Who's Who in The Hive
In the area known to downhivers as Lost Hope, representatives of all the major gangs participate in a bitter war for supremacy. Territories clash as the leaders of the gangs relentlessly attempt to expand their self-made kingdoms, all the while, the hivers and settlers live in fear that their lives will come to a sudden and violent end, caught in the crossfire.
Gangs and their Leaders
The Cawdor in Lost Hope are a vicious bunch of fanatics that call themselves "The Army of Fear." Led by the maniacal Angelus Gar, these Children of the Redemption rove the wastes leaving behind a trail of fire and blood in an attempt to cleanse the hive of mutants, heretics, and the unclean. The Territories they control come in two varieties: Followers of the Flame, and settlers subjugated by fear. Angelus is known for calling Purges on entire quadrants to eliminate those that he deems either unworthy or troublesome to the cause. When one of these Holy Wars is enacted, even the hardiest hivers run for cover. Tales of the "Army's" terror tactics have spread across the Underhive like the fire unleashed from their flamers.
The "Army of Fear" are:
Angelus - (L) Meltagun, Chainsword, Flamer
Mother - (H) Massive Club, Heavy Stubber, Frags
Rigel - (G) Lasgun
Crozius - (G) Shotgun with Hotshot shells
Mase - (G) Plasma Pistol, Frags
Dead - (G) Stubgun, Autogun
Freek - (J) chain, hand-flamer, laspistol
Funk - (J) Frags, Hand-Flamer, chain, Autopistol
Their Territories are: Drinking Hole, Slag Heap, Settlement, Holestead, and Archeotech Hoard.
A more villainous and diabolical team of spies and assassins has never been assembled than the Delaque gang known as the "Hive Vipers." Living up to their namesake, these scoundrels slither through the darkest corners of Lost Hope, ambushing travelers and demanding taxes from the citizens under their influence. At least the settlers in the Cawdor territories either agree with their overlords or see them coming a mile away. The "Vipers" are known to silently slay entire clans of slime and fungus farmers for crimes ranging from "insubordination" to "treason". Most victims never even know they are "criminals" until after the first shot rings out...
The "Hive Vipers" are:
Asp - (L) Bolt Pistol, Plasma Gun, Chain Sword, Frags (Skill: Escape Artist)
Python - (H) Massive Club, Heavy Bolter, Laspistol (Skill: Ambush)
Diamondback - (G) Lasgun, Stubgun with Dum-Dums (Skill: Ambush)
Bushmaster - (G) Autopistol, Autogun, Sword (Skill: Infiltrate)
Moccassin - (G) Sword, Laspistol, Shotgun with Manstoppers (Skill: Infiltrate)
Copperhead - (G) Sword, Laspistol, Lasgun (Skill: Sneak Up)
Worm - (J) Stubgun with dum-dums (Skill: Ambush)
Leech - (J) Autopistol (Skill: Dive)
Their Territories are: Mineral Outcrop, Spore Cave, Slag Heap, Workshop, and Holestead.
All of the "Hive Vipers" are equipped with Photovisors.
Punchin' Judy's "Bitch Queens" have risen rapidly in the ranks of top contender gangs in the area. Their lack of respect for anything male, and their downright loathing of the brutish Goliath gang in Lost Hope have given them the reputation of one of the most brutal gangs in the hive. This "honor" is actually somewhat misplaced, as the hivers in their control report Judy and her foot-soldiers to be fair, equitable, and on the rare occasion, caring. This soft side has not, however, stopped them from defending their territories when challenged.
The ladies of the "Bitch Queens" are:
Punchin' Judy - (L) Chain, Bolt Pistol, Lasgun, Frags (Skill: Dodge)
Hot Chocolate - (H) Massive Axe, Heavy Stubber, Autopistol, Frags (Skill:Leap)
Bad Anna - (G) Sword, Autogun, Frags (Skill: Jump Back)
Honey Bear - (G) Chain, Lasgun, Laspistol (Skill: Quickdraw)
Whisper - (G) Chain, Plasma Pistol, Shotgun w/ Hotshot and Manstoppers (Skill: Catfall)
Black Rose - (G) Chain, Autogun, Autopistol, Frags (Skill: Jump Back)
Blondie - (J) Club, Stubgun with dum-dums (Skill: Jump Back)
Red - (J) Chain, Autopistol, Frags (Skill: Leap)
Their Territories are: Settlement, Slag Heap, Water Still, Settlement, and Ruins.
Crusher, leader of the "Enforcers" is one mean son of a bitch. Legend has it that, early in his career as a ganger in the hive, he brutally mauled a fellow gang-member, leaving him with permanent brain damage. When confronted by his gang leader, his excuse, "So he would be dumb enough to fight anything," was so violent and sadistic that he was instantly promoted to gang Lieutenant. A vicious raid by a local Escher gang (Queen Lace's "Syren Vypers") left him barely alive and without a gang. He was the only surviving member of the attack. He fled downhive where he recruited a gang of his own, and began to build up a power base that would rival that of the "Vypers" of his past.
