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The following is from an email I was sent by the author.

"My name is Keith W. Nolan, and I'm the author of ten books on the Vietnam War. Each was based on interviews with veterans and document research at the National Archives. My most recent book is titled Ripcord; Screaming Eagles Under Siege, Vietnam 1970 (Presidio Press, 2000).

I'm presently starting research on a new book. The subject is the Battle for Cholon (May 7-14, 1968), which was fought in and around the southern part of Saigon by units operating under the control of the 3d Brigade, 9th Infantry Division. There were major contacts during the battle in the vicinity of the Y Bridge, the villages of Xom Cau Mo and Xom Co Dien, and along the Rach Kim, the Rach Bang Dong, and the Kinh Doi Canal.

Three infantry battalions were involved in the battle (6-31st Inf, 3-39th Inf, 4-39th Inf), plus two mechanized infantry battalions (2-47th Mech and 5-60th Mech), an artillery battalion (2-4th FA), and an air cavalry troop (D/3-5th Cav).

The only way to write the true history of this action is to talk with those men who were there. If you served with one of the units cited above during May 1968, please contact me to arrange an interview. My mailing address is HCR 32, Box 68, Blackwell MO 63626-9606. I can also be contacted at"

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