Do now: Journal Writing
According to Blanche, what is a cultivated woman like? How does
this image of a cultivated woman reflect the kind of role a Blanche wants
to play in a man's life?
Read scene 10 and discuss the following questions:
1. After Mitch left, what has Blanche been doing?
2. Why does Blanche tell Stanley she has to leave because she has received
an invitation from an old admirer of hers?
3. Why does she make up a story about Mitch coming back to her with
a bunch of roses? Why does Stanley know right away it is a lie?
4.How does the story Blanche made up reflect her belief in life as
indicated in her song:"But it wouldn't be make-believe if you believed
in me"?
5. Why is the night described in scene 10 as "filled with inhuman voices
like cries in a jungle"?
6. What does Stanley do to Blanche at the end of scene 10? What consequence
will it lead to? What kind of person once again does this incident prove
him to be? How does his image fit the atmosphere and mood created in this
scene(like a jungle full of inhuman voice)?
Homework Assignment:
How many references as you can find from the scene to illustrate
the theme "the loss of gentility" and "rawnes of the world".
Quotes from Scene 10 | Theme(Loss of Gentility) |