September 24, 1998

Yeah!! I'm Updating!!! It's been what, three weeks? ...I've been busy. The classes here are all a lot more work than the classes at JCC. I didn't think it would be this big a difference. I've been basically spending all my time either studying or hanging out with people. I'm having fun. :-)

Let's see.... I've been going to those GLBSFA meetings most mondays. It's okay, although I feel somewhat out of place there. I'm not entirely sure but I think it has to do with them all being so much older than me. I mean, I think the second youngest person there is 19, which isn't that big a deal, but there's several other people there who are 20, 25, and I think the president of the club is near 30. I have a hard time looking at people that old in real life as peers. I do it all the time online, I just can't seem to get past it in real life. But that's me.

I have a Spanish test this afternoon... I think I'm ready for it. All my classes are going okay except for Approaches to Political Analysis which is just terrible.

And it just occured to me that I have to hand in an outline for my term paper tomorrow and if I don't start working on it now I could definitely be up half the night doing it. So I finally get around to updating and I write the shortest entry ever. Maybe I'll try again later...
