Journal Writing
If you find out that your parents or guardians commit a crime
because they had to protect you or the family, would you send them to jail
? What would you do especially after you realize that their crime has hurt
innocent people?
Learning Activities:
1. Internet Activity:
Visit the
World War II Archives Page and describe three things that are unforgetable
to you.
2.Read some WWII Letters
written by soldiers "To and From The Home Front".
Study Questions(the ones with * are homework):
1. Why does Mrs.Keller say to Chris "Dad and I are stupid people.
We don't know anything. You have got to protect us? Does it sound like
Kate? Explain.
2. What is troubling Kate? Why does she imply when she says" You don't
realize how people can hate. They can hate so much that they'll tear the
world into pieces..."?
3. What's Sue's attitude towards Ann? What is the conflict between
the two women? Why?
4. Is there any truth in people's accusation against Joe? Why wouldn't
people let it go?
5.(Journal) Comment on Mr. Keller's speech
to Ann:"...You get older, you want to feel that you...accomplished something.
My only accomplishment is my son. I ain't brainy. That's all I accomplished.
Now, a year, eight months, your father'll be a free man.." What does this
speech foreshadow?
6. Why does Mr. Keller offer Ann's father a position after he comes
out of jail?
7. Draw a portrait of Ann's brother ,George based on the stage direction
on page 402.
8. How does George act after he arrives at the Kellers' home? What
kind of man is he base on his interactions with other people?
9. Why wouldn't George allow Ann to mary Chris?
*10. Rewrite the story from George's point of view describing
what happened between Ann's father and Mr. Keller, and why Ann's
father was jailed.
11. Is Geoge's anger justified?
12. How does Kate treat George? Why? Are there any hidden reasons from
Kate's side? What does this tell us more about Kate's personality?
13. How does Mr. Keller persuade George to believe that it was his
father's fault not his? How do Mr. Keller and Mrs. Keller try to appease
14. How does the conflict between Anna & Chris and Kate accelerate
15. Who gave out the secret that Joe was the one who committed the
crime? What does Chris react to this revelation?
*16. Write a news story reporting the dramatic revelation of the real
criminal. The report should include the information about what the verdict
was 25 years ago and the now the true story.
*17. Write a diary entry from Chris point of view describing how he
feels after the he knows his father is the criminal who caused the death
of 21 soldiers.
*18. Why did Joe agree to have those defected engine heads shipped
out ?
* 19.Why does Kate insist on believing that Larry is still alive?