Journal Writing:
1.Is it morally acceptable for a brother to marry his deceased brother's
fiancee? Explain.
2.Is it wise to keep the truth from the mother that her son is
dead and let her continue hoping? How would you handle the situation if
you were a family member ?
Learning Activities:
1. Who is Arthur
2.Examine the title All My Sons, predict what
might the play about? Write your prediction of the play.
3. There has been a theater
production based on this play. Read the review on the play.
As you start reading the play, try to compare your critique on the play
to other critics', and defend your arguments.
4. Study Questions
Part I( pages355-381)
a. Make a list of key words that describe the stage setting, then draw
the setting .On the other side of the drawing, list all the characters'
names and their relationships among one other. Use this as your bookmark
as you continue reading the play.
b. Describe Mr. Keller. Draw a portrait of him using the key
descriptive words as captions of your drawing.
c.What happened to the apple tree in Keller's yard? How does Mr. Keller
associate the apple tree with his son Larry? What happened to Larry?
d. Why did Frank say that Larry might still be alive?
e. What kind of relationship is there between Jim and Sue? Use some
quotes (original dialogue between the two characters)to illustrate your
f. Describe your impression of Chris.
g. What game did Mr. Keller play with the little boy Bert?
h. What seems to be the conflicts between Chris and Mr. Keller?
i. What kind of woman is Kate Keller? What kind of role does she play
in the Kellers family?
l. Who is Ann? What kind of relationship is there between Ann and the
Kellers' family? Why is she here ?
m. What seems to be the conflicts between Chris and his mother Kate?
n. Why does Kate insist that Larry be still alive, and Ann still in
love with him? What does this say about Kate's personality?
5. Describe the initial exposition of the play- the setting,
the main characters, the mood, and the emerging conflicts. 6. Read
about elements
and structure in drama.
Familiarize yourself with the terms about drama.
PART II (pages 382-391)
What do you know about the
Korean War? Read some recollection
poems written by people who were in the war.
1. How does Ann feel toward her father? What's Chris's opinions of
2. What could be the reasons for Mr. and Ms. Keller to defend Ann's
father? How did Mr. Keller defend Ann's father?
3. What is the purpose of Ann's visit?
4. What's the relationship between Ann and Chris?
5. Does Mr. Keller like Ann?
6. Does Kate like Ann? Explain.
7. Could you explain why Chris's attitude toward his father
and the wealth his father has made for him? Could his feelings be justified?
How does this fact reveal the kind of young man he is?
8. What news makes Mr. Keller so nervous? Why?
9. From the stage description on page 390, how would you describe the
relationship between Mr. Keller and Chris?
10. Why is Kate very nervous about George's visit?
Part III
Here is a collection of war poetry
1. Fallen
2. Poetry on American Civil
3. British
War Poets
4. Poetry of the First
World War by Wilfred Owen
IV.Use the Discussion Forum to share your thoughts.
V. Enrichment reading Assignment:
on Arthur Miller's plays.