Are you ready to see how deep this rabbit hole can go?
If you are ready to embrace reality, and see what the matrix really is choose the red pill. If you wish to simply fall asleep and wake up in the same world you have always lived in and forget all of this, take the blue pill.
Last Updated: 3-4-00, 8:37 A.M. MST
Last Non-Update Update: 3-9-03, 10:48 P.M. MST
Well Ladies and Gents, after 3 years of silence, it's alsmost time to put this site to bed.
Several features (Counters, etc.) have quit working in that time, and there's nothing new
happening with Matrix 1, so... This will be my last "update". I'll keep the site UP but
I don't plan to update, anywho Thanks for coming by, and for anyone whos truly interested in
The Matrix, feel free to email me.
aka James