September 2, 1998

written september 2, 7:30pm

Hey. So my roommate finally came. It strikes me as really weird that she’s just showing up now, three days into classes....

Anyway, I haven’t talked to her much, but she seems really nice. She’s an EOP student, which means she gets special help and stuff and she had to come for major orientation for six weeks during the summer. Basically, I think I ended up with a not-very-serious-student roommate, which is okay, I guess. She did say she doesn’t go out at night, which is good. Since I don’t either.

She brought an air brushed welcome mat that says “jamell & nicole.” Her boyfriend has one in his room too.

Okay, so that sentence there establishes that we have different priorities, or different personalities, or different somethings. Anyway, I have already determined that having a roommate makes writing this difficult, so I’ll work on it later.

continued 8:11pm, computer hall.

I’m back. Anyway I think I am.

I don’t really know what to say. I’m homesick. I didn’t expect to be but I am. Everybody here is so much older than me, and everyone I tell is like “woah! you’re a genius!” and I Hate that. I really do. Maybe I shouldn’t and maybe I am- I haven’t completely ruled that out. But I don’t think I am and I don’t feel like a genius and I hate people thinking I am.

My roommate knows I’m 16, but she doesn’t know I’m a junior. Hopefully, she won’t know, at least for a while... she’s taking a lot of exempt credit courses so maybe she’ll just think the classes I’m taking are freshman classes and not even notice. Maybe.

there’s another non-heterosexual meeting tomorrow, and I’m told that it’s basically the same stuff as the last meeting, they just hold them twice a week, but I think I’m gonna try and go anyway, because they’re going to hang up fliers after the meeting... and I think I need to hang out with people that I don’t have to hide everything from. I feel like such a freak sometimes. And really, I am. I mean, I am a 16 year old college junior, living in a freshman dorm, who is also a lesbian and a feminist, who doesn’t shave her legs, and who has taken anti-depressants for three years. Oh, and I have my own webpage, and I love the school parts of college, and I like economics. I think most people would be intimidated by even just one of a lot of those things, and I’ve got them all put together. I think maybe I need a t-shirt that has that paragraph on it. Maybe then I could screen people. ‘course they’d probably all think it’s a joke. And who knows, maybe it is.
