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   The Amazing Nikola Tesla

The page the government doesn't want you to know about!!

Nikola Tesla was a great man and inventor in the 1800-1900's, he rivaled with Thomas Edison many times. He also has over 700 U.S. Patents credited to him, including the first patent with an oscillator for a radio. He invented the radio, although not given credit. So why aren't we taught about him, and why don't we know about him? The government covered him and his technology up, like so many other things, to study it. Why? Tesla worked on Anti-Gravity, Thought Machines, O-Zone Generators, Free Energy, Wireless Electrical Transmission, Radio controlled Air Ships, Death Rays and more!! And he worked on them 100 years ago!! Imagine if he told us of all his inventions, which he had proved worked, What would our world be like instead? J. Edgar Hoover headed up the cover up process of Nikola Tesla after his death, and he was never heard from again. He hasn't appeared in any text book and is mostly a ghost but to a few people.

Read my Research Paper I did on him, to get a quick glance of this great man, and the Bibliography has some great books listed

Nikola Tesla:  He changed our way of life   

Check out these following sites:

     1. Genius of Nikola Tesla

     2. The Forgotten Father of Technology - Nikola Tesla

     3. Mike's Electric Page

Also, if you find out additional info on Tesla, other government cover ups, or other pages on the lost sciences please e-mail me at . Please check out the web-sites above, you will be amazed, and please also spread the word of Tesla. Because he existed, and his inventions still do.     Thank You for visiting.  Go back to CJ's Webmenu

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