Greetings to all the old radio enthusiasts from the Vintage Sideband Net.
We meet every Sunday afternoon at 1500 Eastern time the year around at 14293 Mhz to get together and play our old radios, scrounge parts and manuals, chew the fat and most anything else that comes to mind.
I am Andy, WB0SNF in Clarks, Nebraska, and along with Lynn, K5LYN, we keep the ball rolling for about an hour and a half. We have been around for about eight years, none of us knows for sure, and we have had about every brand and make of vintage sideband gear ever produced.
Among the radios that haven't checked in yet are the Lakeshore Phasemaster, Alda and Robyn products. We are still waiting for someome to resurrect an example of those products and get them on the air.
This is a first time event so we are learning what to do exactly with this web site so any input is appreciated. Also we will try to keep a more precise log of who checked in, what they used and any other notes of interest.
Selected activity reports are dated and linked below - more recent reports can be obtained by sending a request to Andy/WB0SNF:
July 2000
June 2000
May 2000
April 2000
March 2000
February 2000
This is the station of 38 year old Frank Scutch, W4FMS of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He is a patent attorney for Motorola radio products group in South Florida.
Frank can be seen here surrounded by his treasures which include a Collins KWM-380 driving a Drake L4-B amp; Drake C-line; Central Electronics 20A driving a Central Electronics 600L with Collins 75A-4 receiver; Hallicrafters SX-115 coupled with an HT32B driving a Collins 30L1 and his first rig, a Drake TR-4, that he's owned since 1974.
Mack Wilson, NK5T, can be seen here enjoying his favorite hobby. His display of equipment includes the Hallicrafters SX-101-A receiver and HT-32 transmitter, Heath SB-301/SB-401 receiver/transmitter twins, Kenwood TS-850SAT and Drake L4B linear amplifier.
High above his shack is a Hy-Gain TH7DX triband Yagi and dipoles for 40/75 meters.
Mack is a great fan of AM. For this, he employs a Johnson Viking II transmitter and National NC-300 which is pictured below along with a closeup view of his L4B and Hallicrafters station.
Here we see Lynn Fisk, K5LYN, relaxing following a Sunday afternoon session of the Vintage Sideband Net. Lynn shares Net Control duties from his radio shack in Smithville, Texas.