The "Enforcers" are comprised of:
Crusher - (L) Massive Sword, Boltgun, Autopistol, Frags
Tank - (H) Massive Club, Autogun, Heavy Stubber
Turtle - (G) Massive Club, Stubgun with Dum-dums, Shotgun
Beast - (G) Massive Club, Bolt Pistol, Autogun
Rock - (G) Massive Axe, Hand Flamer, Shotgun
Smash - (G) Massive Club, Shotgun with Manstoppers
Fatman - (J) Stubgun with dum-dums, Chain, Frags
LittleBoy - (J) Chain, Kraks, Laspistol
Their Territories are: Old Ruins, Holestead, Gambling Den, Vents, Guilder Contact.
Possibly the most "noble" of all the Underhive gangs, "Doc" Cree's "Barons of the Underhive" are a shining example of what a well organized gang can achieve. Using the unending loyalty of the hivers in their territories, coupled with a fierce sense of Underhive "justice", the "Barons" have made a name for themselves as brave warriors protecting the weak and standing up for their own way of life. A little known fact, however, is that their particular "way of life" is one of murder, larceny, assault and, most importantly, drug trafficking. These felonious bastards are led by the notorious "Doc" Cree, a deviously brilliant tactician and criminal. The fact of the matter is, their territories love them. The hivers inside their borders constantly report a decent quality of life, safety, and opportunity, as Doc makes sure everyone under his protection is well fed, cared for, and employed. It is this reverence by their "subjects" that keeps the gang protected - every time the Guilder's Watchmen come asking questions, the settlers make sure there is nothing out of the ordinary to report, and those Watchmen who don't believe the cover stories either walk away rich and quiet or wake up at the bottom of a sump-lake.
The infamous "Barons of the Underhive" are:
Doc - (L) Chainsword, Boltgun, Autopistol, Frags
Hunter - (H) Sword, Autopistol, Flamer, Heavy Stubber
Krusty - (G) Stubgun with dum-dums, Shotgun
Bozo - (G) Chain, Autopistol, Frags
Cold Stone - (G) Laspistol, Lasgun
Beachhead - (G) Stubgun, Autogun, Frags
Runt - (J) Chain, Laspistol, Frags
Sprout - (J) Stubgun, Chain, Frags
Their Territories are: Drinking Hole, Slag Heap, Settlement, Tunnels, Friendly Doc.
All of the "Barons" are equipped with Mesh Armor.
The most technical gang in Lost Hope, the "Spades" are led by Randal Silvermane, top name in the gun trade of Lost Hope. If you buy a bolter, plasma gun, or even a laspistol from you local guild merchant, chances are good that it passed through the hands of one of the "Spades". Randal is a gruff, seemingly humorless man on the outside, but reports say he actually has a wry, dark sense of humor. The territories run by the "Spades" are some of the best kept, wealthiest territories in Lost Hope. The gang constantly pumps credits from their excursions and their gun-trade back into the economy. All in all, the people of the territories seem content with the "Spades", except when other gangs attempt to muscle in on the weapons industry. This is when the plasma really heats up and the missiles start to fly.
The "Spades" are:
Silvermane - (L) Chainsword, Plasma Pistol, Flamer (Skill: Weaponsmith)
Jones - (H) Missile Launcher, Frag Missiles, Autopistol (Skill: Medic)
Fastball - (G) Bolt Pistol, Autogun, Sword (Skill: Fixer)
Ace - (G) Sword, Laspistol, Lasgun (Skill: Medic)
Dynamo - (G) Sword, Shotgun with Manstoppers and Hotshots, Stubgun (Skill: Specialist)
G-Force - (G) Autogun, Stubgun, Sword (Skill: Specialist)
Crash - (J) Autopistol, Stubgun (Skill: Armorer)
Burn - (J) Stubgun, Hand Flamer (Skill: Inventor)
Their Territories are: ChemPit, Holestead, Vents, Tunnels, Guilder Contact
All of the "Spades" are equipped with the equivalent of Carapace Armor, except there is no initiative modifier.
So now you know the gangs that hold Lost Hope in their iron grip. Just so you know, even though it wasn't listed, every gangmember can be assumed to have a knife, and these gangs were created using the house-rules developed by Gerrid Robb as seen on Gary James' Necromunda Page. Those rules are:
House Traits by Gerrid Robb
To further differentiate between the Houses (other then just their appearance) apply the following rules and modifiers.
Members of a Goliath Gang have their beginning Strength raised by 1 and their maximum raised by 2. Their beginning Toughness raised by 1 and maximum Toughness raised by 2. Goliaths' beginning and maximum Movement rating is reduced by 1 and they will never wear armor (it covers up their bulging muscles)
All Orlocks begin play with Mesh Armor. Orlocks can take one re-roll per failed Ammo Roll, grenades included. They may also make one re-roll per failed Leadership Rolls, Bottle Rolls included
All Cawdor are subject to Hatred of all non-Redemptionists. Make a Leadership Test for each Cawdor member at the beginning of their turn. If the test fails, the model experiences Hatred
All Delaque begin play with a randomly determined Stealth Skill, either Photo-Contacts or Photo-Visors. Delaque may shoot while hiding without revealing themselves though they suffer a -1 to their roll. Other figures must pass an Initiative Test -2 to spot a hidden Delaque regardless of their proximity. Should a Delaque Charge from hiding, the victim must pass an Initiative Test -2. If they fail, they cannot defend themselves. Treat this attack the same as a ranged attack except replace BS for WS.
