Lesson 9 ( Scene 8)
Discuss the following questions after reading scene 8
1. What seems to be the reason that Stanley is not amused by
Blanche's story? Why is Blanche the only one laughing?
2. How has Blanche awoken some "old" senses in Stella?
3. What does this speech( page 108-109 "Stella it's got be all right
after she goes... God, honey, it's gonna be sweet when we can make noise
in the night the way that we used to and get the colored lights going with
nobody's sister behind the curtains to hear us!" reveal about Stanley's
4. When Stanley gave Blanche the ticket to
Laurel as her birthday gift, what could be Blanche's
reactions ? If you were Blanche, how would you feel about it? Again, how
does this incidence prove Stanley is more like an animal rather than a
human being? What is lacking in him?
5. What makes a human being a human?
6. Why does Blanche always hear the Varsouviana music? Is the music
physically audible? When does the music appear in Blanche's mind?
7. On page 111, Stella said to Stanley:" You didn't know Blanche as
a girl. Nobody, nobody, was tender and trusting as she was. But people
like you abused her, and forced her to change." What kind of people
does Stanley represent? How true is this statement? Defend your answer.
Homework Assignment:
Find an article or a story that seems to describe the same theme-"rawness
of the world", "loss of gentility", "insensitivity" and "brutality"; Or
make a collage presenting one of the themes.