Announcements(E8 &E8TP) 
The following works need to be published in your web site. The list will keep changing as we move along with our lessons.

I. Creative Writing
1. Point of view writing
2. A story about  a person with multiple personalities based on the original Sibyl's 16 characters

II. The Unit of Hamlet
1. Your essay on "Why Shakespeare is still so popular at present time?"base on the article "Close on Will".
2. Your interpretation of Hamlet's "O,that is too, too sullied flesh would melt..."
3.Choose one of the following to publish:
a. Write a soliloquy expressed by Ophelia full of doubt and frustration, torn by love and family duty, after receving advice from Laertes and her father.(Scene 3 of Act I)
b. . Write a dairy entry from Laertes's point of view describing his reaction to his father Polonius advice.
c.  William Shakespeare's character, Polonius, in the play, "Hamlet", gives, what is considered the most famous advice to Laertes, his son. Locate this famous speech. Polonius gave his son 9 pieces of his sage advice. See if you can put his advice into words that your friends would understand, as Shakespeare wrote in a very flowery language of the time. Try to create a few sentences of your own advice in Shakespeare's style

III. Your Logs on Hamlet Reading

IV.Selected Journal Entries (They could be any of your journal entries)
Journal# 1 ...journal #5... Journal #10...

V. Book Project
Book reports
Report 1
Report 2