like a champion bowler, and Henry played on a league for years, so I had no expectation of winning when I agreed to go.

The Cherry Boppin' Daddies (how do you spell that?) new song (Jump) just came on the radio. I really like it. I think I like Zoot Suit Riot better, but this one's cool too. I like that 40's swingin' stuff, I guess. Henry and Rene both hate it I don't know anybody else's opinion on it, but I like it.

I can't think of much to write about right now, but I think I'm going to just keep writing anyway. It's amazing what'll come out sometimes if I just sit myself down in front of a keyboard and just write. Once I was writing an e-mail to Jo Anne** (my ex girlfriend) and I was talking about my bed... I can't remember exactly why, but I think I was just talking about how I wished I was in it, and I was gushing about how cool my bed is, and.... well, to understand it you have to know about my bed. She already knew- she'd been in it enough! ;). My bed is a daybed (a bed with three sides instead of just the head and the foot) and I keep it turned around so that the side without a wooden barrier is facing the wall. It's very awesome. Picture a twin sized oak crib... then I fill it up to the top with stuffed animals and the softest blankets anywhere... most of them stolen from my Gramma's house... and it is the most comfortable place anywhere. Anyway, I was talking about it... I think the conversation had started with her asking why I liked Tori Amos's lyric "looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets"... and the topic naturally went to my bed (my sheets usually really are dirty- it's very hard to change them in a setup like that.) And then I was explaining why I don't just turn the stupid bed around, when all of a sudden my fingers typed "I like my bed that way. It keeps my ghosts out." or something very close to that... and I looked up and I was just amazed! The thought had never occured to me before, that by turning my bed around I was trying to keep something out. I'd always thought I liked it so much, because it kept everything in, and the blankets don't fall off in the middle of the night. But as soon as I typed it I knew it was true. Those bars on my bed keep my ghosts out... that they also keep me and Teddy nice and safe inside is just an added bonus.

The funny thing is how people react to my bed. I can never predict it. I've had people go up there and just gush- saying that it's the most awesome thing they've ever seen. And then I've had people go up there and say "You sleep in a crib?!?!" quite obviously thinking that I'm crazy. (how anyone can know me well enough to come to my house without knowing that already is beyond me!)

So the point of that whole speil is that I think better in writing. Or maybe it's just that I can get to this point where my heart is going directly to my fingers without my brain interfering as much as it usually would. Or course that doesn't exactly work, because heart's don't really feel anything, but that's just the literal interpretation.

So anyway, today's Friday, which means that the Piercing Mildred weekly contest ended, and I think I'm gonna go see how I placed. :) (if you're interested, there's a link on my link page.) So I think I'm gonna go now. ~Sarah

Email: sarah@alltel.net