A Streetcar Named Desire
Lesson 10 Scene 9 
Aim: How does Blanche's speech "I don't want realism, I want magic" explain why she has been lying ?

Do now: Journal Writing
In what circumstances do people lie? If a person lies for a good intention, should his action be justified? Give an example from your life experience where some one had to lie for a good reason.

Read scene 9 and discuss the following questions:
1. How did Blanche receive Mitch's delayed "visit"? Did she blame him or she was so happy to see him?
2. When does the polka tune Varsouviana start playing and then stop in Blanche's head?
3.What other reasons are there to explain the fact that  Blanche only goes out with Mitch at night?
4.Interpret Blanche's speech:" I don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic! I try to give that to people. I misrepresent things to them. I don't tell truth. I tell what ought to be truth. And if that is sinful, then let me be dammed for it!-Don't turn the light on."
5. When Mitch asked Blanched if she had stayed in a hotel called Flamingo, Blanche answered," Flamingo? No! Tarantula was the name of it! I stayed at a hotel called the Tarantula Arms!" Why did she call the hotel "Tarantula"?Where does Tarantula come from and what may it represent?
6. What did Blanche say about her own fallen behavior after Allen's death?
7. Why did Blanche defend herself by saying that she did not lie in her heart?
8.What is symbolism?We have read the part where Blanche is compared to a moth. What does moth symbolize in the western art?Read the link to report  to the class.
9. When one chooses to cross the boundary between visual symbolism (pictures), and textual symbolism, there are a few factors that should be noted. Rewad the reference and explain .
10. How do we read symbolic writing? Are there any image that stands for certain concept? Read the link and give me some example of certain imagery expressing some well-known ideas.
8. What does the blind Mexican woman in a dark shawl symbolize? The gaudy tin flowers?
9. When the Mexican woman said to Blanche "Flores para los muertos", Blanche murmured as if to herself:" Crumble and fade and-regrets-recriminations.... And other things such as bloodstained pillow-slips- Her linen needs changing!" What do you think Blanche saw or was thinking of at this moment?
10. What does Blanche mean when she said:" Death-I used to sit hear and she used to sit over there and death was as close as you are..."?
11. What is your understanding of "The opposite is desire", the line spoken by Blanche?( page 120)?
12. At the end of the scene, Mitch tried to rape Blanche. How does this action from Mitch strike Blanche mentally and emotionally?

Homework Assignment:
From the nine scenes we have read so far, we probably have got a picture what Stanley's world like and what Blanche's world like-the opposite as you would say. Make a collage of Stanley's world by using direct quotes from the play that reflect his world as well as any images that represent it. Make a collage of Blanche's world also using quotes from the play that reflect it and other visual art to present her world.