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10/2/00 - Updated message board list

9/14/99 - FrontSide Film's board added to the skiboarding message board list

9/1/99 - HCTech's board added to the skiboarding message board list

8/30/99 - TSRealms's board added to the skiboarding message board list

- Skiboarders Combined's board added to the skiboarding message board list

- The Skiboard Forum added to the skiboarding message board list

3/24/99 - Micah's Forum added to the skiboarding message board list

2/23/99 - Championship game results added

2/17/99 - Results of Semi Finals added

2/9/99 - Results of game vs Eclipse Shadow added

2/5/99 - Link to Skiboarding Pics Added

1/26/99 - Results of game vs Penny & Edmonds added

The Skiboarding Chat Room added

1/19/99 - Results of game vs Ropers

1/12/99 - Results of game vs Sen-C Media

1/10/99 - February Plan of th

1/8/99 - Funpark Added

1/6/99 - Groove's Web Board added

1/6/99 - Results of game vs Exocets

12/17/98 - Cody's sight added

12/16/98 - Results of game vs Unknowns

12/11/98 - Results of game vs Eclipse Shadow added

11/17/98 - Results of game vs Penny & Edmonds added

11/10/98 - Results of game vs Ropers added

11/03/98 - Results of game vs Sen-C Media added

10/29/98 - Results of game vs Exocets added

10/22/98 - Results of game vs Unknowns added

10/17/98 - Winter league bball schedule added + practice game results

10/13/98 - Todd's Snow Skating Board added

10/13/98 - Hammo's Skiboard Cartoons link added

10/8/98 - The Skiboard was added to message board list

10/8/98 - The Skiboard was added to the personal list

9/18/98 - 16 pictures added from Tom's Birthday Party

9/9/98 - 20 pictures added from Julia's Birthday Party

9/8/98 - Journey Skiboard Link

9/5/98 - The Skiboarding Hut Message Board

9/4/98 - The Bio900 Newsletter and DrumSKA182's sight

9/3/98 - The Skiboard Ring banner

8/11/98 - Results of game eight added

8/10/98 - September Plan of the Month added

8/4/98 - Results of game seven added

7/31/98 - Six new pictures added to the Friend section

7/31/98 - Results of game six added

7/31/98 - Results of game five added

7/21/98 - Results of game four added

7/14/98 - Results of game three added
- be sure to checkout randy's game summaries,
I think ESPN's Sports Center may be calling him soon.

7/12/98 - August Plan of the Month added

7/10/98 - Results of game two added