October 28, 1998

I just got finished with a debate in my gender politics class. I think I did pretty good. I was so nervous. I've never gotten that nervous over a school thing before in my whole entire life. I've never gotten nervous over tests, at least not more than just a little bit. Even when I took public speaking I was never that nervous. But this class, the issue was abortion rights and there were five people for, five against, and five on the press, and about 40 other people (this is my biggest class) sat around watching and the debate plus a position paper we had to hand in are one-third of our grade for the course. I spent the past two weeks in mini-panic and all last night and this morning in major panic. It was awful.

But I did talk. It was hardest the first time I said something. After that I just talked like I would have in any of my other classes and really didn't think anything about it. Which was good, because my first comment was really stupid.

I had a full-blown crisis a couple days ago about possibly changing my major. I think I might want to be a doctor. The obvious problem with this is that I haven't taken a science course since ninth grade, and I didn't even finish that one. So I considered switching my major completely or taking next semester to do pre-med stuff on a tiral basis to see if I like it.... but the problem with basically every solution I came up with was that it would put my graduation back at least a year to switch majors now. And I realize that theoretically that isn't a problem, because I would still be three years ahead... but I just wasn't happy with that. I want to graduate in the year 2000 when I'm 18 years old. So I'm gonna stick with political science, and I undeclared my women's studies minor to free up some electives, and I'm going to use my electives for science courses to see how I like them. And this summer I'm going to look into volunteering at the hospital, to see how I like that. And if I like it all, and decide that's what I want to do, then I'll come back and get another four year degree, either from here or from some other school. I looked it up and you can get a second bachelor's degree in a year if you can satisfy all the major requirements in 30 credit hours. If not it might take a little longer... either way, I'm in no hurry. But it sounds so great to say "I'll graduate in the year 2000 when I'm 18" that I just don't think I can give that up. And really it probably won't take much longer because if I switched my major, I would have trouble getting all the upper division courses in in less that three years, because sciences are so sequential.

So next semester I'm taking a lab biology (there's two here, I haven't decided which one yet) and the one poli sci core course I have left, and three upper division courses. I haven't decided exactly what those'll be yet. I've been running around today trying to get some of the classes I took at JCC to transfer here as upper-division courses. Cuz as it is right now, even if I take three upper division courses next semester, all but one of my classes in my senior year would have to be upper division. And that's such a pain cuz all the fun courses are 100 level. (upper division is 300 or 400 and you have to have 48 credits of them to graduate. I had six transfer in and I'm taking six now.) I have three courses I'm almost sure I can get to transfer in, and one that I think I can get to transfer in as an upper division in my major. I have to go to the health sciences office at 3:30 to ask them to transfer my AIDS issues course in as upper division. That shouldn't be a problem since they have an identical class called "HIV and AIDS" that's a 400 level class.

My roommate went home for the weekend already. She left first thing this morning. (it's a wednesday) but I guess her grandfather is really sick. She's lived with him since she was two. I feel really bad for her, but it'll still be nice to have the room to myself for a couple days. I have a lot of work to do... I have a calc test tomorrow that I need to study for, and I have Spanish work that's due by Friday and I have a reading quiz in foreign governments on Friday that I need to study for and I have to interview two people about whether or not they vote by tomorrow. And that's all that needs to be done before Friday. Friday my dad'll be here at 1pm and we're going home by way of this big mall we always pass but never stop at and we're gonna look at halloween costumes and maybe go to a movie and then I'll go home and eat good food and lay around on the couch and Saturday I turn 17 and I get to open presents and eat cake with homemade frosting and I'm gonna call and see if the kids I baby-sit mind if I tag along while they trick-or-treat and then we'll go to the fire hall and eat cider and donuts while all the kids walk around in a circle and win prizes for their costumes. I can't wait. :-)

My RA told me yesterday that somebody for some reason nobody knows about printed out a list of everybody in the building in age order (maybe so they know who can drink.) and I was at the very bottom, which means I'm the youngest person in the building. I guess that's no big surprise. 17 isn't that big of a birthday, though. Everybody around me is turning 18 and they're all going out to clubs and buying cigarettes for friends just to celebrate.... nothing like that really changes when you're 17. I'm still excited, though. :-)

anyway, I'm gonna go study for a while. I mostly started writing this so I'd have an excuse to try out the new mailing list (I moved my notify list to onelist) and then I discovered I actually had things to write about, so it got long.

Email: humanchild_2000@yahoo.com