1. What happened to Blanche? Why wouldn't she eat anything?
2. Do you think Stella knew what happened? Who do you think told her
the story? Explain.
3. Why do you think Stella believed Stanley rather that her sister?
3. What's so symbolic about Blanche's taking long bath in this scene?
4. When Blanche comes out the bath, she has a " tragic radiance in
her red satin robe". How does this image strike you? What could this
image symbolize?
5. Why does Blanche say " Those cathedral bells -they' are the only
clean thing in the Quarter"?
6. How does Blanche imagine she would die? What does this tell you
about her idealism?
7. Why does Blanche struggle with the Matron?
8. Why is Blanche willing to be led out of the house by the Doctor?
9. How do you feel about the ending of the play?
10. How does each character react to Blanche's leaving?
11. List 5 things you feel you can relate to in this play. Explain
12. Read some
excerpts of criticism
on this play. List 2 ideas that you agree and 2 ideas you disagree. Explain.
Be prepared to write a critical essay on A Streetcar Named Desire.
Choose one element that interested you in the play for any reason. You
may write about the literary elements in the play, such as symbolism and
irony; or you may write about a character; or a particular theme such as
the loss of gentility, the rawnes of the world. What are some of the dominating
imagery in the play and the sound( i.e. jungle, inhuman voices, tarantula,
polka music etc.).