Critical Lens: "The world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those who feel ."
•Provide a valid interpretation of the critical lens that clearly establishes
the criteria for analysis
•Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the statement as you have
interpreted it
•Choose two works you read that you believe best support your opinion
•Use the criteria suggested by the critical lens to analyze the works
you have chosen
•For each work, do not summarize the plot but use specific references
to appropriate literary elements (for example, theme, characterization,
structure, language, point of view) to develop your analysis
•Organize your ideas in a unified and coherent manner
•Specify the titles and authors of the literature you choose
•Follow the conventions of standard written English
* Read the rubrics
for Task IV on which your essay's grade is based .
II. Body
1. ___ The discussion of the 1st work of literature
a. Begin the paragraph with a topic sentence.
b. Use one sentence to summarize the work (your wording should be supportive
to the position you have chosen).
c. How does the 1st example of the literary element(i.e. symbolism)
in the 1st work support your position?
d. How does the 2nd example of the literary element (i.e. irony)in
the 1st work support your position?
2. ___ The discussion of the 2nd work of literature
a. Begin the paragraph with a topic sentence.
b. Use one sentence to summarize the book (your wording should be supportive
to the position you have chosen).
c. How does the 1st example of the literary element(i.e. characterization)
in the 2nd work support your position?
d. How does the 2nd example of the literary element (i.e. central conflict
)in the 2nd work support your position?
III. Conclusion-restate your position in different words.
IV. Meaning
__ Did you interpret the statement?
__ Did you take a position?
__ One sentence summary only for each work?
__ Use two literary elements as examples from each work to support
your position?
V. Development
__ 4-paragraph essay?
__ The essay has a clear introduction, body and conclusion?
__ Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence.
__ Use two examples of the literary elements or techniques from each
work in each body paragraph.
___ Is your discussion is always on the topic (your position)?
VI. Organization
__ topic sentence for each body paragraph
__ maintain a focus all the time
__ use of transitional words or phrases such as firstly, secondly,
or thirdly, etc.
VII. Mechanics
__ Capitalization
__ Spelling
__ Punctuation
__ Indentation.