written December 8, 1999

It recently came to my attention that the bio on this page is hopelessly outdated. Hence I'm writing a new one, in the time I'm supposed to be writing a final paper. Typical.

My name is Sarah, which sometimes seems unbareably plain and sometimes seems just right.

I'm 18 years old, I was born on Halloween, 1981.

I'm a senior in college, a state school that gets made fun of a lot but is in reality a decent school.

I am all too aware that the typical reaction to the above statements is: "18 years old + senior in college = does not compute, does not compute"

I am a reformed loner who somehow inherited a very close group of friends who seem to like me for who I am. This is a very foreign concept which still doesn't seem possible, but has happened nonetheless.

I am a lesbian, my girlfriend's name is Melchelle.

I hate school with a passion, and I hate everything associated with school, including but not limited to: my major (political science), homework, walking half a mile just to get to my car, living in a dorm with idiotic screaming girls who don't shut up until 4am, campus food, and having a room the size of a walk-in closet.

I am still in school despite this primarily because my every attempt to drop out has been foiled and i have been brainwashed into believing a bachelor's degree is important.

I plan on graduating this May, the thought of which makes me endlessly happy.

I haven't got the slightest idea what I want to do with my life, and most days that doesn't bother me.

I have issues, many of them.

I have given up on pseudonyms, my ex-girlfriend's name is emily, we were together for around 3 years, that is the source of many of the aforementioned issues.

I'm not always sane, but at least I'm not always crazy...

the best mechanism for coping with stress: buy yourself toys. Current fave: cabbage patch garden fairies.

I am the only child and my parents are still married. We appear to be the ideal family- I'm here to tell you appearances can be deceiving.

I'm a vegetarian and have for almost 6 years. When I was 12 the thought of eating dead animals suddenly disgusted me, and the fact that it annoyed my mother was just an added bonus.... now I am a vegetarian mostly out of habit.

I think in song lyrics. Mostly ani difranco, but also dar williams, paula cole, sarah mclachlan, tori amos, soraya, and many many others...

I am an expert at being irresponsible and having fun, I am also an expert at feeling unbelievably guilty about it.

I am a bleeding-heart liberal and despite the widely held belief that college students tend to be liberal, whenever I go to class I am extremely outnumbered.

I want to be a writer. There is a book called "Children with Emerald Eyes" by Mira Rothenberg, and there are three pages in that book which are absolutely beautiful. The first time I discovered them I reread them several times and then got out of bed, found my black permanent marker, and wrote as much as I could on my wall. And, as I once told Melchelle, that is the kind of writer I aspire to be- the kind that inspires 13 year old girls to get out of bed and write on their wall.

despite the fact that i want to be a writer, I have very little hope of every being a writer in any context other than this one.

I believe that every moment of my life up til now has shaped me, and to understand who I am now I need to understand what has happened and where I come from. That is the basis behind most of my writing.

I have a tendency to get claustrophobic, and my closet-size single dorm room doesn't help the situation.

my favorite perfumes are jovan white musk and samsara.

I still sleep with the teddy bear i got when I was 5... he's a little worse for the wear, but I still love him.

My favorite colors are blue, green, and yellow, not necessarily in that order.

I am happier when my hair is red, but despite that it continues to grow in brown.

If my house were burning down and I could only grab two things, I'd grab my photo album and my teddy bear.

If I were stranded on a desert island with one book and one cd, I'd choose Margaret Atwood's, "The Handmaid's Tale" and Ani DiFranco's Living in Clip (the first disc, if i can only have one.)

I love bubbles, spirographs, play-doh, colored pens, legos, toy story, star wars, beanie babies, the muppets, lite brite, crayons....

My favorite food is baba, but they don't sell it at wegmans so i eat hummus instead.

I recently purchased a pair of fuzzy yellow boxers from lerner, and they make me endlessly happy.

I have the ability to go on like this all night, but I won't, because I must now go write a two-three page technical analysis of a shot in a hitchcock movie. (any shot, in any of the movies we've watched since midterm)

The previous bio follows this, in case you care to see how far I've come...


written January 12, 1999

Hi. I'm assuming that if you're here, you somehow stumbled onto this web site hoping to learn more about me. Well, you've come to the right place. I think you all would be just fine skipping this page and going right to the journal, though. Because as much as I've tried to boil my whole life down into a story short enough to fit on this page, it doesn't seem to be happening.

But since you're here I guess I might as well give you the quick statistics to help you understand whatever you may come across in that journal.

I'm 17 and I'm a college junior. I never, ever tell anybody that in real life. But it is a big part of how I define myself. I have problems figuring out exactly what it means and how I fit in the scheme of things because of it. In general, I have issues about it and it comes up way too much.

I'm a lesbian. My ex-girlfriend's pseudonym is "J.A." I'm almost over her, really, I am. Once again, this is something I never talk about in real life... but the thoughts have to go somewhere, so here they are.

I'm more than a little bit in love with Ani DiFranco. I look up to her. The one characteristic I wish I had a whole lot more of is bravery- and she has it.

My other characteristics:
I'm a geek. Don't ever try to tell me I'm not- I'll get mad at you.

I'm a political science major and occasionally I even take that seriously.

I'm a liberal feminist almost-pacifist who more or less agrees with Utah Phillips' assessment of political parties: "...Talking to a conservative is like talking to my refrigerator. The light goes on, the light goes off - it's not gonna do anything that ain't programmed into it ... Working for the democratic party - that's kinda like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic..." ...but I'd still tell anyone who asked that I'm a democrat. There were a lot of people who could've kept the Titanic from sinking.

I live off of music and books - I'm convinced I could learn more spending four years in a public library than I ever could spending them in college... but I'm doing it anyway because you have to have a good job to have time to spend in a library and I don't really know any other way to get one. Plus by the time it was legal for me to quit I already had a year and a half done and it seemed silly to just stop with nothing to show for it.

And that's all. It's jumbled and confused but so am I and if you're at all intrigued go read the journal... because things usually come out better over there.


Email: humanchild_2000@yahoo.com