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Bartenders Ball
Jay, Me and my boy Chris
{Jay and Chris are my two best guy friends}

The Bartender's Ball is a huge extravaganza where all the local club/bar owners and employees get together for a big celebration. There is lots of food, drink, and it's black tie. It's a really exciting and fun time for all. Basically, since bar/club workers all have to work on New Year's Eve, it is their time to get out and "party like it's 1999!"

Jenn and Jay

Jenn and Jason are two of our best friends. They live 700 miles away now, since we moved here to Rochester, NY!!!! But we still try to stay in touch as much as possible. They are our drinking and partying, and hanging out friends! Two people that you always feel at home with...Hey Jay and Jenn, we miss you!


We hope you've enjoyed our circle of friends