
Saudi Gold

This a typical Saudi Gold store. They sell gold jewelery. If you want silver you see the Silver merchant. The Same applies to precious stones. It is not uncommon to see a dealer of Precious stones seated on the sidewalk, on a blanket, with dished of Diamonds, Rubies, and Emeralds. Note the Saudi woman pictured here in the Traditional Abaya. Black from Head to Toe

My Hooch

This is an inside photograph of my Hooch. Yes, it is a waterbed. One of the few. It had 4 owners before me. The frame was made of wood from an aircraft engine shipping crate.

A street in the old town of Jeddah

I lived on the outskirts of Jeddah, or Jiddah, as it is known. It is said that Eve, of Adam and Eve, is buried there. This scene is in the old market place. It is called a "SOUK". I shopped in this area 3 to 4 times a week. I lived in a beach community located right on the Red Sea. The name Red Sea comes from its appearance at sundown.