Dr. Stanley S. Bass
N.D. D.C. Ph.D.,
Natural Hygiene doctor, whose research about the best human nutrition for achieving optimal health and freedom from disease has great interest for anybody concerned about their health and happiness.
Beginning in 1936 by testing a disease/recovery theory on himself, at the age of 19 -- making it today more than 65 years of study and writing .
-- Would it be possible to test what the best nutrition is for superior health and long life? -- What is the key to having lots of energy? Can low energy cause depression? -- How TEST the many nutrition theories in existence? -- Is it possible to put together an all-raw vegan diet that does not cause deficiencies? -- How can you recover from any disease on your own?
Some of his fascinating conclusions you will find on these webpages.
Others in books and booklets written by Dr. Bass.

Dr. Bass in 1956, testing a fasting theory on himself.
"Let's have the
truth though the heavens fall."
Herbert Shelton
Stanley S. Bass began the study of nutrition in 1936 (see "My First Water Fast"). In his late 20's he was introduced to Natural Hygiene by Dr. Christopher Gian-Cursio and worked closely with him for over 40 years.
He graduated from The American School of Naturopathy in 1955, from Columbia Institute of Chiropractic in 1959, and in 1953 he graduated from the N.Y. Institute of Dietetics as Dietician.
Dr. Bass earned a Ph.D. in Public Health & Nutrition from Trinity Hall College & Seminary in Springfield Illinois. Dr. Bass is IAHP-certified as a "specialist in fasting supervision and hygienic care".

Dr. Bass has been a Natural Hygiene doctor since the 1950's in the New York area, supervising thousands of fasts and health recoveries using diet. He also had a hygienic retreat in the Catskill Mountains, the Life Science Health Haven. Due to his healing success and knowledge he is Knight of Malta.
Dr. Bass is currently working on a book on indigenous people, nutrition and health. "What were the changes in health patterns after the introduction of modern staple foods to indigenous people living under primitive conditions?"
Dr. Bass is one of very few Natural Hygiene doctors who is not restricted to vegetarian diets.