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"I've never looked through a keyhole without finding someone was looking back."

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Fly Me to the Moon Judy : The Box Set
"Look at this beauty, David! Is this going to be our new house?" I cried, for I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw our house in sunny Bel Air, California. I was now a big movie star and chanteuse (as I liked to call myself) in Hollywood and had dreamed of a house like this for many, many years. At last, it had come true! We ran up the driveway, hand in hand, my scarf flapping in the air and my heels clicking against the concrete. "Yes, my dear," he replied, "It's our home." 


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"I was born at the age of twelve on the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lot."


  • My comments on Judy albums have been linked from Jim Johnson's Judy Garland Database. What a thrill! For example, look at the page on "Collectors Gems from M-G-M Films" in his Database and notice my name there!

This page created 22 February, 1999, by a Judy fan.  

On some pages (including this one), I have added chunks of thoughts and conversation, which apparently seem to be Judy's, but are not really that. They are my little thoughts to give you a feel for the period and the subject of the page (movies, songs, awards, etc.) 

Last updated : 9 September, 1999.

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"This has got to be one of the greatest Judy sites ever! I love your layout and it all seems bright, gay and fresh! Your trivia and quizzes are great! You're doing a great job! Keep up the fabulous work!"

"Your Judy page is masterful, quite the tribute to her!"

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