Van Saar
The bio-suits of the Van Saar are the equivalent of Carapace Armor but do not inflict the Initiative reduction. and they all begin play with a randomly determined Techno Skill. All Ammo Roll Target Numbers are reduced by 1 due to the superior quality of Van Saar weapons
Escher's begin play with a randomly determined Agility Skill and their beginning Initiative Rating is increased by 1 while their maximum is increased by 2. Their beginning Movement is increased by 1 and their maximum is increased by 2 as well.
Aside from the major houses, Lost Hope contains gangs of outlaws, mutants, and assassins as well. They are:
Surviving on almost animalistic cunning and skill, the Ratskin Renegades known as "The Stalkers of the Waste" have been seen in the sector. Their chief has whipped them into a bloodthirsty frenzy that has left more than a few settlements decimated.
"The Stalkers" are:
Chief No'Kas - (C) Club, Knife, Autogun, Frags, Blindsnake Pouch
Elder O'Geodee - (S) Club, Knife, Lasgun, Stubgun, Blindsnake Pouch (Lore: Ghost Dance)
Fang, Spider Slayer - (R) Club, Knife, Scattergun, Two Chains, Blindsnake Pouch
Kuz, Thief of Souls - (R) Club, Knife, Shotgun, sword, Blindsnake Pouch
Horta, Ripper of Skulls - (R) Club, Knife, Autopistol, Sword, scattergun, Blindsnake Pouch
Rask, Eater of the Dead - (R) Club, Knife, Massive Axe, Shotgun, Blindsnake Pouch
Naug - (B) Club, Knife, Hand Bow, Chain
Stelig'Mo - (B) Club, Knife, Stubgun, Chain
Ronin, Master of The Prophets - (Beastmaster) d3 Giant Rats, Axe, Laspistol
Their Territory is: Radzone
The "Black Maggots" are, by far, the most disgusting, filthy creatures ever to set foot in Lost Hope. Several years ago, a rad-zone cropped up in the middle of the sector. This seemed to coincide with a nasty case of Zombie Plague. Sure enough, the cause of the plague was these degenerate scum. Filthy Kev, the leader of this scavvy band has publicly made statements that the hive will one day fall and when it does, the Scavvy Nations will unite and claim it as their own. Most regard Kev as both an idiot and a lunatic.
Filthy Kev's "Black Maggots" are:
Filthy Kev - (Boss) Autogun, Autopistol, Sword, Tox Bombs
Nogg - (Scaly) Speargun, Maul, Discus (5+ armor save)
Gruz - (Scaly) Scattergun, Bludgeon, Discus (5+ armor save)
Hardball - (Scavvy) Autogun, Stubgun
Cobra - (Scavvy) Shotgun, Stubgun
Hulk - (Scavvy) Blunderbuss, Autopistol
Biter - (Scavvy) Autogun, Handbow
Pusface - (Scavvy) Autopistol, Stubgun
Taz - (Scavvy) Autopistol, Musket
Walt - (Scavvy) Shotgun, Autopistol
Their Territory is: Rad-zone.
The sinister Redemptionist Crusade has stretched its vile tendrils even to this depth of the Underhive. This phalanx calls themselves "The Disciples", and they have slowly begun to lash out at surrounding communities, citing cases of Heresy, Mutantism, and Witchcraft whenever they come up against opposition. The leader of this fearful mob is an individual who just calls himself Purity. His commandments are obeyed implicitly by his congregation, and when he begins to make decrees against individuals, those people usually turn up dead.
"The Disciples" are:
Purity - (Priest) Boltgun with Exterminator, Chainsword, Stubgun with dum-dums
Prophecy - (Deacon) Flamer, Chainsword, Autopistol
Clemency - (Brother) Shotgun, Autopistol
Correction - (Brother) Autogun, Autopistol
Tribulation - (Brother) Shotgun, Autopistol
Temperance - (Brother) Autogun, Autopistol
Retailiation - (Zealot) Eviscerator with Exterminator, Autopistol
Retribution - (Zealot) Eviscerator with Exterminator, Autopistol
Their Territory is: Workshop
The dreaded Spyrer. No word is more feared in the Underhive. To speak it aloud brings ill fortune, to see one brings death. Currently, there is a persistent rumor of Spyrer activity in Lost Hope. A group calling themselves "Apokalyps-4" has claimed responsibility for several slayings that closely resemble Spyrer assaults. No one knows for sure, however.
"Apokalyps-4" is:
FAMIN - (Yeld) Rapid Fire, Sprint
KONQUEST - (Orrus) Parry, Heavy Ammo (S5), Impetuous
WARR - (Jakara) Infiltrate, Sharp Sword (+1 to hand to hand strength)
DETH - (Malcadon) True Grit, Impetuous, Ambush
Their Territory is: Sludge Sea
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